Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 495: Training Reflexes

Chapter 495: Training Reflexes

After the matter of Clan Head came to the end, Kanps life calmed down.

I can grow in low profile manner again.

Kanp took out the small notebook and looked at the English letters on it. Crossed out the letters representing Multi Shadow Clone Technique and Senjutsu. Among the remaining letters, Kanp can collect them nearby. Minatos neural reflex, Clans Sharingan, and Tenzos Wood Release.

I will really be a tiger pretending to be pig!

Kanp pondered for a while, and decided to start with the close ones first!

Putting away the small book, Kanp left the mansion and wandered all the way to Genmas home.

Kanp didnt knock on the door, so as not to be charged with the door.

Brother Genma, Brother Genma!!

Kanp yelled twice, and Genma responded with a little cough from the inside, Huh, it must be Kanp.

After opening the door, Genma enthusiastically welcomed Kanp in.

Why did you come to me?

Genma has cold and coughing in the past two days, so he rests at home.

Kanp was not polite, and asked directly: Brother Genma, how is your Flying Thunder God Techniques training?

Genma shrugged, and said regretfully: The progress is very slow. Hokage-sama has obviously divided the Flying Thunder God Technique into three By the way, why did you suddenly ask about this?

Kanp smiled shyly, and asked: Then, are you still training it?

Genma nodded: Once every three days, Kanp, are you thinking to

Kanp nodded hastily: In fact, I have encountered a bottleneck in my recent training and urgently needs Hokage-samas guidance.

Well, Hokage-sama will not refuse anyway.

Genma said with a smile, The next training session for the Hokage Guards Platoon will be at three o'clock this afternoon, at the seventh training ground.

I understand.

Kanp was overjoyed, and after chatting a few more words, he left.

After that, Kanp wandered all the way on the street. During the time, he encountered the Uchiha Clans Military Police Force patrolling. Kanp wanted to collect one or two times, but he wanted to collect Minato in the afternoon, so he could only give up.

Kanp went to Ichiraku Ramen at noon. The business was still booming. It took Kanp ten minutes to queue up for a bowl. After wolfing down his food, Kanp paid and left to continue wandering around.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Kanp went to the seventh training stadium and turned around. In the forest, he found four Hokage Guards Platoon were undergoing special training in the forest, namely Genma Shiranui, Iwashi, and the Wood Release Shinobi, Tenzo!

And Minato was standing on the branch of a big tree, with his hands crossed over his chest. Seeing Kanp suddenly appeared with cyan pupils, he looked at him with a slight smile. Brother Gekko! Tenzo greeted Kanp with a smile and waved his hands.

Kanp smiled and waved to the four people, then looked up towards Minato standing on the branch, and bowed slightly: Hokage-sama.

Minato chuckled and said: I heard from Genma that your training encountered a bottleneck?

Kanp nodded: Yes Hokage-sama, I found my reaction speed is too slow, so I want to ask Hokage-sama for some advice.

Minato realized that that the situation Kanp said was caused by his own nerve reflexes not being able to match the Flying Thunder God Technique. It was somewhat similar to Kakashi using Chidori when he didn't have the Sharingan.

But as for how to improve reaction speed, he himself is not quite clear. After all, his reflex nerves are innate, and the acquired exercise is only to consolidate and become more proficient.

Minato pondered for a while, then create a shadow clone, and said: Genma, you guys should train with my shadow clone first. Kanp, come with me.

After saying that, Minato turned around and went to the depths of the forest.

Kanp nodded at the four people, and then quickly followed after Minato.

A few minutes later, the two of them had gone deep into the forest, and then Minato suddenly turned around abruptly and threw some kunai into the air.

These kunai have weird shapes, and all of them are engraved with Minato's unique Flying Thunder God Techniques imprint. When Kanp saw this, he hurriedly formed hand seals.

Fton: Toppa! (Wind Release: Breakthrough)

But just as the Wind Attribute Chakra just gathered in his throat, a kunai has already flown to three meters in front of him. Minato had already teleported to this kunai, and then rushed forward, and slapped the Chakra in Kanps throat with a palm.

Kanp coughed again and again, feeling very uncomfortable.

At the same time, he was shocked by Minatos speed and reaction.

Just now, if Minato was holding a Rasengan in his hand, it is estimated that Kanp would have already died.

How do you feel? Minato asked.

Kanp rubbed his throat, as if he had realized something, but felt that he didn't understand anything, so he shook his head and looked innocently at Minato.

It was also the first time for Minato to teach others the ability to react, so he said thoughtfully: When the kunai attacked you, you have already made the right response and used Wind Release in an attempt to blow the kunai away, but when I teleported over, you didnt do anything.

Kanp nodded repeatedly, and said: I saw you, but my body is still in the middle of performing Wind Release Ninjutsu. There is a kind, there is a kind of In short, I just cant keep up.

In this life, Kanp has only studied for two years, and he didn't even finish all the Academys knowledge, so he really couldn't find an adjective to explain it.

Minato nodded and said: Yes, your eyes saw it, but your reflexes were a beat slower, so you cant react to my second attack, but regarding this, I can only give you a targeted special training. As for whether you can improve your reaction ability, it depends on yourself.

Kanp thanked earnestly: Thank you, Hokage-sama!

Minato smiled and said: Lets start then!

After saying that, Minato launched an attack again, relying on his super-fast speed to force Kanp to react faster. After throwing some kunai, he would teleport directly to the kunai and launch a second attack.

Kanp was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. In fact, he could also use Flying Thunder God Technique to escape, or use Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, or Extraordinary Strength, but his purpose is not to defeat Minato, but to collect his nerve reflexes, so he had to accept Minatos special training obediently and honestly!

The two attacked and defended, and half an hour passed quickly, and Kanp felt a little overwhelmed.

Not physically, but physically, it hurts so much!

Lets take a break. Minato said with a smile.

Kanp nodded, and then suggested: Hokage-sama, can you hit a little lighter.

Minato pondered for a moment, then shook his head: The hard hit will make more impression, and the body will automatically respond the next time it encounters a similar attack.

Kanps face darkened, Isnt that a conditioned reflex?

Just like those dog training in his previous life. When they pick up the frisbee, you will give them meat. Over time, as long as the dog see the frisbee, they will jump at it.

Kanp wants to cry but has no tears, But all this is foreshadowing for collecting. As long as it succeeds, no matter how dark the foreshadowing is, I can accept it!

The targeted special training lasted until five o'clock. When Minato announced the end, Kanp quietly threw out the Collection Technique at him.

The green light cluster in his mind surged and rolled quickly, and a light blue dot was ejected in a blink of an eye!

Kanps heart sank when he saw this.

Blue light dot?

Not a talent, but Ninjutsu?

Kanp was full of disappointment, so he didnt dare to throw the Collection Technique again, so as not to collect any more Ninjutsu.

At the same time, he wrapped this light blue dot with his consciousness.

At the next instant, Kanp was shocked: Rasengan?!

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