Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 260: Go To Kikyō Pass To Say Hello

Chapter 260: Go To Kikyō Pass To Say Hello

During dinner in the evening, Kanp told his parents what happened in Anbu today, without omission and in detail. Of course, this liar solemnly stated that it was an order from above that he was dispatched to the battlefield, and he did not sign up voluntarily.

Anyway, with Anbus information containment, regardless of whether it is big or small, it must be kept secret from the outside world, and Hoshino has nowhere to verify it even if he suspects it.

After Keiko heard this, she was so worried that she couldnt eat anymore!

Kaa-san, dont worry, Im going to battlefield with Orochimaru-sama, one of the Sannin. Ill be fine. Seeing his mothers appearance, Kanp quickly comforted her, but unfortunately it didnt work out well.

Big brother, ganbatte! Hayate shouted excitedly from beside him, Big brother, you will be a hero!

Hoshino then said: The war between the village and Sunagakure has almost reached the end. It is a good thing for Kanp to go to the front line this time, so there is nothing to worry about. However, Kanp, after you go to the frontline, you must obey Orochimaru-samas orders, understand?

Kanp immediately nodded, and said with a solemn expression: I understand!

After the meal, Kanp accompanied Keiko for a walk in the courtyard. After that, he went back to the house and went to sleep, as he need to gather and set off at 5 oclock tomorrow morning. According to Anbus usual working schedule, he is afraid that he wont have much time to rest on this journey, so Kanp has to regenerate his energy by resting early!

After Kanp fell asleep, there was a heavy snow fall outside, and Konoha was immediately covered with a layer of white coating.

At four oclock the next morning, the sky was still gray and snowflakes were scattered. Kanp was awakened by the alarm, then he got up to wash up, and after filling his stomach with a bowl of wide noodles, he put on a thick coat and set off.

Outside the house was covered in white, and the snow has reached knees. Seeing this, Kanp poured Chakra onto the soles of his feet, stepped on the snow and moved quickly. He arrived at the third training ground half an hour later.

At this time, a lot of Shinobi have gathered here, about one hundred and fifty Shinobi, and he is not familiar with their faces, but there is no doubt that these Shinobi are Anbus Shinobi!

What Kanp didnt know was that in addition to Hiruzen sending the Anbu, Danz also sent his Roots Shinobi, so in addition to Anbus Shinobi, there is also Roots Shinobi at the third training ground!

At five oclock, Orochimaru, who is wearing a kimono, suddenly appeared in the third training ground. His elegant black hair fluttered slightly in the cold morning wind, his golden vertical pupils slowly swept through the crowd in the field, powerful aura and the awe-inspiring killing-intent instantly enveloped the audience.


Everyone stood up respectfully when they felt Orochimarus aura.

Orochimaru looked around, and quickly matched the faces of everyone present with the list of personnel given to him by Hiruzen and Danz, and then the corners of his mouth showed a faint smile arc, and he said in a low voice: Lets go.


Everyone responded loudly.

After leaving Konoha, the speed of Orochimaru, who is leading, suddenly accelerated, and in this gray-white world, it was like a Flashs movie, as he disappeared in an instant.

People behind naturally have to speed up and rushed wildly.

After more than half a year of training, Kanps Taijutsu Body Flicker Technique is already very fast, and since he has the Uzumaki Clans physique, he focuses more on physical explosions instead of relying on Chakra, so as not to overwhelm his Spiritual Energy.

All the way to the west, the abnormal Orochimaru only rested once, and three days later, they arrived at the front line!

Kanp originally thought that he would not be able to hold on, but Uzumaki Clans physique was simply a bottomless black hole. Every time he thought his body reached the limit, it was actually not the limit, and after breaking through the limit a few times, Kanp discovered that his physical strength had risen again!

Arriving at the frontlines main camp, Orochimaru selected a few Shinobi from the one hundred and fifty Anbus Shinobi, and then let the rest of them rest for a day.

Kanp and three other Anbus Shinobi were assigned to a tent. The four people went to sleep immediately after entering, and Kanp was no exception. Although breaking through the limit is very cool, as soon as he stopped, the tiredness of the journey suddenly hit him. His eyes sank and he couldnt open them again.

It wasnt until the next morning that Kanp was awakened by the three companions from the same tent.

Last night, they were too tired to introduce each other. So at this time, the four people introduced themselves. Kanp finally knew their names, but after turning around, he forgets.

Leaving the tent, Kanp carefully observes the camp. The camp covers a large area. There are at least a few thousand people coming and going. Apart from Konohas, there are also the army dispatched by the Land of Fires Daimy. These people are all ordinary people, so they cannot participate in the war between the Shinobi, but they can provide logistical services for the Shinobi, such as cooking, boiling water, washing clothes, warming beds, and taking care of the wounded.

In the main camp of Sunagakures Shinobi, which is located on the opposite side of the Kiky Pass, there are also many ordinary people dispatched by the Land of Winds Daimy, and among these ordinary people, one of them is Yakushi Kabuto, an important figure in the future Fourth Shinobi World War. He should be on Kikyo Pass at this moment, waiting for Konoha to accept him.

After watching for a while, his tent companions came to call him for breakfast.

Kanp couldnt remember this persons name for a while, so he had to pretend to be cold and followed him without a word.

At this time, Orochimaru has successfully taken over and took control of the army of Konohas Shinobi. After that, Orochimaru decided to say hello to Sunagakure, and ordered the Anbu and Roots Shinobi to gather, and then set off towards Sunagakures main camp!

Kanp was among the crowd, and it would be a lie to say that he is not nervous. After all, this is not to fight in a group, but going to the enemys main camp to provoke them. In his opinion, it is courting death. If Orochimaru is not standing at the front, Kanp would have left a shadow clone here, and then slipped away.

More than one hundred and fifty Shinobi followed Orochimaru straight to the foot of Kiky Pass without a word. Before they could go up the mountain, they were attacked by the Sunagakures puppet army!

A large group of strange puppets controlled a variety of poisoned weapons and attacked Orochimaru madly.

Senei Jashu! (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)

Orochimarus golden vertical pupils glanced at everything indifferently. Waving his hands, snakes sprang from the sleeves of his clothes in an instant, roaring towards the puppet, and then wrapped the puppets limbs and joints with their tough snake body, hindering their movements.

More than one hundred and fifty Shinobi behind him also brazenly launched various Ninjutsu.

Kanp mixed in the crowd and threw a Wind Release: Breakthrough to the opposite side. The howling gusts were accompanied by more violent hurricanes, huge fireballs, wind blades, earth walls, earth spears, lightning, water columns, etc. from the rest of the Shinobi, shooting towards the puppets.

The first wave of puppets was wiped out in an instant, and then Sunagakures Shinobi began to release poison. The secret poison was released into the wind, and quickly flocked to Konohas side with the help of Wind Release Ninjutsu.

Seeing this, Orochimaru smiled coldly: Wind Release, Fire Release!

When the words fell, the Shinobi behind him immediately casted Wind Release and Fire Release Ninjutsu, blowing away the poison gas in the air and burn it to ashes.

Afterwards, the Sunagakures Puppet Brigade threw the Explosive Tags wildly, and then then a powerful explosion appeared, forcing Orochimaru and his group from getting up.

It turned out to be Orochimaru, one of the Sannin!

At the halfway up of Kiky Pass, Chiyo and Ebiz looked at the battle below with gloomy complexion. Although Konoha is at a disadvantage, they were not happy at all.

Is that brat Tsunade here too? Chiyo felt embarrassed when she remembered the scene where all the poisons she had worked so hard to develop during the Second Shinobi World War were cracked by Tsunade.

This is not good. If all three Sannin is here, we wont be able to hold on for long. Ebiz was deeply worried.

Chiyo groaned: What about Iwagakure? Didnt we already reach an agreement with them to invade the Land of Fire together?

Ebiz shook his head and said: Iwagakure did send a large number of their Shinobi, but this batch of Iwagakures Shinobi have been staying in the Land of Rain, and have not officially invaded the Land of Fire.

Hearing this, Chiyos face sank instantly: noki that old bastard is dumping us again, unforgivable!!!

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