Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 497: Who Else Is Not Convinced?

Chapter 497: Who Else Is Not Convinced?

I didnt expect Uchiha Itachi to be a candidate for this Chunin Exams!

Kanp was amazed, and secretly thought, If I cheated in the second stage and prevented Itachi from passing the Chunin Exams, then he would not be able to enter Anbu, and he would not be a double agent


Now that the plot has changed, Minato is still sitting on Hokages Position. Under his administration, the tension between the village and the Uchiha Clan has long since eased, so even if Itachi joins Anbu, it is impossible for him to become a double agent.

Although the two advisors, Koharu and Homura have been making suggestions for the village, Minato did not adopt their suggestions regarding the Uchiha Clan.

As for Danzo, his Root suffered one after another, his funds were slashed in half, his Sharingan was seized, Wood Release Shinobi, Kinoe, was robbed, and his influence was greatly suppressed by Minato. At this time, he was worse than Kanp. Unless Gozu Tenno succeeds, he wont jump out again.

So judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the Uchiha Clans coup-detat to happen!

Kanp shook his head to shake off the messy thoughts, finalized some details with Genma and Ibiki, and then dispersed.

Kanp went to the Uchiha Clans settlement as usual. During the period, he encountered three Uchiha Clans kids. After throwing Collection Techniques, it failed twice, and finally, he collected a pale red light dot at the third time.

Sharingan 1/6 (Kekkei Genkai, incomplete)

With this, Kanp now has four incomplete Sharingan dots, and he only needs two more!

Time passed, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Konohas Year 53s Chunin Exams officially began.

There are nearly a hundred people who signed up for Chunin Exams this year. Among them, the overwhelming majority are repeat candidates who failed in the past few years. Many of them are in their early twenties, and only a small part of them are participating for the first time like Itachi.

As for those who took the exam alone like Itachi, there is only him alone.

In the huge exam venue, many candidates stared at Itachi strangely, and some of them with malicious intents.

The second stage is conducted in the Forest of Death. It is said that there will be death every year, hehehe, Uchiha Clans genius, humph!

It is said that this guys talent is comparable with that Shisui of the Body Flicker, I wonder whether its true or false.

Many three-person group candidates are pointing their fingers at Itachi, which is full of threats and intimidation.

But Itachi ignored all these gossipers and stood there calmly.

It seems that everyone is here.

About half an hour later, as the Chunin examiners entered the venue, Ibiki also walked in with a cold face.

Big brother. When Idate saw the person coming, his eyes flashed with joy, thinking to himself that he has passed this first stage!

Even his two companions are very excited, after all, it is better to have connection with the above!

Ibiki did not respond to Idates call. He had a business-like blunt expression on his face, and without talking nonsense, he directly ordered everyone to sit down, distributed the test papers and started the first stage.

Most of the candidates here are not taking part for the first time, and they are already familiar with the rules of this stage. So not long after, many candidates who couldnt answer the questions began to cheat.

The surrounding examiners silently looked, allowing the candidates to cheat in order to test their ability to obtain information, but if their cheating level is too low, then sorry, they are not eligible to be a Chunin!

Therefore, after a while, some candidates are caught and thrown out, and at the same time, the people in the same team as them are also eliminated.

Itachi completed the test alone, and from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the candidate that was implicated and eliminated, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This is the reason why he participated in the Chunin selection alone: to avoid being implicated by his teammates!

About an hour later, only a little more than 70 people are left in the venue. At the same time, Ibiki also came up with the final question.

The last psychological test question was specially created by Ibiki. The purpose is to let the candidates understand the importance of companions, but there are too few candidates who can understand the true meaning of this question, and even his younger brother, Idate couldnt understand either. But Itachi, who was alone, was seriously entangled by his younger brother, Sasuke, and quickly understood the meaning of the topic.

Five minutes later, Ibiki announced the official end of the exam, and kicked out more than 40 candidates who failed the pass. These over 40 candidates complained, and some of the older ones even wanted to attack him, but unfortunately, they were brutally suppressed by Ibiki.

Idate stood among the failed candidates with an ugly expression, staring at his big brother in disbelief.

I was eliminated?!

Ibiki glanced at him, and regret flashed in his eyes, but he didnt say anything, Since he didnt pass the test this time, he can just take the exam next time, after all, there is nothing that goes smoothly in life!

Ten minutes later, there are only 28 candidates left in the venue.

At this time, Kanp, who was standing outside the teaching building for a long time, knew that it was time to make his debut. His figure flickered, then Kanp appeared on the classroom podium in an instant, and said with a blank expression: Congratulations on passing the first stage! Let me introduce myself. My name is Gekko Kanp, and I am the head examiner of the second stage.

Among the twenty-eight candidates present, the youngest is Itachi, who is just ten years old, and the oldest one is already 24 years old, six years older than Kanp, so seeing Kanp, some of the older ones immediately became unhappy.

Hey, are you really the head examiner of the second stage?

Do you look down on us too much?

You are just a little brat?!

Seven or eight candidates yelled at Kanp, as all the psychological stress they encountered in the first stage exam was vented through Kanp.

Kanp glanced at Ibiki, who is standing next to him, This guy is just three years older than me, but he already looks in his thirty. No wonder these candidates didnt rebel against him, and instead rebel against me!

Kanp doesn't allow these people to look down at him, so he immediately pointed at those protesting candidates and said: You guys, you shouldnt disrespect your higher-up, all of you will be eliminated!


What you talking about you bastard!!!

Dont think that you can do whatever you want just because you are the head examiner, you are too young, you brat!

When did Chunin Exams become such a joke? If you say we are eliminated, we will be eliminated? Do you think you are Hokage-sama?

Kanp is too lazy to listen to these peoples nonsense, so with a wave of his hand, the examiners standing on both sides of the classroom suddenly pounced on them, subdued these guys in twos or three strikes, and then threw them out of the classroom.

Who else is not convinced? Kanp sat at the podium table, looking at the shivering candidates below with a smile.

It feels very good to show off.

The smile on Kanps face became even wider: Then follow me.

As Kanp jumped out of the classrooms window, it was Itachi who followed closely from behind.

He followed behind without saying a word, as if he didnt know Kanp, but deep in his eyes, there was a few inexplicable lights of meeting acquaintances.

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