Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 194: Demoting Intelligence?

Chapter 194: Demoting Intelligence?

Kanp once naively thought that Shikuros private goods were just to help Yui grow faster, but at this time, he suddenly encountered an enemy and Shikuros disappearance made him realize that he had been tricked again, but unfortunately, there is still no evidence.

Shisui, which village is the enemy from, and how many people are there? Kanp asked calmly.

Three people, although they dont wear a Shinobis headband, but they all wear red clothes and tawny flak jackets. If theres no accident, they should be Iwagakures Shinobi. Shisui said quickly, And they are chasing after someone!

Hearing this, Kanps eyelids twitched as he suddenly remembered that he saw Kakashi in the mission hall when he took the mission, and then saw Kakashis signature when he reported at the villages gate. At that time, he had a hunch that he would run into Kakashi, right?

Kanp looked towards Shisui, and the latters expression was also a bit strange. He probably also remembered of Kanps original prophecy.

Is it really Kakashi-senpai who is being hunted down? Kanp asked.

Shisui nodded slightly: Although it is still uncertain, the crow said that he has silver-white hair, which should be Kakashi-senpai.

Kakashi is a Chunin, and also a genius. To be able to hunt him down, the three Iwagakures Shinobi at least have Chunins strength!

If we go to support, Kakashi will fight one, and we will have to fight two Chunin the outcome is only fifty percent?

But Shikuro-sensei disappeared at this time. Did he mean to give us all the right to choose whether to rescue Kakashi or not?

Would we refuse to rescue our companions on the grounds that the mission comes first, or would we give up the mission to rescue our companions and leave Land of Grass together?

This is very much in line with the test of Konohas Will of Fire!

Caw caw!!!

At this moment, the crow in the distance cried sharply again, causing the three people looked sideways, and then they saw a large black cloud of insects flying up between the lush branches and leaves in the distance, covering the sky like a sandstorm!


Kanp found that he seemed to be thinking too much.

Shikuros disappearance is not to test them, but he has already rushed to rescue Kakashi!

In this moment, Kanps brains spun quickly: If the ones chasing Kakashi are three Chunin, then Shikuro-sensei could just hide on the back and test us three like I thought.

But Shikuro-sensei rushed straight to help Kakashi!

This shows

The Shinobi who chase after Kakashi is definitely not just a Chunin!

Just as Kanp was thinking of this, Shisui has already disappeared from in front of him with a Body Flicker Technique.

Hey! Shisui, dont go!!! When Kanp stopped him, he was a step too late. Shisuis Body Flicker Technique was too fast!

Whats the matter?

In fact, Yui had already rushed over there, but she hadnt mastered Body Flicker Technique yet, so she stopped directly when she heard Kanps words.

Yui, you hide first!

Kanp originally wanted her to run, but what if she encounters an enemy while she runs?


Yui asked softly, looking Kanp with some puzzlement.

Dont you understand yet? Shikuro-sensei didnt even have time to remind us and immediately came to the rescue, indicating that the Shinobi that hunted down Kakashi-senpai is very powerful, and the situation was urgent!

Kanp said concisely, If we followed after him, not only we cant help, we will even become a burden and drag him down!

But Shisui has gone! Yui said, We cant give up our companions!

Kanps mouth twitched upon hearing this.

The people in this world are really very passionate.

Ive said it so clearly, but youre still thinking of finding a just and honorable reason to rush over to make trouble?

Yui, you should hide first! As for Shisui just leave it to me.

Kanp was full of resentment, but what he said was also in line with the passion of this world.

No! If you two go too, I definitely cant hide here alone!

Yui, who used to be cold and indifferent in the past, showed an extraordinary persistence and firmness at this time. I know this is wrong, but I must help, and I also have no hesitation. Anyway, you guys will just save me. Im an important character. The plot cant kill me, so I must go. I must go no matter what! Seeing her expression, Kanp realized that Yui might not be passionate, but her intelligence was demoted forcefully by the plot!

She can no longer be persuaded by mouth!

Kanp made a prompt decision and directly stunned her with a Body Flicker Technique and a chop on the spot.

Want to be stupid in front of me?

Ill never let you!

After that, Kanp first activated the Transparent Release, and then formed the seal to create a shadow clone, and ordered him to go directly with Yui.

According to the general standard of intelligence, if Yui wakes up, the universe will help her and explode his shadow clone, and then she would rush over to help, so the best choice to take her away directly!

After all, this dense forest is so big, and once someone go far, they will easily lose their way. When the time comes, Yui cant find the way to them even if she really wants to come back.

Only after seeing his shadow clone leaving with Yui on his back that Kanp was relieved.

Afterwards, while refining Chakra, Kanp took out the sealing scroll and pulled out his Moonlight Sword.

Today, in the name of the moon, Ill destroy you!

Kanps eyes glowed, and then he activated Kekkei Genkai: Transparent Release!

A wave of ripples spread out from Kanps body, and a flowing substance like a glass of glass wrapped it. Then, Kanp lightly stepped forward, moving quietly in the direction of the insect cloud, trying not to make any sound.

Beneath the overwhelming insect cloud, three Iwagakures Shinobi stood on a thick branch in a triangle formation.

Aburame Clans Shinobi, Konoha really has support!

Looking at the scale of this insect cloud and the Chakras aura, it should be a Jnin, yes, we finally caught a big fish!

Aburame Clan very good, I can finally get revenge today!!

The three people standing on the thick branches are Kitsuchi, Monga, and Kamizuru Hiachi.

Kitsuchi and Monga are giants nearly 2.2 meters tall. They are broad, strong and full of strength. They are the Jnin of Iwagakure!

And Kamizuru Hiachi

Iwagakures insect-controlling clan is there a descendant?

On the thick branch more than ten meters away Shikuro, with a black insect cloud above his head, stared at the opposite Iwagakures Shinobi.

Kamizuru Clan is the clan that controls bees. It used to be a big clan in Iwagakure, and its reputation in Shinobi World was also higher than that of Aburame Clan. But in the era of Shikuros father, Kamizuru Clan was used as pioneers by Iwagakure to invade Konoha, but was discovered by Aburame Clan and was annihilated outside the forest west of Konoha!

That battle established Aburame Clans position in Konoha, and at the same time, caused Kamizuru Clans complete decline!

As for Kitsuchi

Sandaime Tsuchikage, nokis son


His aura is comparable to that of Kitsuchi!

Damn it!!

Shikuros face was getting darker and darker. Fighting head-on is definitely like striking a stone with an egg. Therefore, the only thing he can do now is to stop these three as long as possible and give Kakashi time to escape!

But he still has his three students in the vicinity. Although he has released insects to inform them to leave quickly, but in case they are impulsive Things will go from bad to worse!



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