Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 476: The Shadow Clones’ Performance

Chapter 476: The Shadow Clones' Performance

The moment the invisible vortex appeared, Kanps heart skipped a beat.

Uchiha Obito?

Orochimaru actually cooperated with Uchiha Obito?

Kanps face changed slightly, and he jumped back into the lake.

At the same time, as the invisible vortex gradually expanded, two figures suddenly appeared behind Orochimaru, Sasori, who is hiding in Hiruko, and Obito, who is wearing a vortex mask.

In the next instant, a huge red snakes head rushed out of the lake accompanied by a burst of water.

Kanp stood at the top of the head of Garaga, glaring down at Orochimarus group of three righteously, and said coldly: Orochimaru, you actually dare to take outsiders into Ryuchi Cave privately?! You simply dont put the White Snake Sage in your eyes!!

Kanp immediately makes Orochimaru has a huge crime on his head!

Orochimaru knew that the time was urgent, so he didn't talk nonsense with Kanp at all, and immediately used Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!

Dozens of yellow-scaled snakes came rushing forward, baring their teeth fiercely!

Kanp directly roasts all poisonous snakes into coke with a fireball.

Be careful!

Suddenly, Garaga gave a warning and at the same time, quickly moved his figure. In the next instant, countless poisonous needles passed through the fireball like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, shooting at the position Kanp stood before.

Sasori of the Red Sand!

Kanp said with a sneer, This time, I will kill you to avenge Captain Wild Fox!

After saying that, Kanp leaped back, hid behind Garagas head, and then in low profile manner, formed hand seal to endlessly summon shadow clones.


Garaga cooperated tacitly and sprayed a mouthful of venom at Orochimarus group of three to buy time for Kanp.

This is Garagas unique ability, and once someone is contaminated by his venom, they will petrify, which is extremely terrifying!

But Orochimarus group of three is not a turn-based NPC where you attack and they attack and compare who has more blood and more healing potion. Seeing the spray of venom, the three people immediately scattered.

Orochimaru kept flickering to avoid the venom, Sasori retreated and summoned some puppets as meat shield, and Obito directly activated his Mangekyo Sharingans Dojutsu to avoid the venom, and at the same time, he rushed towards Garaga at a rapid speed.

Obito raised his head slightly, and under the vortex mask, the scarlet Mangekyo pupil power was like boiling lava, invading Garagas mind mightily.

In an instant, Garagas vertical pupil instantly turned into a sickle-shaped Mangekyo pattern.


Under the mask, Obitos mouth shows a sneer.

But then, Garaga began to dance wildly, struggling frantically!

In terms of combat power, Garaga naturally cant compare with Kyubi, but the Senjutsu Chakra inside Garagas body is very different from ordinary Chakra in terms of its quality and composition. So he is much more resistant to Genjutsu.

Obito can easily control Kyubi with Mangekyo, but in the face of Garaga, whose strength is not as good as Kyubi, his Mangekyos Genjutsu is somewhat impossible to make ends meet.

But even so, holding Garaga is already more than enough.

Leave this snake to me. Obito said coldly.

Theres no need for too many words on the battlefield, and as soon as Orochimaru and Sasori heard this, they immediately bypassed Garaga, who was writhing and struggling frantically, and rushed towards Kanp, who was hiding behind Garaga.

But in the next instant, the faces of the two of them darkened.

It is unknown when, but Garagas back is already full of Gekko Kanp!

And every Gekko Kanp is covered with a light red Biju cloak, and the three tails with light red bubbles flickering brightly behind them, exuding a tyrannical and terrifying aura.

Shadow clones

Orochimarus pupils shrank, Roughly counting, there are at least thirty shadow clones, which one is the main body?

At the same time.

At the underground bronze temple in the depths of Ryuchi Cave.

The White Snake Sage who turned into an old woman also sensed Obito and Sasoris presences the moment they appeared.

A powerful wave of thoughts instantly covers the entire Ryuchi Cave with her as the center.

In an instant, countless snakes including the three hime flocked to the lair of big snakes madly.

However, as the most violent place in Ryuchi Cave, the lair of big snakes naturally has a powerful aura. When countless weak snakes swim here and smell the aura of the big snakes deep in the lair, they didnt dare to go further.

As for the big snakes in the lair of big snakes, although they received the thought wave of the White Snake Sage, when they realized that the place where the foreign humans were located was actually the lair of the most hated snake, Garaga, all the big snakes immediately began to pretend to hibernate, all of them are nestled in their respective caves, and the big snakes, who were fighting and entangled in the tunnel, also done so, and they hibernate and sleep together.

Only the powerful subordinate three hime of the White Snake Sage are galloping with fast speed in the huge and empty tunnel.

Katon: Gryka no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)

Fton: Daitoppa! (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)

Lightning Release: Heavy Thunderstorm!

Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu! (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)

Doton: Dorys!!! (Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears)

Behind Garaga, Kanps thirty shadow clones began to use Five-Attributes Ninjutsu, which had been strengthened by Kyubis Chakra, and threw them at Orochimaru and Sasori as if they are free of charge. In an instant, flame burst, lightning exploded, the earth spears densely covered the ground, the hurricane roared, and the waters tornado swept across the sky. The violent offensive directly forced the two to retreat again and again!

Kanps real has already used Transparent Release, and silently retreated behind a towering rock in the deepest part of the cave, quietly watching the big show.

The thirty shadow clones kept forming hand, pouring away all the Five-Attributes Ninjutsu collected by Kanp through years of hard work and day and night work, and some of them even smashed them on Garaga without distinction.

Kanp silently covered his face, but thinking that since Garagas character is so good now, he shouldn't be angry with him afterwards, he didnt stop them.


Garaga roared angrily in pain, and crazily exerted even more force. The whole lake was turned upside down by him, and water waves with several meters high crazily spilled out.

At this time, the Kanps 30 shadow clones had already rushed to the shore and continued to attack Orochimaru, Sasori, and Obito with Five-Attributes Ninjutsu.

Obito stood without moving, while using pupil power to control Garaga. After all, hes using dematerialization to deal with the powerful Ninjutsu, so he still had time to see Orochimaru and Sasoris situation calmly.

Since Obito was transplanted with Hashiramas cells, he has an endless supply of Mangekyos pupil power, so he is not afraid of consumption at all.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, is very tough at first. He actually chose to fight with Kanps shadow clones in Ninjutsu, but with he was in one against ten situation, plus the shadow clones Ninjutsu all have Kyubis Chakra and became more powerful because of Collection Techniques, so soon, Orochimaru was suppressed by the shadow clones Ninjutsu, and could only dodge!

As for Sasori, his situation is not much better. This guy is best at Puppet Master Technique, but in the face of more than a dozen shadow clones continuous and powerful Ninjutsu, his Hiruko is bombarded by lightning and fire Ninjutsu, which destroyed the outside and inside. After he escaped from Hiruko, he immediately took out the parents puppet, but it was a pity that his parents puppets were scrapped without persisting for a few seconds. (T/N: If I remember correctly, Sasoris parents should be in Chiyos hands, not Sasori.)

Sasori was furious, and immediately thrown out his strongest Puppet, the Sandaime Kazakage!

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