Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 228: Disbandment of Team 2

Chapter 228: Disbandment of Team 2

Kanp went back to home immediately and silently used Sensor Ninjutsu at the door. Within two kilometers, he sensed many human-shaped lines. According to the Chakras strength, these lines are clear or fuzzy. Less than 30 meters behind Kanp, there are two very clear human-shaped lines.

Kanp guessed that it should be the Anbu sent by Hiruzen.

He smiled, then opened the door and entered the house.

The half-wasted Hoshino was making a wooden stake in the backyard. When he heard the movement from the entrance, he hurriedly put down the wood in his hand and ran out.

Kanp, you brat is finally back!

When Hoshino saw Kanp, his whole body was like a deflated ball, looking very relieved.

Kanps mission took a month and a half to travel from the village to the coast. After entering the sea, he was chased by Kirigakures Shinobi, followed by the assassination at Crescent Moon Island. After that, it took five days to detour to the Land of Tea, and then it half a month to return to the village. All in all, this journey took more than two months!

Furthermore, theres Kirigakures Shinobi attacking them midway, so it would be strange if Hoshino was not anxious.

Tou-san, I am back. Kanp smiled. He wont share the hardships of the mission with his family, lest they worry about it.

The father and son said some thoughtful words to each other, and then Kanp took out an iron box from the sealing scroll, as if offering a treasure.

Tou-san, this is the unexpected harvest of my mission!

Whats inside?

Hoshino quickly opened the iron box.

More than two months have passed, and the burns on Hoshinos body are almost healed, but it is inevitable that large flesh-red scars will be left on his skin, which spoils his appearance.

Opening the iron box, and the red and blue light instantly blinded Hoshinos eyes.


Hoshinos eyes slightly narrowed, This is what you brought back from the Land of the Moon?

Kanp the chicken thief shook his head: This is the spoils of war I got from Kirigakures Shinobi!

Hoshino put away the iron box with relief, and said righteously: Ill keep these gems for you, and Ill give them to you when you grow up.

Kanp chuckled dryly upon hearing this: Sure enough, parents in every world are all evil, Fortunately, I still have a box with me.

After that, the father and son talked about the situation in the Shinobi World, mainly Hoshino spoke, and Kanp listened.

First is the Sunagakure Battlefield. The situation is still optimistic. Konoha has gradually driven Sunagakures Shinobi to the vicinity of Kiky Castle, but the other party has held a large number of Land of Fires commoners in Kiky Castle hostage. If these commoners are not rescued, it is difficult to drive Sunagakures Shinobi out of the Land of Fire.

Moreover, on the Sunagakure Battlefield, Gekk Clan suffered heavy casualties. Dozens of clansmen, including Gekk Seiseki, died in battle. Even Hoshino, who is the Clan Leader, was half-wasted and lost his qualification to become a Shinobi again.

Then, they talked about Kirigakure Battlefield.

Thanks to Aois defection, there seems to be a rhythm of civil strife inside Kirigakures Shinobi, which has give huge space for the Uchiha and Hyga Clan, but the existence of Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist is still unsolvable. In one on one fight, Uchiha Clan and Hyga Clan have a few people who can suppress them, but when these seven people work together, their strength is multiplied, so Uchiha Clan and Hyga Clan can only retreat.

Now, the reputation of Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist has gradually spread.

Then, they talked about Iwagakure and Kumogakure. These two Great Shinobi Villages are both eyeing on Land of Fire like a tiger watching its prey. The evidence is that there are a large number of Shinobi gathered on the border. Depending on the situation, it is possible for them to invade the Land of Fire at any time.

In general, Konohas situation is still not good.

By the way, happy birthday.

At the end, Hoshino suddenly opened the iron box, took out a sapphire from it, and handed it to Kanp.


Kanp was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had been outside for more than two months, and the time had come to mid-November before he knew it, to be precise, his birthday had already passed.


Your birthday gift is too insincere, right?

You just said that you would keep it for me, but why it become my gift now?

Kanp took the sapphire with a bitter face, and had no choice but to say thank you afterwards.

At the same time.

Hokage Tower, Hiruzens office.

Shikuro knocked on the door: Hokage-sama, you called for me?

Shikuro, come in.

Hiruzen said solemnly, Your subordinate Kanp has returned.

Really? Shikuro was relieved, Hokage-sama, Kanp, he

I have classified what happened on Crescent Moon Island as a secret. No one can inquire about it! Hiruzen said.

I understand. Although Shikuro was surprised, he is not so curious. Since the Hokage has said so, he naturally wouldnt ask any more questions about this.

Shikuro, I called you here this time because I wanted to discuss with you about Team 2. Hiruzen said.

Is Hokage-sama going to refer a new member? Shikuro asked.

Hiruzen shook his head and said: After Shisui left, there are only two people left in your Team 2. After that, the newly joined Tobitake Tonbo did not integrate smoothly with the team, so I want to disband Team 2.

Shikuro was shocked upon hearing this: Hokage-sama, this is it related to Kanp?

It is.

Hiruzen sighed. After arranging two Anbu to follow Kanp, Hiruzen thought about it and felt that there is some problem.

Its fine if its in the village, but when Kanp leaves the village for the mission, does Anbu have to follow along?

Instead of doing this, he felt that it is better to directly pull Kanp into Anbu and put it under his own eyes, so that even if he goes out of the village for mission, it can be more convenient for other Anbu to follow him.

Shikuro naturally doesnt know the reason for this, but he knows that since Hiruzen has said so, it meant that the matter has been decided.

Hokage-sama, can you tell me how you plan to arrange Kanp? Shikuro asked.

Anbu! Hiruzen said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Shikuros eyelids twitched slightly: No way!

Anbu is an elite unit directly under Hokage. At worst, it requires Chunin to join it!

And Kanp is just a Genin!

Dont tell me it has something to do with what happened on Crescent Moon Island?

Shikuro has many thoughts in his mind, but there is no fluctuation on his face, he just nodded and said: I understand.

Then, I will leave informing Kanp about Team 2s disbandment to you.

Hiruzen said, As for joining Anbu, dont tell him yet.


After leaving Hokage Tower, Shikuro silently sighed. He didnt expect his Team 2 would be disbanded so quickly.

I dont know if Yui will be sad if she finds out about this.

Shikuro shook his head, and then creates an insect clone to find Kanp, and he goes to find Yui.

At this time, Yui is raising insects in the toilet at home. It is the ten kinds of venomous insects she, Kanp and Shisui brought back from the Land of Grass. Now, they have all reproduced smoothly.

Its just that it will take a while before she can use them in fight.


Shikuro silently appeared at the toilets door.

Uncle? Yui turned her head in surprise, and then seemed to have a premonition and asked, Is there news about Kanp?

Shikuro nodded: One good news, one bad news.

Yui quietly looked at him and said nothing.

Shikuro said: The good news is that Kanp has come back alive. The bad news is Team 2 is disbanded today.

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