Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 174: Hiring A Craftsman

Chapter 174: Hiring A Craftsman

After entering the building, Kikuchi came to a hall with familiarity, and then released a mission of hiring a craftsman to make the Ninja Tool to a young man wearing the villages forehead.

Because the materials he carried need to be dissolved first, and coupled with the current tense situation in the Shinobi World, the commission fee has also risen.

Kikuchi had no choice but to accept it. After filling in his information and address, he handed in the two scrolls and the commission fee with a dark face, and then took Kanp to another, slightly smaller hall.

At the same time, Kikuchi explained to Kanp: Kanp, that place just now is a place where you hired craftsmen to create a large number of standard Ninja Tools. And this is where you hired craftsmen to create a unique Ninja Tool. If you really want to ask the craftsmen to build you a sword, you can consult to the craftsmen here.

Kanp nodded slightly: Thank you, Kikuchi-san.

The two entered the small hall, and then found that there were quite a few people here, and all of them are Shinobi. They are divided into seven lines and lined up in the hall. These ninjas come from various Shinobi Villages, whispering to each other while queuing up, and their eyes are full of vigilance.

Kanp looked around and found that most of these Shinobi are all wearing Kumogakures headbands, with slightly darker skin but strong and muscular body, the characteristic of Kumogakures Shinobi.

It cant be helped, after all, among the Five Great Shinobi Villages, only Kumogakure has long respected Kenjutsu and Taijutsu, especially Cloud-Style Kenjutsu. Basically, all Kumogakures Shinobi are good at it, so their demand for swords is also very strong. Some Shinobi didnt lack money, so they naturally have to ask the craftsman here to make a tailor-made sword!

Kanp looked at these Kumogakures Shinobi, and inexplicably felt a bit of a rivalry in his heart: Cloud-Style Kenjutsu, Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, which of the two schools of Kenjutsu is stronger?

Suppressing the restlessness in my heart, Kanp honestly found a line with Kikuchi, and after a while, it was their turn.

What kind of Ninja Tools do you two want to build?

At the end of the line, a middle-aged craftsman Shinobi sat there and said without raising his head, If you have any requirements, just ask.

I want to build a sword that can transmit Chakra perfectly.

Kanp immediately spoke, The sword must be straight, and the connection between the hilt and the blade should not be guarded

Kanp eloquently said a lot of requirements, then the middle-aged craftsman Shinobi recorded them one by one, and then after a while, he raised his head and said: According to your requirement, it will take twenty days to forge this sword, ten million ry!

Ten million ry?

Kanps eyelids twitched upon hearing this.

Of course, the materials that can perfectly transmit Chakra are very precious and rare. Unless you can bring your own materials, this will be the price. The middle-aged craftsman Shinobi said firmly.


Kanp coughed dryly and said, Then I will lower the requirement slightly, it is enough to transmit 80% of the Chakra.

2 million ry! Half a month! The middle-aged craftsman Shinobi said.

How much?

The corner of Kanps mouth twitched upon hearing this, The difference is just 20%, but the price difference is 8 million ry?

The middle-aged craftsman Shinobi frowned slightly: Do you think Im lying to you?

No, no, I didnt mean that.

Kanp hurriedly said, Then 60%?

One million! Ten days!


Five hundred thousand! Three days!

The middle-aged craftsman Shinobis face is already a bit ugly, What kind of Ninja Tool do you want to make!

Kanp quickly calculated in his mind, For 50% Chakra is 500,000, 60% is 1,000,000, 70% is 1,500,000, and 80% is 2,000,000.

For every 10% increase, the price will increase by 500,000 ry, then if it is the other way around

I will build the 40%! said Kanp proudly.

Hearing this, the middle-aged craftsman Shinobi looked at him with a look of disgust, and said with a snort: 40%? There are so many of them outside!

Kanp sighed, feeling that he missed hundreds of millions, and then said: Then I wanted the 50% one, but when you make it, I wanted to watch from the side!

Yes! One person adds 100,000, two people adds 200,000! The middle-aged craftsman Shinobi looked at Kanp with a little playfulness.

At a glance, he can see that Kanp is coveting their technology. Unfortunately, only the Five Great Shinobi Villages has learned something from them over the years, but even if they have been imitated, they can never be surpassed.

Kanps face looked a bit tangled when he heard this.

The construction cost of 500,000 and the observation fee of 100,000 is exactly the bulk of his net worth!

This will make me turn back to the past poor me.

However, if one doesnt enter the tigers cave, how can they catch a tiger cub. Ill take the challenge!

Kanp took out 600,000 ry and paid the middle-aged craftsman Shinobi on the spot.

After receiving the money, the middle-aged craftsman Shinobi copies all of Kanps requirements on a scroll again, and then call a young craftsman Shinobi around 20 years old and gave him the scroll.

Come with me.

The young craftsman Shinobi glanced at Kanp, and secretly thought Another person who coveted our Craftsmen Shinobi Villages technology.

Since the observation fee paid was only for one person, only Kanp followed, and Kikuchi had no choice but to go back first.

Kanp followed the young craftsman Shinobi straight out of the building, and then walked through a few streets to a craftsmans workshop.

In the middle of the craftsmans workshop is a rather cumbersome casting table. On both sides of the wall, there are a large number of sword blades without hilts. Some are thick, some are narrow, some are long and some are short. There are straight and curved ones, and there are no less than fifty in total.

Apart from this, there is a small room behind, but the door is closed, so Kanp cant see whats inside.

After looking around, Kanp turned his attention to the young craftsman Shinobi: It seems that he is a craftsman who specializes in making sword-type Ninja Tools.

This is where I made the Ninja Tools. You will watch it later, but you cant talk. If there is something you dont understand I wont explain it either.

The young craftsman Shinobi said casually, Also, dont touch the blade on the wall casually.

The muscles of Kanps mouth twitched slightly, and he forced a smile and said: I understand.


The young craftsman Shinobi snorted and didnt say much. He then opened the scroll and started modeling according to Kanps requirements.

Kanp stood on the side and watched. The requirements he made were all based on the appearance of the Sword of Kusanagi that Orochimaru gave to Sasuke, but there was a slight difference in the middle, otherwise, Orochimaru could see that the sword he was using is exactly the same as his Kusanagi sword. Wouldnt that just trying to find trouble?

After half a day, and the young craftsman Shinobi has successfully modeled the sword.

Look, is this the style you want? The young craftsman Shinobi showed the model to Kanp.

Kanp looked at the model seriously, and kept nodding: Yes, this is the style, you are really amazing!

Even if you praise me, I will not teach you anything. The young craftsman Shinobi refused the sugar-coated attacks.

After the modeling was successful, the young craftsman Shinobi went into the warehouse to select the iron ore.

Kanp took the opportunity to observe the blade on the wall up close.

It turned out that these blades above were not sharpened.


Kanp tried to pour Chakra on a narrow and long sword that was very close to the model after the modeled one, and it turned out to be very smooth. He sensed it carefully and it was unexpectedly able to transmit about 70% of the chakra

Kanp was a little excited at that time.

If I use this blade to make my sword

While he was pondering, the young craftsman Shinobi has walked out with a basket of iron ore.

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