Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 474: Fugaku’s Support

Chapter 474: Fugaku's Support

Land of Fire.


After Shisui came back, he immediately went to Hokage Tower to find Minato, and told him about the two went to look for Ryuchi Cave.

Minato was speechless for a long time after hearing this.

He had already promised Kanp that he would recommend him to Jiraiya after he comes back, but he didnt expect that Shisui and Kanp would go to Ryuchi Cave for training Senjutsu.

And what he didnt expect even more was that Kanp had successfully mixed into Ryuchi Cave with the help of Kyubis Chakra and Four Symbols Seal, and has signed a summoning contract with Ryuchi Cave.

Minato sighed, Everyone has their own opportunities. Since Kanp has signed a contract with Ryuchi Cave, he has no chance with Mount Myoboku.

Its just

How did you find Ryuchi Cave? Minato asked.

Shisui then said: When we were chasing Orochimaru before, we met his shadow clone, so I used Genjutsu to ask him from his shadow clone.

Minato nodded slightly, and asked: You also know about Senjutsu at that time?

Shisui nodded: Yes.

But not from Orochimarus shadow clone, and from Kanp instead.

Shisui vaguely felt that something was weird, but at this moment he was not in the mood to think about it.

Minato looked at Shisui with a serious expression, and asked: Shisui, why do you want to train Senjutsu?

I Shisui's words seemed to be stuck in his throat.

He has promised Fugaku to protect Mangekyo Sharingans secrets, but if he didnt tell Minato, will he agree to let him go to Mount Myoboku to train Senjutsu?

Should I keep the secret?


If I cannot train Senjutsu, then my Mangekyo Sharingan will definitely become completely blind in the near future. Even if I wanted to conceal it, at that time, Hokage-sama can definitely guess it with his wisdom.


Mangekyo Sharingans pupil power will not recover once it is consumed.

Shisui confessed, When the pupil power is completely exhausted, the Mangekyo will fall into darkness and be completely blind. I think that after learning Senjutsu, I will be able to use Mangekyo Sharingan less.

Minatos expression turned serious when he heard this: Shisui, why didnt you say it before?

Thinking of how many times he asked Shisui to use Mangekyo to control Kyubi, Minato felt a little guilty in his heart!

Sorry. Shisui lowered his head.

Minato sighed again, and said: Since Kanp has signed a contract with Ryuchi Cave, I will leave the recommended quota of Mount Myoboku to you, Shisui.

Hearing this, Shisui was overjoyed and quickly kneels on one-knee: Thank you, Hokage-sama!

Minato chuckled and said: Shisui, it's just a recommendation. I can't guarantee whether Jiraiya-sensei will agree. Moreover, even if you can successfully sign a summoning contract with Mount Myoboku, Senjutsus training is very difficult, so you have to be mentally prepared.

I understand!

Shisui responded happily, then remembered something, and quickly asked, Hokage-sama, I actually already have Summoned Beast, will it affect this matter?

Minato shook his head and said with a smile: No, as long as it is not the other Three Holy Lands, it doesnt matter.

After getting a positive answer, Shisui happily left Hokage Tower, but was blocked by Kakashi as soon as he got down.

Shisui, what did you and Kanp guy doing out of the village? Kakashi looked at Shisui lazily.

Although he has encountered Kanp in the past few days, Kakashi, who already knows Kanps character and behavior pattern, can see through at a glance that this guy is just a shadow clone!

And it just so happened that Shisui was not in the village during this time, so


Shisui greeted with a smile, and said, Me and Kanp went to Ryuchi Cave.

Kakashis pupil shrank upon hearing this: Are you chasing after Orochimaru?

No, we went to Ryuchi Cave to train Senjutsu. Shisui said bluntly.

Kakashi is their partner and Minatos disciple, so Shisui felt that there is no need to hide it.

Senjutsu? Kakashi looked Shisui, and the expression in his right eye gradually became complicated.

Hearing the word Senjutsu, he recalled that it is the high-end ability in the Shinobi World. It is very different from Ninjutsu and Forbidden Technique. It is by no means a simple technique, And Kanp and Shisui secretly went to Ryuchi Cave

They are friends, so it is normal for them to go together.

Kakashi nodded, then turned away emotionally, as he wanted to be alone.

Shisui was a little baffled by this, but soon forgets about it, because he still had one more important thing to do.

Back to the clan.

Shisui came to Fugakus house.

The one who opened the door is Itachi. At this moment, he was sweating profusely, and at a glance, it can be seen that he had just finished practicing.

This guy is going to go to Academy in a few months, so in this period of time, he reluctantly put down Sasuke and has been working hard on training.

Brother Shisui.

Itachi smiled and invited him into the house, and then said, You came right in time. I have a lot of questions about kunai throwing.

Shisui interrupted him with a smile: Itachi, Im sorry to put aside your training, but I have something to look for your father.

Is that so.

Itachi felt a little regretful, and then took Shisui to the study to find Fugaku.

When Itachi left, only Shisui and Fugaku remained in the study.

Shisui, you're back, how's your training during this time? Fugaku asked with a smile.

When Shisui left Konoha, he reported to Fugaku, and the reason he used was to go out to train.

Shisui didn't answer, but knelt down on one knee and said: Clan Head-sama, I told Hokage-sama the secret that Mangekyo Sharingans blindness, Im sorry.

Fugakus smile froze when he heard this: You why do you do that?

Shisui then told him about Senjutsu, then raised his head with a stubborn expression when he finished: Clan Head-sama, I I want to learn Senjutsu!


Fugaku is furious when he heard this. No matter how strong Senjutsu is, how can it be compared with Mangekyos secret. He is about to reprimand Shisui, but he suddenly remembered something, and his expression suddenly changed!

He suddenly flickered to the bookcase next to him and searched for something. After a while, he took out a rather old Shinobi journal.

This journal was left by the clansman who had followed Madara decades ago. It records many deeds of Madara when leading the Uchiha Clan to fight against the Senju Clan before Konoha was founded.

Most of them are the battle scenes between Madara and the God of Shinobi, Senju Hashirama.

And one word is mentioned in it: Senjutsu!

Fugaku flipped through it quickly, and his eyes finally fell on a line of words: If there is no Senjutsu, Senju Hashirama is definitely not the opponent of the Madara-sama!

Fugakus hands trembled slightly. He closed the journal and tried to smooth the folds at the corners of the journal. At the same time, his thoughts were messy.

After the death of Hashirama, Senjutsu disappeared from Konoha. I didnt expect it to reappear today. Does the Hokages line have been teaching Senjutsu?

So cunning!

Clan Head-sama? Shisui called hesitantly.


Fugaku turned around, his expression has returned to calm, and he said, Yondaime has promised to teach you Senjutsu?

Shisui shook his head and said: If I want to train Senjutsu, I must sign a summoning contract with Mount Myoboku, so I have to pass Jiraiya-samas approval before I have the chance to train Senjutsu, and I don't have much confidence in whether I can train it successfully.

Hearing this, Fugaku frowned, Its so troublesome?

But as long as there is a chance, we must never give up!

Shisui, you must master Senjutsu no matter what!

Fugaku said decisively, When encountering difficulties, clan will definitely help you!

Shisui startled: Clan Head-sama, dont you blame me for leaking the secrets of Mangekyo Sharingan?

Fugaku then said: Since you have joined Anbu now, if you lose your eyesight, they will definitely be able to guess it, so it doesn't matter whether you keep it secret or not. The important thing is Senjutsu! Do you understand?

Hearing this, Shisui thought to himself, Kanp did not lie to me. Senjutsu is definitely comparable to Mangekyos powerful combat power, otherwise, Clan Head-sama would not forgive me so easily.

I understand!

Shisui nodded immediately.

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