Chapter 235: Byakugan

The third stage of the exam is very simple. It is a one-on-one fight. The winner will be promoted to Chunin, but the loser doesnt need to worry. As it is now in the war period. Konoha is in urgent need of combat power, so even if they lose, as long as they perform well, they will still be able to be promoted!

Because of this, Kanp has no psychological pressure on the third stage.

The cheers and applause outside the field were endless. After a few match, it was Kanps turn soon.

Next match, Gekk Kanp, Hyga Shige!

Kanp, ganbatte! Reif immediately clenched his fists and encourage him.

Be glad that you didnt match against me. Yama said proudly.

Kanp looked at him seriously and said: I, Gekk Kanp, would like to call you strongest mouth!

Yama frowned, and he feels that Kanp is not complimenting him.

Kanp walked into the field and stood opposite of Hyga Shige.

I have heard of you! Shige wore a loose kimono and looked at Kanp lightly. Your Ninja Tools throwing is very good, but you are definitely not my opponent, just admit defeat.

Why would he say something like that?

Kanp looked at him suspiciously, and then thought of Hyga Shinichi.

When he was at the Academy, in order to exercise his actual combat ability while also collecting Byakugan on the way, Kanp was sparring with Shinichi several times.

This Hyga Shige should have heard of my information from Shinichi.

Kanp smiled: Is it Shinichi-senpai who told you that? He and I are very good friends!

Upon hearing this, Shige nodded and said: Shinichi is my younger brother.

Kanp thought that in the future, he might have to collect Shinichi, and even his entire clan through Shinichi, so his attitude was very correct at this moment: Although I am good at Ninja Tools throwing, I have switched to Ninjutsu after graduation. You should be careful, Senpai!

Shige nodded indifferently.

At the same time.

In the audience seats, Shikuro and Yui are also watching the competition.

Uncle, can Kanp win? Yui asked.

Shikuro frowned slightly: Hyga Clans Shinobi are good at Taijutsu and Kanp is good at Ninjutsu. If he can keep the distance, he should be able to win, but the venues space is limited, and Kanps Transparent Release may be seen through by Byakugan.

That brat will definitely lose!

In the audience seats on the other side, Tsunade, who transformed into an old woman, snorted and sneered, as she bet all her money on Kanp losing.

With a one-for-one probability, Tsunade can win back all the money she had just lost!

Well, if I win this one, Ill stop betting!

Tsunade silently set a flag on herself.

In the field.

The proctor Jnin saw that the two of them finished the provocation, so he lazily announced the start of the match!

At the next moment!

Jkenp: Hakke Ni Sh! (Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Two Palms)

With a heavy footstep, Shige stepped directly into Kanps side, and poured Chakra into his palms.

Kanp knew where his strong points are, so he immediately formed hand seal and used Body Flicker Technique to retreat for ten meters, and then his hands danced.

Doton: Dory (Earth Release: Earth Flow)

Forget it, this Ninjutsu will make it hard to have friends. If I use this, it will be hard to collect Hyga Clans Byakugan in the future.

But at this time, Shige is tip-toeing a bit, and his whole figure rushed towards Kanp like an afterimage.

Seeing his speed, Kanp knew that he couldnt run away even if he used Body Flicker Technique, so he hurriedly used Earth Release: Hardening Technique, and used his strong chest muscles to receive a Gentle Fist attack.


With the dull sound, Kanp was directly blown three meters away, and his feet rubbed against the ground, making two shallow marks.

Shige frowned upon seeing this: Gentle Fist didnt even break his defense?

While hes in a daze, Kanp has already spewed a hot fireball: Katon: Gkaky no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)


The hot flame condensed into a ball, and as Kanp poured his Chakra into it, the fireball gets bigger and bigger, and after the hot high temperature comes into contact with the cold air, it suddenly turned into warm ripples and spread out wave after wave.

Under the main stand, several Uchiha Clans members did not show any expressions of shock or disbelief when they saw it.

During the Warring States Period, whoever learns Fire Release of their clan will be killed, but since the emergence of Shinobi Village, if the people in the same village learn from their Fire Release Ninjutsu, can they kill him? Also, now that few Shinobi from other Great Shinobi Villages have stolen their techniques, can their Uchiha Clan kill them in their village?

Under the cruel reality, they have already accepted the reality that their Fire Release was spread, but fortunately, the power of Fire Release mainly depends on the individuals performance, so even if those people learn it, the Uchiha Clan believed their Fire Release is much stronger than theirs!

Sure enough, Kanps great fireball looked fierce and unusual, but Shige had turned into an afterimage and retreated before the fireball came, so he wasnt hurt at all!

Suiton: Rysuiben! (Water Release: Running Water Whip)

Seeing that the Great Fireball was useless, Kanp immediately changed his strategy. His Chakra turned into a water whip in his hand and he threw it straight towards the running Shige.

Shige repositioned himself in a calm manner. He jumped up and down to avoid the Running Water Whip, and then his palms were like butterflies as he slapped towards Kanp wildly: Jkenp: Hakke Jroku Sh! (Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms)

Kanps expression changed. If he was hit by one palm, the next fifteen palms would definitely be unavoidable. At the critical moment, he could only use shadow clone to come out of this critical situation!

Kanp puts his index fingers together: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Technique)


In the white smoke, Kanp quickly separated from the shadow, and then lit up the Transparent Release!

Now that Kanp has already confessed to Hiruzen about his Kekkei Genkai, there is no need to pretend anymore, I am the billions cough, I am a Kekkei Genkai Shinobi!

After becoming invisible, Kanp immediately retreated a few steps quietly.

At the same time, Shige, who smashed the shadow clone apart, also became solemn.


Did he turned invisible, or got into the ground?

However, in front of these eyes, there is nothing that can hide!


Shige shouted, and a large amount of Chakra poured into his eyes, and the veins near his eyes instantly became visible.

After activating Byakugan, Shige gets a 360-degree view angle, and he can see everything around him even if hes just standing still!

He first checked underground, as Byakugans perspective ability allows Shige to see through the ground, but there is no sign of Kanp!

Then, he focused on the surrounding, and the proctor Jnin not far away entered his line of sight. The other partys body was instantly seen through by the Byakugan, the Chakra Pathway System inside the body and the Chakras flow were completely revealed.

Thousands of spectators outside the railing also entered his line of sight and he could see their Chakra Pathway System, but Why couldnt I see Gekk Kanp?

How could there be a Ninjutsu that can completely be hidden from Byakugan in this world?

Shige was shocked and angry, and then continued to inject more Chakra into his Byakugan. In an instant, the veins near Hygas eyes became more and more hideous, as if the roots of trees were entangled!

Under the frantic urging of the Byakugan, Shige finally saw a blurred and distorted human figure, standing about five meters behind him seemingly without a trace!

I see you! Hakke Ksh!!! (Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm)

Shige was shocked, and immediately activated the Eight Trigrams field, turned around and shot a Chakra shock wave with one palm.

At this moment, Kanps expression slightly changed!

Its not because of how powerful the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm is, but because of his Transparent Release was discovered by Byakugan!

While he was stunned, Hygas Chakra shock wave hit Kanp fiercely, directly knocking him out of stealth.


In midair, Kanp spurt out a mouthful of blood. As his Chakra Pathway System near his chest were blocked by Shiges Chakra, when landing, the operation was extremely unsmooth.

You lost! Shige looked at Kanp confidently.

Kanp climbed up from the ground, and his expression still showing a hint of shock, but when he thought about it, Transparent Release is Kekkei Genkai, but Byakugan is also Kekkei Genkai, and Byakugan is also inherited from tsutsuki, so it is not unacceptable for Byakugan to be able to see through Transparent Release!

However, to make me admit defeat?

Its too early, right?

Everyone who knows me knows that my endurance is very high!

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