Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 486: The Land of Grass Is Destroyed

Chapter 486: The Land of Grass Is Destroyed

After giving a red envelope to send Wild Cat away, Kanp drank a bowl of porridge made by Keiko to warm his stomach before setting off to Hokage Tower.

On the way, Kanp is also sorting out the memory from the shadow clone in his mind.

In the year that Kanp and Shisui set off to Ryuchi Cave, Hayate graduated from the Academy, and Shisuis little brother, Itachi enrolled in the Academy in the same year.

The following year, Hayate participated in Chunin Exams and became Chunin smoothly. Itachi also graduated early with excellent results.

In addition to these two brothers, Kakashi squeezed out the shameless Jizo, succeeded in taking the Captain of Anbus sixth teams position, and also got the title of Copy Ninja.

During the period, Kakashi also successfully upgraded Chidori, and named it Raikiri after the upgraded Chidori managed to cut off lightning.

In order to catch up with Kakashis footsteps, Guy also worked hard and successfully promoted to Jonin. He chased Kakashi to duel all day long, and his Youth was still the same.

Apart from these, the rest of shadow clones memories are about signing in Anbu and living the life of salty fish, theres nothing to be said.

Its just that in the past year, the borders of Land of Fire, Land of Earth, Land of Wind and Land of Lightning, are not very calm. Small border villages have been wiped out every now and then, and the spearheads are directed at the neighboring small countries.

According to the shadow clones speculation, all of this may have been done by Akatsuki in order to monopolize the small countrys war commission.

The shadow clone vaguely told Minato that there is a secret mastermind to instigate the relationship between great countries and the small countries, but he has no real evidence, nor can he tell about Akatsukis secrets, so Minato just doubts it.

And just a few days ago, a great event happened in the Shinobi World: Land of Grass was destroyed!

When the news reached Konoha, Minato immediately dispatched Kakashis sixth team to reinforce Kusagakure.

However, not long after the team set off, Kanp returned and disbanded the shadow clone.

After finished sorting out the memory, Hokage Tower appeared in Kanps sight.

The ones guarding outside Hokages Office was Genma. He smiled and waved when his hand when he saw Kanp.

After entering the office, Kanp saw Minato was not dealing with documents, but is standing by the window, basking in the early summer sun.

Hokage-sama, I am back. Kanp said with a smile.

Minato turned his head, theres a faint trace of curiosity in his blue pupils, and he asked: Kanp, have you successfully trained the Ryuchi Caves Sage Mode?

Kanp nodded then shook his head, and said with a smile: I did master Sage Mode, but White Snake Sage did not teach me the unique Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave.

Even so

Minatos eyes lit up instantly, We now have three Sages in our village!

Three Sages?

Kanp pretended to be surprised, The other two Sages Is it Jiraiya-sama and Hokage-sama?

Minato nodded with a smile: Are you surprised?

Kanp smiled shyly and changed the subject: Hokage-sama, how is Shisui?

According to the shadow clones memory, Minato has agreed to give Shisui the recommendation quota, but Jiraiya has never returned to the village.

However, there was a rumor recently that in the bathhouse, a white hair pervert was seen. And after excluding Kakashi, theres only Jiraiya who has white hair.

Minato shook his head slightly, and said with regret on his face: Jiraiya-sama does not agree for Shisui to sign the contract with Mount Myoboku.

Kanp was stunned when he heard this, That pervert Jiraiya, who seemed quite easy to talk to, unexpectedly

Is it because Shisui was born in the Uchiha Clan?

Kanp, lets put this matter aside for now. You should set off to the Land of Grass as soon as possible to assist Kakashi in investigating the destruction of the Land of Grass.

I understand.

Kanp nodded.

Although Kanp had been in a coma for two days, Kanp has Garaga now, so he can travel 24 hours a day without interruption. With that, he can easily catch up with Kakashi and the others even after being left for two days.

Leaving Hokage Tower, Kanp went to the Anbus Headquarters first, and then set off after receiving the new Anbus attire and wolf mask.

Walking out of the village, Kanp rushed all the way, when the moon hang above the sky, he formed hand seals to summon Garaga, and then slept on its head as he continued to move. After daybreak, Kanp woke up, then relieve the summon and continued on the road after taking a food pill to replenish his strength.

The one person and one snake moved day and night, and three days later, Kanp smoothly caught up with the Kakashis group in the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass!

Kakashi and Shisui both know that Kanp who followed them before is just a shadow clone, and now that the shadow clone has disappeared and appeared in such a short period of time, it can only show

Husky, you are back. Kakashi, who was wearing a red fox mask, spoke lazily with a nonchalant attitude.

Kanp shrugged, and said with a smile: Kakashi-senpai, you dont seem to be very happy.

Humph. Kakashi snorted and said, Continue.

After they continued moving, Shisui approached Kanp and asked in a low voice: How is the training?

Kanp nodded: Success. Shisuis eyes lit up immediately: Lets take some time to spar. I want to see how powerful it is


Kanp has no reason to refuse, but thinking about Jiraiya, he showed some hesitation, but he still chose to ask, You know about Jiraiyas return to the village, right?

Shisui nodded slightly: Hokage-sama has already told me, I dont blame Jiraiya-sama.

Its okay, Ill find out the location of Mount Myoboku when I look back. Lets find it together. Kanp comforted.

That's the only way. Shisui sighed.

After entering the Land of Grass, the group was greeted by towering forests, covering the sky and the sun, looking endless, like a sea of forest!

Under Kakashis lead, the group spent two days traveling through the sea of forest and came to the Land of Grasss capital.

Its just that this place is already in ruins, and there are scorched and ruined walls everywhere. The smell of burnt can be smelled from a long distance, it is also mixed with the unpleasant smell of corpses!

Looking carefully, they can see dozens of people coming in and out of the ruins, some carrying corpse and some carrying valuable items, but the efficiency is very slow.

Kanp frowned: Didnt Kusagakure take care of the scene?

Land of Grass is a Shinobi Country. When they were attacked, Kusagakure was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, and now, they're too busy to even take care of themselves. Kakashi starts to talk with no emotion.

The last time they came to the Land of Grass to investigate the village extermination incident, they had trouble with Kusagakures Shinobi, and were even monitored by Kusagakures Shinobi. Although Kakashi didnt say anything, he was very upset in his heart!

If it wasnt for Minatos order, he really didnt want to come to help Kusagakure.

Captain Kakashi, what shall we do next?

Should we help Kusagakure handle the scene?

As an elite Konohas Anbu, Kakashis subordinates are all proudful and arrogant, and with the addition of the last incident, they still have a grudge against Kusagakure.

We are here to investigate the annihilation of the country, not to deal with the aftermath.

Kakashi said coldly, Shisui, bring five people with you into the capital to search for information. Husky, take five people with you to investigate suspicious traces near the capital. As for the rest, follow me to Kusagakure. Disperse!


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