Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 456: The Choice of The Kumogakure’s Shinobi’s Leader

Chapter 456: The Choice of The Kumogakure's Shinobi's Leader

Land of Lightning.


Located on the top of the peak, in the cloud-shrouded Raikage Building.

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader, who was assassinated halfway and turned back, was angrily confronting the Yondaime Raikage!

At first, when the Kumogakures Shinobis leader left Kumogakure with his subordinates, Yondaime Raikage said that this was Konohas conspiracy in order to lead him out to assassinate him, but the Kumogakures Shinobis leader did not believe in Yondaime Raikages wisdom at all. After a big quarrel, he insisted on leaving, but he was really assassinated halfway!

At the crucial moment, after being rescued by B, the surprised and angry Kumogakures Shinobis leader had to admit that all this was Konohas conspiracy, but immediately he discovered that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

He sent half of his subordinates to the border to cooperate with Bs movement, while he rushed back to Kumogakure in a hurry to find Yondaime Raikage in an attempt to persuade him to use this matter as an excuse to claim compensation from Konoha, and even declare war!

But unfortunately, Yondaime Raikage refused.

Yondaime! Do you know what you are talking about?

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader can no longer restrain his anger, Konohas Shinobi attacked our countrys border, and even wanted to assassinate me, a villages higher-up. They are definitely provoking us! If we dont react, the entire Shinobi World will definitely see us as jokes!

Yondaime Raikage sat behind the large desk, still shook his head.

We have no evidence to prove that the Shinobi who attacked the border and assassinated you came from Konoha.

Yondaime Raikage said coarsely, What if this is Iwagakures sowing dissension plan?


The Kumogakures Shinobis leader was furious: You were the one who said before that this was Konohas conspiracy! Now that something has happened, do you want to turn a blind eye?

Yondaime Raikage suddenly stood up and slapped the desk into two halves, and angrily said: Bastard, didnt you believe me before?

The broken wood flew around and landed on the face of the Kumogakures Shinobis leader. His eyebrows twitched slightly, feeling a little pain in his face, but he still said forcefully: Yondaime, this matter affects the face of our Kumogakure, its not a time to be stubborn! Of course I know this!

Yondaime Raikage crossed his arms, sat back in the office chair, and said, But we have no evidence that this was done by Konoha! Unless you can get them their corpse, or proof that they are Konohas Shinobi.

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader frowned, he doesnt either of these, but

Yellow Flash is among the Shinobi who attacked us! The Kumogakures Shinobis leader said.

Hearing this, Yondaime Raikage snorted disdainfully: Hmph! If it is really Yellow Flash who attacked you, would you still be able to come back alive?

Even if its not him, they must have something to do with the Yellow Flash, because he also used Flying Thunder God Technique! The Kumogakures Shinobis leader argued.

You can conclude that it has something to do with Konoha just based on Flying Thunder God Technique?

Yondaime Raikage continued to shake his head, Dont forget that Konoha had two S-Rank Missing-nin, one of them is Yellow Flashs disciple, Uchiha Obito, and the other is one of the Konohas legendary Sannin, Orochimaru, who is also friend with Yellow Flashs teacher, Jiraiya. It is not surprising if either of them has mastered Flying Thunder God Technique.

You are making unreasonable words!!

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader was so angry that his stomach is hurting. If Flying Thunder God Technique is so easy to master, how could it be

You are the one who is making unreasonable words!

Yondaime Raikage stood up violently, swung the office chair behind him with his backhand and it slammed heavily on the floor, and then he interrupted him brutally. There is no real evidence, just by relying on Flying Thunder God Techniqueno, even Flying Thunder God Jutsu might be made up by you. With just your mouth, you want me to bet on everything in the village and declare war against Konoha? What are you kidding?! When did you become so naive?!

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader was so angry that he couldn't even clenched his teeth. He kept taking deep breaths, his face was getting redder and redder, and he felt that his brain was about to be deprived of oxygen.


Seeing the appearance of the Kumogakures Shinobis leader, Yondaime Raikage starts to say slowly, If you can go to Konoha and find out the group of Shinobi who attacked you, I promise you to file a claim against Konoha! No, you can lodge a claim with Konoha directly on behalf of our Kumogakure, and I will support you later!

The Kumogakures Shinobis leaders eyes narrowed. At this moment, although his hair stands up in anger, his stomach burned in anger, he is unable to restrain his anger, and angry feelings are on his brain, he still felt a trace of evil intent from Yondaime Raikages proposal.

Let me go to Konoha?

What is Yondaime planning to do?

Konoha just assassinated me. If I go to Konoha at this time, I might be assassinated as soon as I entered the Land of Fire!

Thinking of this, Kumogakures Shinobis leaders pupils shrank.

Thats right, Yondaime wants me to die. Once I die, Yondaime would be able to control all the power in Kumogakure. At the same time, if I died in the Land of Fire, Yondaime would have a perfect excuse to declare war on Konoha!

Damned him, he actually treats me like a dead chess piece!!

How about it? Are you going to Konoha? Yondaime Raikage stared at the Kumogakures Shinobis leader with piercing eyes, feeling very happy in his heart!

Since he took the Raikages position, not only did this Kumogakures Shinobis leader fight for power with him, but also the high-level consultants have been arrogant at him. At that time, he was like a puppet shackled by countless ropes, and he was not allowed to be free!

Fortunately, he has a blunt and rude personality. He first suppressed those old consultants with absolute strength, and then squeezed their wisdom to make suggestions for himself. After that, his life suddenly became more enjoyable!

Whether it was seeing through the Konohas conspiracy before, or pushing the sheep into the tiger's mouth now, it is actually the idea of those old consultants who love to play tricks.

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader is not clear about the details. He only feels that this Yondaime Raikage, who is a guy with strong features, has also begun to play crafty plots and machinations, and his mood became very complicated.

After pondering for a while, the Kumogakures Shinobis leader clenched his teeth and responded: Okay, Ill go to Konoha!!!

If my death can bring benefits to Kumogakure, then I will die!

Yondaime Raikage is very pleased when he heard this, and said: Very well, when are you going to leave?

The Kumogakures Shinobis leader squinted his eyes and said: Now!

After saying that, the Kumogakures Shinobis leader turned and left.

At the same time.

The Anbus sixth team has crossed the Land of Hot Waters border and rushed back to the Land of Fire!

Were finally safe.

Jizo breathed a long sigh of relief. This mission has completely awakened him from his dreams. He looked back towards Kanps group of three behind, and his eyes are complicated.

The thoughts of Kanps group of three are also very complicated.

Shisui wanted to take Kanp to Ryuchi Cave to learn Senjutsu.

Kakashi thought about copying Kanps Ninjutsu.

Kanp is thinking about collecting Minatos neural reflexes talent.

The three people walk together, each having their own dreams.

Seven days later, the group returned to Konoha, and Jizo asked the rest to disband, while he took Kanps group of three to report to Minato.

The one guarding outside the office today is Kinoe, no he should be called Tenzo now.

Seeing Kanps group of four coming, Tenzo hurriedly asked Minato for instructions.

Then he opened the door and let the four of them in.

Before entering the room, Kanp stroked his dog's head and said with a smile: Tenzo, long time no see.

You Brother Gekko!

Hearing this familiar voice, Tenzo was startled. Because Kanp was wearing a wolf mask, Tenzo didnt recognize his identity until he spoke.

Because he had to report about his work, Kanp didnt chat with him either. As petting the dog's head was considered as a greeting.

Entering the office, Minato has had already put down his pen, and looked up at them solemnly.

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