Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 244: The Mission of Sowing Dissension

Chapter 244: The Mission of Sowing Dissension

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Hiruzens Office.

Hiruzen and Danz sat face-to-face, arguing about something with red faces, and after a while, Danz left with a triumphant smile.

Then, Kanps team received their latest order: Go to Land of Rain to carry out mission 069.

The day before the departure, the team leader Wild Fox gave everyone a day off, and the next day, they gathered at their base in Hokage Tower.

Kanp didnt go home for half a month, so he kinda missed his little brother. Unfortunately, nowadays, Hayate doesnt do anything outside the house, and only reads books. Kanp feels that he has changed his control over his little brother is getting lower and lower, but there is no other way. After all, the days when he can be at home are too few.

Keiko is still busy. For more than a year, Konoha Hospital has never stopped, and she is busy every day.

As for Hoshino, ever since he heard Kanps words and stopped pushing Hayate, he has really lived a retired life. Every day, he walked around and played chess with Inoue and Matsushita. He lives so wonderfully that he almost forgot about his son who joins the Anbu.

Tou-san, tomorrow, I am going to the Land of Rain to carry out a mission.

After dinner, Kanp said solemnly to Hoshino in the backyard, This mission will be very dangerous, I desperately need strong support!

Hoshino nodded solemnly: Anbus mission has always been dangerous, but no matter what kind of danger you encounter, you must come back alive! This is the promise between us father and son!

The muscles at the corners of Kanps mouth twitched slightly, Who wants to make a promise with you? My focus is obviously not this, okay!

Kanp coughed dryly and said: Tou-san, that wheres your sword?

After Kanp slashed the Kumogakures spy No. 163 to death easily, he couldnt help but fall in love with this feeling. But after that slash, a faint trace crack appeared on the Anbus standard sword, which was caused after he cut through the earth wall. Although he can trade that old sword with a new one, wouldnt he have to change for another again after one slash?

He was reluctant for using his Moonlight Sword, so Kanp put his target on Hoshinos Shsui.

Sword? Hoshino was stunned, and then smiled, Are you talking about Shsui? It has been handed over to Tabako.

Kanps whole face turned ugly upon hearing this: Am I really your son?

Kanp, your Kenjutsu talent is too bad. Even if I give you Shsui, you wont be able to exert its power, so I gave it to Tabako! Hoshino said, Tabako is on the battlefield, so she needs a good sword!

Hoshino felt that his son still had some opinions, so he smiled and said: After your sister Tabako got my sword, she left her own sword. I can get it if you want it.

This forget it.

Kanp was disappointed.

Speaking of which, Tabako-nees sword was made from the blade I brought back from the Craftsman Shinobi Village. Hmph, lets use my own sword.

Early the next morning.

Kanp got up early in the morning and rushed to the corner room on the third floor of Hokage Tower. After changing his equipment, he waited quietly.

After a while, a delicate and pretty woman appeared, shes about twenty years old, and her figure is very flat.

Husky, youre early. This person is Wild Cat, shes good at Genjutsu, and is currently an Elite Chunin.

After a while, Peppa the Wild Boar also came. This person is not good-looking. At first glance, he is like an extra, but he is good at Taijutsu and is also an Elite Chunin.

After that, there is Wild Dog. This man looks weak, but he is actually very strong, is good at Wind Release, and is a Tokubetsu Jnin.

In the end, it is naturally the team leader, Wild Fox. Wild Fox is a middle-aged man with plain appearance and a scruffy beard. If hes outside, hes a street beggar. But Wild Fox is good at Fire Release and Wind Release, and has also dabbled in Sensor Ninjutsu. He is a Jnin.

After changing their respective equipment, Wild Fox announced the content of the mission 069: Go to Land of Rain, then pretend to be Iwagakures Shinobi and attack Amegakures Shinobi!

Captain Wild Fox, why did Hokage-sama issue such an order? Wild Cat asked in doubts.

It is in order to provoke the relationship between Amegakure and Iwagakure. There is information saying that Iwagakures Shinobi is ready to invade our country from the Land of Rain. Wild Fox said solemnly.

If Iwagakure invades, wouldnt it be more convenient to pass through Land of Grass? Kanp couldnt help asking.

When he went to Land of Grass with Team 2, he met Iwagakures Shinobi, who is also Tsuchikages son, Kitsuchi. Together with the Battle of Kannabi Bridge in the future, Kanp believes that Iwagakures Shinobi will definitely invade the Land of Fire through the Land of Grass!

Wild Fox then said: The relationship between Kusagakure and our village is good. If Iwagakures Shinobi passes through the Land of Grass, we will soon receive information and respond in time, but if Iwagakures Shinobi invade through the Land of Rain, we will be very passive!

Kanp suddenly understood, No wonder that in the future, when Iwagakure dispatched thousands of Iwagakures Shinobi to sneak across the Land of Grass, Minato received the mission of Kannabi Bridge. Konoha knew about it because Kusagakure tipped them off about this news.

Wild Fox continued: In the last Shinobi World War, our Konoha, Sunagakure, Iwagakure and Amegakure had a scuffle, and the relationship between the four sides was not friendly, but in order to prevent Iwagakure secretly formed an alliance with Amegakure, Hokage-sama released this mission!

Sowing dissension, so that Iwagakure and Amegakure become enemies, so that even if Iwagakure invaded Land of Fire from the Land of Rain, they will also be disturbed by Amegakure, which is really beneficial to Konoha!

But this method doesnt look like Sandaimes, but more like Danzs

Is it Danzs suggestion?

The mission logs this time will be handed over to Husky. Wild Fox looked towards Kanp.

Kanp gnashed his teeth when he heard this: Youre bullying the newcomer

But he could only nod.

Then, lets go!

After Wild Fox explained the mission, he ordered them to set off.

The group of five disappeared from the locker room in an instant.

Now that Kanp can successfully use Taijutsu Body Flicker Technique, his whole figure flashes like teleporting, which is faster than the previous Body Flicker Technique, but it also consumes more stamina.

After leaving the village, the leading Wild Fox accelerated again, moving as fast as lightning, and his figure that appears after the flicker almost turned into an afterimage.

Wild Dog is second in speed, closely following Wild Fox.

The speed of Peppa the Wild Boar and Wild Cat are about the same, they are more than 30 meters behind Wild Dog. As for Kanp, the distance is gradually extended.

Fifty meters, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, eight hundred meters

Fortunately, Kanp has Sensor Ninjutsu, so hes not afraid of losing his team, but if this goes on, they will soon his sensing range.

Kanp feels that they are targeting him, and there is evidence!

Fortunately, Wild Fox and Wild Dog, who are at the front, gradually slowed down, and then Peppa the Wild Boar and Wild Cat also slowed down slowly. After a while, Kanp caught up with Peppa the Wild Boar and Wild Cat.

Husky, you need more training! Peppa the Wild Boar said.

Wild Cat said: Youre really strict, Peppa the Wild Boar.

I said that Im Wild Boar, I am not Peppa the Wild Boar. Peppa the Wild Boar said with a snort.

Dont pay attention to these details, Peppa the Wild Boar. Kanp teased him while breathing heavily.

But after a while, Wild Fox and Wild Dog at the front accelerated again, and Peppa the Wild Boar and Wild Cat naturally began to speed up too, so Kanp was left behind again.

Kanp originally wanted to take a break for a while, but when he saw the situation, he realized that Wild Fox was training him, so he had no choice but to grit the teeth and insisted.

For the past five days, Kanp and his team bypassed the Warzone of Konoha and Sunagakure, and finally arrived at the border of the Land of Fire and Land of Rain!

The border between the two countries is not on the ground, but in the sky!

Kanp looked up at the sky. The sky belonging to the Land of Fire is blue and clear, while the sky above Land of Rain was covered with clouds. Both belong to the same sky, but they seem to be incompatible like fire and water.

Weve arrived in the Land of Rain!

Wild Fox said softly, Well take a rest for half a day!


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