Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 237: Kanpū’s Poisonous Chicken Soup Story

Chapter 237: Kanpū's Poisonous Chicken Soup Story

Kanps surrender caused a lot of dissatisfaction among a large number of civilian audiences. They felt that Kanps performance just now crushed Shige, and if someone needs to surrender, it should have been Shige.

Those who protested, those who were dissatisfied, those who calling it shady, and those who lost money gambling, the crowd outside the railing are quarrelling among themselves. Occasionally, some sane rational civilians and Shinobi explained loudly that Kanp surrendered was because his Chakra was exhausted, but they didnt listen at all.

Yui looked at the crowd around her in confusion and asked: Uncle, Kanps fighting style is obviously different from before. Did he do it on purpose?

Kanps previous battles were always old and wretched. Either hiding in the dark or letting Shisui go first, but now, he turned into a battle fort and threw ninjutsu frantically, completely fighting like a madman.

Who knows.

Shikuro silently looked at Kanp who walked off the field. He doesnt know when it started, but it seemed that he couldnt see through this former student of his, or maybe, he has never saw through him.

At the same time, Tsunade, who was in the crowd, finally won a bet. She happily exchanged a large sum of money from the Chrysanthemum Gambling Hall and won back all her previous losses!!

With money in hand, the world is mine!

The flag, that Tsunade has just set up before, has been completely forgotten, and she chooses to take advantage of her good luck now, and continued gambling!

Under the main stand.

After Kanp came back, he was surrounded by Reif, Yuki, and Yama.

Kanp, whats wrong with you?

After fighting for so long, there is no fighting rhythm at all!

Is it because youre too nervous?

The three started criticizing and educating him one by one, and they all felt that Kanps battle just now is too rough. If he was replaced with them, they should adopt a sustainable fighting method. Even if its a slow grind, Shige will still be defeated!

Kanp interrupted them with a dry cough and said: The purpose of this match is to select Chunin. It has nothing to do with winning or losing. As long as you perform well, you can pass, so there is no need to fight to the death with the Shinobi from the same village.

When the three heard it, they felt that what Kanp said was very reasonable, and they didnt know what to say for a while.

Then the match continues. More than fifty Genin fights against each other, from the morning to the afternoon before the competition ends!

The continuous battle has already caused the crowd outside the railing to experience aesthetic fatigue. Many people have already left in the middle, including Tsunade.

Tsunade never imagined that she would lose five times in a row as soon as she won once. After going bankrupt on the spot, Tsunade left here dejected.

Walking on the road, a girl with short black hair suddenly stopped her: Tsunade-sama.


Tsunade was startled, thinking that the people in the gambling hall recognized her disguise, and when she looked up, she realized that it was Shizune.


Tsunade hurriedly motioned Shizune to lower her voice. After all, she turned into old woman just to hide from her debts.

Shizune looked helpless: Tsunade-sama, I have advised you not to gamble anymore.

Tell me, what are you looking me for? Tsunade said with a snort. Tsunade-sama, something big happened!!

Shizune took a deep breath and said, The information just came from the Kirigakure Battlefield. Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Hzuki Clan, Kaguya Clan, and the other Kirigakures Shinobi attacked our main camp. The Uchiha and Hyga Clan suffered very badly. It is said that it is said that even Hyga Clans Main House Elder, Hyga Nobuyuki has also died.

How can there be no dead on the battlefield, whats so strange about it?

Tsunade said in a low voice, as if thinking of her younger brother and his boyfriend who also died on battlefield, but soon she smiled. Shizune, do you have money?

Huh? Shizune was startled and nodded subconsciously.

Thats great, hurry up, lend me some money. Im lucky today, so I should be able to win another one. As long as I win this one, I will definitely not gamble anymore today! Tsunades eyes glowed as she looked at Shizune.

Shizunes heart felt very tired. She has a deep understanding of how bad Tsunades luck is. If she lends her money to Tsunade, there will be no return.

But since the words have already been spoken, and theres no way Shizune can reject

Reluctantly, she had no choice but to pull out her purse and said, Tsunade-sama, you cant bet like this, let me help you manage your finance in the future!

No, I refuse!

Tsunade is very smart. She knew that if Shizune manage her money, she will never be able gamble anymore.

When the two stood on the street arguing about the future ownership of the gambling money, the Chunin Exams was all over.

The list of those who are promoted will be released tomorrow, so after the competition, Kanp went back with Reif, Yama, and Yuki.

On the road, Yama has bitter expression. In the match just now, Reif and Yuki narrowly defeated their opponents, so they should be able to promoted, but he was the only one who lost. Although Kanp said before that as long as he exerts his strength, even if he lost, he can still be promoted, Yama still felt anxious.

In fact, it doesnt matter whether he is promoted to Chunin or not. The main reason is that he doesnt want to be surpassed by Kanp.

Yamas head is full of thoughts.

Looking at him, Kanp suddenly felt an itch in his heart. He created a poisonous chicken soup and poured it on him: Gekk Yama! Dont be discouraged! Life has its ups and downs!

Yamas body shook all over, he turned his head and stared at Kanp blankly.

Gekk Yama! Life is more than just the present, but also the future!!

Gekk Yama! Sometimes if you dont work hard, you wont know what despair is!!

Gekk Yama! Sometimes you feel that you are very ordinary, an ordinary person, but dont worry, you can also be special, just be a very ordinary person!!!

Gekk Yama! You

Shut up!

Yama fly into a rage out of humiliation, and rushed towards Kanp angrily, Gekk Kanp! I will fight to the death with you!!

Hokage Tower.

Hiruzens Office.

After Hiruzen came back from the Chunin Exams venue, he stood by the window smoking his pipe, staring at the blue and white sky with blurred eyes.


In front of the desk, a tall figure appeared from who knows when. Hes wearing Anbus attire with an eagle mask on his face, half kneeling on the ground, and his head is slightly lowered.

Eagle, after tomorrows announcement of the list of those who are promoted to Chunin, let Gekk Kanp enter the Anbu. Hiruzen said softly.

Yes! The Anbu, whose code name is Eagle, responded, and then asked, Hokage-sama, after Kanp enters the Anbu, how should his mission be arranged?

Although Anbu is small, it has all the five internal division, such as torture, assassination, information gathering, guards, jailer, everything. If another Shinobi joins Anbu, it is natural to arrange their missions according to their expertise, but Kanp is different.

Hiruzen pondered for a while, and his eyes twinkling: Jailer!

Hiruzen knew that Kanp wants to go to battlefield, so he specially arranges him to be a jailer!

Being a jailer is a very boring and tedious mission. Under the huge gap, if Kanp cant accept it, what will he do?

Although Kanp said he did not join the Abyss, Hiruzen still has to test it just in case.

In case he has joined the Abyss, or knew of other methods to contact the Abyss, he is likely to be exposed when he became a jailer!

Hiruzen has a little expectation in his heart.

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