Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 247: Mission Completed

Chapter 247: Mission Completed

Leaving the village, Kanps group of four did not stop, and ran for nearly a hundred miles in one breath!

At this time, the sky gradually brightened, but the dark clouds above their heads became more and more solid. At a certain moment, the pouring heavy rain fell.

The four found arrived at a mountain, and Kanp used Earth Release to create a stone wall on the mountain wall, and then erected two stone walls next to it to completely separate the wind and rain, and created a temporary shelter.

This heavy rain has covered our tracks. I wonder if Captain Wild Fox can find us. Wild Cat leaned back on the mountain wall, and her beautiful hair was full of water droplets.

Compared to this, Im more worried about whether captain can leave alive. Kanps face was grave.

Husky, you seem to know the identity of that puppet master? Wild Dog suddenly said.

Kanp shook his head decisively and said: No, Im just more sensitive to danger. The feeling that the puppet master gave me is very terrifying!

Peppa the Wild Boar asked: What do we do next? Should we wait here for Captain or complete the mission first?

Wild Dog replied without even thinking: Complete the mission first!

Whether Wild Fox can run away or not depends on Wild Fox himself. They cant help him, but they cant just sit still. After all, this mission is also very important.

Kanp suddenly wiped the makeup on his face and asked Wild Cat: Wild Cat, is there any problem with my makeup?

Although they hid from the rain in time, all of them was still exposed to the rain. If their makeup is damaged, it would be difficult to hide their identity.

Wild Cat checked Kanps face, shook his head and said: Theres no problem, dont worry.

Wild Dog and Peppa the Wild Boar also checked the makeup on their faces. Afterwards, they rested under the mountain wall for a long time. During this period, they ate military ration pills to supplement their stamina. When the rain became a little lighter, Kanps group of four set off again and headed towards the borders of Land of Rain and Land of Earth.

After a long time, the group of four ran into a small village again.

The village is not big, but there are a lot of people, and some scattered sounds can be heard from far away.

Husky, well depending on you this time. Wild Dog said.

Kanp nodded solemnly, and then slowly approached the village, after reaching about a kilometer or so, he used Sensor Ninjutsu.

As the sensory tentacles approached, several vague figures appeared in Kanps mind instantly. Comparing them with Wild Cat and Peppa the Wild Boar beside him, he was slightly relieved.

I found the target, there are three, and all of them are Genin!

Kanp thought to himself, Now that the misfortune star Wild Fox is not here, everything is back on track!

The group of four glanced at each other, and immediately set off to run towards the small village.

Husky, you have mastered Earth Release, so the camouflage will be left to you.

Now that the team leader is not here, Wild Dog took the initiative to take over the position of the temporary leader.

After entering the village, Kanp led the wild team to flicker rapidly in the village. During this period, they encountered some Land of Rains civilians, but these ordinary persons could not find Kanps group at all.

Theyre here!

Soon, Kanp arrived at the place where he sensed the Amegakures Shinobi. When he looked ahead, he saw that it was a tavern.


Wild Dog cried out softly. Kanp immediately formed hand seals: Doton: Doryheki! (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)


Kanp slammed his palms onto the ground, and the entrance of the tavern was instantly shattered by a stone wall!

What happened?

That wall is

Who dare to use Ninjutsu in the village?

There were messy shouts from inside the tavern. And after a while, three Shinobi wearing Amegakures forehead protector, and gas masks rushed out from the window of the tavern.

Iwagakures Shinobi?!

Seeing the clothes of Kanp and the others, and looking at the Iwagakures forehead protector on their foreheads, the three Amegakures Shinobi are furious.

Bastards, do you want to start a war?!

War? Didnt you Amegakure who provoked us first?!

Wild Dog took a step forward, staring at the three Amegakures Shinobi with confidence and coldness, and the three Amegakures Shinobi was dumbfounded.

Our Amegakure provoked you?

Why dont we know?

While they are still dumbfounded, Kanp once again used Earth Release: Doton: Dorys!!! (Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears)

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~

Sharp stone spears with the thickness of a thigh suddenly rose from the ground and pierced the three Amegakures Shinobi.

The three Amegakures Shinobi came back to their senses and jumped up to avoid the stone spear.

Bastard, take them down first!

Suiton: Kokuu no Jutsu! (Water Release: Black Rain Technique)

One of the Amegakures Shinobi opened his mouth and spewed black oil all over the sky, it then fell towards Kanp and the others like rain.

The second Amegakures Shinobi is ready to use Fire Release Ninjutsu, but just as the black oil landed on Kanps group

Doton: Doryheki! Kanp didnt give him a chance, and directly slammed his palms onto the ground, and a stone wall suddenly rose from the crotch of this Amegakures Shinobi and crashed into his eggs.



Under the severe pain, the Amegakures Shinobi subconsciously clamped his legs, but the stone wall blocked it, so he couldnt do it.


That Amegakures Shinobi collapsed, as the pain from the broken eggs made him burst into tears, trembling all over, unable to control himself, and finally passed out with his eyes rolled!

Hey, that is too cruel When Peppa the Wild Boar saw this, he calmly put his legs together.

Wild Cat turned her head, but a smile remained at the corner of her eyes.

Wild Dog didnt care about it. With a flicker, he appeared directly next to the Amegakures Shinobi who was spewing black oil all over the sky, and cleanly killed him with a simple neck swipe.

At the same time, Kanp once again used Earth Release: Hardening Technique to harden his right hand like a rock. He rushed to the last Amegakures Shinobi, smashing his Kunai with one punch, and just before his fist was about to fall on the Amegakures Shinobis forehead, Kanp suddenly remembered about his extraordinary strength. When he punched this Amegakures Shinobi, he was afraid that the and red matters would be sprayed out, so Kanp hurriedly retracted up 80% of his strength, and finally only used 20% of his strength to smash the metal forehead protector on that Amegakures Shinobis forehead.


In the dull sound of metal and stone colliding, the Amegakures Shinobi was directly blown away onto the stone wall in front of the tavern by the punch. With the rumbling sound, stone chips flew, and the Amegakures Shinobis body directly smashed the stone wall and entered the tavern. Messy collisions and screams came from the tavern, and then disappeared abruptly in the next instant, as if for fear of angering the Iwagakures Shinobi demon outside.

Lets go!

Wild Dog glanced at it and ordered to retreat with satisfaction.

Among the three Amegakures Shinobi, one died, the other lost his precious belongings, and the last one, even if he survived, it was estimated that he would suffer from hemiplegia and concussion. In conclusion, they all ended up miserably. When they wake up, they will inevitably send the information of the brutal Iwagakures Shinobi attacking them back to Amegakure!

Sure enough, as soon as Kanp and the others left, the news that Iwagakures Shinobi attacked Amegakures Shinobi brutally spread.


Hanz of the Salamander, who is known as the demigod of the Shinobi World, sat in the leaders position, listening to the report of his subordinate with a gloomy expression. The more he listened, the angrier he became. The breath from his mouth turned into purple poison gas. And after passing the gas mask on his face, there was still light purple smoke drifting in the room.

Although the Amegakures Shinobi, who was reporting, also wears a gas mask, he was still shivering when he saw this light purple gas.

Those damned Iwagakures Shinobi! That damned noki!!

Hanz suddenly stood up from his seat, and said angrily, Immediately hunt down these Iwagakures Shinobi. Also, drive out all the Iwagakures Shinobi on the border!!


After that Amegakures Shinobi responded, he hurriedly ran out, for fear of being poisoned to death.

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