Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 210: I Was Demoted!

Chapter 210: I Was Demoted!

How could this be?

Yui looked at Tonbos back with a puzzled expression.

Kanp shrugged: Maybe its because your uncle doesnt like him.


As soon as he said bad things behind the persons back, Shikuro fell from the sky and said angrily, Kanp, you did it deliberately!

What deliberately? Yui was a little confused.

However, Kanp suddenly realized, and his right fist hit his left palm: So thats how it is! It seems that my previous guess is correct!

What guess? Yui frowned.

Shikuro-senseis assessment seems to be aimed at Tonbo alone, but it is actually aimed at our entire Team 2! But I am not sure, for fear that random actions will damage Shikuro-senseis assessment, I didnt say it. Later, I saw that the situation was not right, so I asked Tobitake Tonbo immediately. Unfortunately, he didnt appreciate it. Haah, it was all my fault. If I acted directly, it wouldnt have turned out like this! Kanp looked remorseful and regretful.

Shikuro snorted coldly when he heard this: Theres no way in hell I would believe in you! You black-bellied bastard!

If Kanp makes a timely action at the last moment, Shikuro will definitely cooperate with the acting, make concessions and let them pass without hurting Tonbos self-esteem.

But Kanp didnt do it, and instead asked Tonbo if he needs help.

Shikuro knows that Kanps purpose in asking this question is to test Tonbo!

And the results of the test also left Shikuro speechless!

Need help?

What an ordinary question!

If you need it, you need it. If you dont need it, you can just say no. If Tonbo was to be changed to Kanp, he will call support without waiting for others to ask, but Tonbo neither says he needs help nor does he need help. He gritted his teeth, and would rather fail and fall off the cliff than answer this question!

Its as if you are too tired in sweeping the classroom alone, and your classmates ask if you need help?

You sullenly wont answer, feeling that your ability has been questioned: I am a dignified class monitor, but I cant clean this classroom? Who are you looking down on!

If you do a presentation, and you cant do it alone, what if a colleague asks if you need help?

You wouldnt answer and just showed a sullen face, thinking that the other party must be laughing at yourself and despising yourself: Even if I am alone in tomorrow morning, I will never ask you for help!

If you were fighting with a group of gangsters, you are about to be stabbed to death, and then people from the same village passed by and asked if you need help?

You would grit your teeth and did not answer, thinking that your shameful scene was seen by them, and they will surely spread it throughout the village: So, even if I was beaten to death by them today, I was stabbed to death, I dont need your help!

Who can bear this?

If they really team up with Tonbo in the future, wouldnt Kanp and Yui have to take Tonbos self-esteem into consideration first no matter what they do?

Shikuro-sensei, I think Tonbo is suitable for teaming up with people with weak strength.

Only in this way can Tonbos status and strength not be questioned and his strong self-esteem not be brought down!

Kanp said bluntly and continued, Moreover, his self-esteem is too strong. He must be guided by a suitable Jnin Instructor. I think Shikuro-sensei is not good at this.

Shikuro nodded slowly. He also felt that Tonbos mentality was problematic, and he had to be given the correct guidance. Otherwise, if this development continues, things would go wrong sooner or later.

I will tell Hokage-sama about this. I hope he can find a good Jnin Instructor for Tobitake Tonbo. Shikuro said.

Then, do we need another teammate? Yui asked.

Shikuro pondered for a while, and said: You guys have been resting for too long. Lets go for a mission first. As for the new teammate, I will ask Hokage-sama to find one for you when I come back.

After that, the group of three went to the mission hall to choose a mission. During the period, Shikuro created an insect clone and told Hiruzen about Tonbo.

Sure enough, its like this again

Hiruzen sighed slightly after hearing the report from the insect clone.

Tonbo graduated a little earlier than Kanp. It has been more than half a year. During this period, he had also formed a team with other people, but the teams relationship was not handled well, and they finally broke up unhappily.

Its good to have self-esteem, but its not enough for it to be too strong.

Hiruzen sighed helplessly. Right now, he is devastated by the situation in the Shinobi World, the borders of various places, the war between the two places, and the Daimy, but now, he has to worry about Genins mentality

Hiruzen feels that his mentality is going to explode.

On the other side, after Tonbo returned home, his face could not be seen, but he only sat in the room for a while before going to the training ground to start training Taijutsu frantically. His self-esteem would not allow him to have no desire to improve! The mission hall.

Shikuro started his usual action again. Kanp stood beside him with his eyes slightly narrowed, staring at Shikuros wild finger.

Because of the physique of Shikuros misfortune star, enemy Shinobi appeared in the previous four missions. Kanp and his teammates survived several times. Although they experienced huge growth from these encounters, its not good to be like this, especially now that Shisui is absent and they lack such a powerful combat power. What should we do if we encounter danger again?

When the time comes, this guy will definitely run with his little niece, leaving me behind

Its bad!

At this moment, Kanp suddenly felt cold!

Before, I should have directly help Tobitake Tonbo and let him stay, so that I can let him be the bait!

Damn it!

Why dont I help?

Thats right!

It must be plot that demoted my intelligence!

It first arranges for me to reject Tobitake Tonbo, and then it will arrange a strong enemy to take me away!

This mission is very dangerous!

Kanp shivered after thinking about this: Shikuro-sensei, how about we choose a D-Rank mission?


Shikuro turned his head in surprise.

I miss D-Rank mission a little bit Kanp forced a smile.

Shikuro only thought he was joking, and when he turned around, he found that his finger was pointing at a mission.

This is a escort mission.

Taking the mission scroll from the Mediterranean hair man, Shikuro directly threw the scroll to his little niece.

Yui opened the scroll, and Kanp also leaned over.

The one they would escort is a youngster named Tsuki Michiru. He is the Prince of the Land of the Moon. He was traveling around the world. After arriving at the Land of Fire, because Kirigakures Shinobi made troubles everywhere, it affected Michirus travel, so he decided to hire Konoha Shinobi to return to return to his country, and when the war is over, he will come out again!

The Land of the Moon?

Tsuki Michiru?

Kanp touched his chin, as he seemed to have heard these names before.

Uncle, where is the Land of the Moon? Yui asked with a frown.

Shikuro stood behind and read the mission content. Hearing Yues question, he said: The Land of the Moon is a very rich country on a small island in the southern sea territory!

The super rich Land of the Moon?

Crescent Moon Island!

A thought flashed through Kanps mind, and he vaguely remembered some scenes, but because its been a long time, plus this dungeon is not as thrilling as the Rran Rymyaku mission, Kanp basically can only remember these names.


The southern sea territory

Were going to the sea!

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