Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 167: Information About Pakura

Chapter 167: Information About Pakura

Early the next morning.

At half past six, Kanps biological clock awakened him on time.

Because today and tomorrow are two days off, Kanp has been refining Chakra until one oclock in the morning before falling asleep exhaustedly, and he has only slept for five and a half hours.

Lack of energy!

After receiving the feedback from his body, Kanp turned over and planned to continue sleeping, but he suddenly remembered about his little brother, his dazed eyes suddenly opened, and his drowsiness instantly disappeared.

Wheres Hayate?

Kanp got up from the futon and found that Hayate had already got up.

Although you have to go to the Academy, you dont have to get up so early, right?

Kanp yawned and got up from the futon, put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom. He then saw that on the dining table in the living room, Hayate was eating onigiri while packing up something.

Kanp walked over curiously.

When Hayate heard the sound of the sliding door in the bedroom, he hurriedly rolled up the scroll, and then hid it in the bag next to him in a hurry, vividly and thoroughly showing what is called a guilty conscience.

Although he successfully found his brothers treasure, Hayate was a little bit troubled, for fear that his big brother would take the scroll back.

Big brother, you are awake. Hayate turned his head and greets. His face blushed and his eyes flickering, he also didnt dare to look at Kanp directly.

Kanp was stunned when he saw this.

Whats going on?

Last night, you looked like you were going to die, but today

It cant be because of Uzuki Ygao, right?

But with such blush appearing on his face, theres no mistaking it. Is this the power of girl?!

Kanp got goosebumps all over, and brace himself and asked, Hayate, are you okay?

Hayate nodded, then kept shaking his head, blushed and said seriously: Big brother, I understand!

Huh understand what? Kanp panicked a little: This guy wont be understanding how holding hand felt, right?

Big brother, I want to become stronger!

Hayate looked serious, and his eyes showed a persistent and determined light, I want to become an outstanding Shinobi, I want to inherit Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, and I want to avenge my father!!

Kanps face straightened up, and then he showed a relieved expression: Hayate, you finally showed the quality of a great Shinobi. Uncle Seiseki will also be relieved to see you like this.

Hearing Kanp mentioned Seiseki, Hayates eyes became a little red, but he forced himself not to cry, and then looked at Kanp with a moved look, and said slowly but solemnly: Big brother, thank you!

Kanp subconsciously nod: No need to thank me, eh? What?

Thank me?

Thank me for what?

Although I am really worried about you, my mouth is stupid and I havent comforted you.

At most, I encouraged you ten thousand times spiritually, and then called Uzuki Ygao, but there is no need to thank me so solemnly for this, right?

But who cares, as long as Hayate cheers up again, theres no need to think much about it!

Im done eating.

Hayate swallowed the last bite of the onigiri, then grabbed the bag next to him and said, Big brother, Im going to the Academy, goodbye.

Oh, goodbye. Kanp waved.

Hayate ran to the hallway, and then ran back to the living room and stretched out his hand: Big brother, pocket money.

Kanp took out his wallet and touch a one hundred banknote, but was a little embarrassed to take it out.

He then took out a one-thousand banknote, hesitated, stuffed it in again, and then took out a ten-thousand banknote.

Hayate, if you are sad, go shopping, and buy what you like, that way, you will feel better.

Kanp handed the money to Hayate and patted him, If you feel lonely, invite your classmates to eat, dont stay alone, understand?

Big brother

Seeing the ten-thousand banknote, Hayate thought he would be very excited because he could buy a lot of delicious food, but when he thought of his father, he was feeling a little depressed.

But the only thing I can confirm is that big brother is so good!

Hayate collected the money, and then went to the Academy with his bag on his back.

Looking at the back of Hayate disappearing into the entrance, Kanp sighed deeply.

After that, Kanp took a brief shower, and then went out to the Gekk Tavern, which is more than a hundred meters away, and ordered something to fill his stomach.

When he almost finished eating, Kanp suddenly saw Matsushita passing by the tavern.

Kanp hurriedly chased after him.

Uncle Matsushita!

Kanp called from the distance.

Oh, its you, Kanp, dont you have a mission today?

Matsushita turned around, and then asked without waiting for Kanp to anwere, How was Hayate last night?

Kanp trotted over and said: I was given two days of rest. Hayate is much better now, and almost come out of depression.

Thats good, thats good.

Matsushita completely relaxed, and then looked at Kanp with a smile, and boasted, Kanp, you really are amazing when it comes to persuading people. Last time, it was my granddaughter, now its Hayate. If I encounter this kind of thing again in the future

Dont come to me!!

Kanp is depressed, as he knew how much he worth. If it is about failing in exam or gets beaten in a fight and cried, he can still give a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, but for other things, he didnt know what to do!

By the way, Uncle Matsushita, I want to ask you something.

Seeing that the bad old fogey was about to speak again, Kanp hurriedly interrupted him and asked, How is my father?

Seiseki is dead. As his son, Hayate is sad and depressed and almost became autistic. So, what about Hoshino, who is his big brother?

Kanp does not believe that his cheap father will not be sad.

Thinking of it from another perspective and ask himself, his little brother died

If his little brother is still killed by that guy from Sunagakure like in the original work, Kanp is determined to destroy Sunagakure completely.

Your father is of course still on the frontline.

Matsushita hesitated, He

Kanp looked at Matsushita seriously.

Matsushita sighed, and said with a bitter smile: Kanp, you are already a Shinobi, and Jnin Instructor is Aburame Shikuro. It is easy for you to inquire about this information, so I wont hide it from you.

Kanp nodded: Please tell me.

Seiseki was killed by Scorch Release Kekkei Genkai Shinobi, Sunagakures Pakura. After your father saw the body of your uncle, he cried for a day, and then after sending back his body to Konoha, he rushed back to the battlefield, trying to avenge Seiseki.

And then? Kanp asked.

Matsushita shook his head and said: There is no news yet. After all, the battlefield is so big, no one knows where Pakura will appear, and even if they meet

Kanps heart skipped a beat, and he asked: Is Pakura very strong? My father is Jnin who has mastered Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, but he cant beat Pakura?

Its hard to tell.

Matsushita said solemnly, Pakuras Scorch Release is very powerful, and she has a rich mission experience. Many of our villages Jnin have fought against her and they praise her very highly!

Kanps brows gradually wrinkled.

It is said that she participated in the competition for the Yondaime Kazekages position some time ago! Matsushita continued.

Yondaime Kazekage?

Isnt that Gaaras father?

Although Kanp knew the ending, he still asked, Did she fail?

She indeed failed! Because now is the time of war, Sunagakure needs an iron-blooded man to serve as Kazekage! But to be able to compete for Yondaime Kazekages position, her strength has already been explained.

Matsushita said, So, if your father meets Pakura haah.

Kanp was silent.

Rationally, he does not want his cheap father to take risks, but emotionally, he feels that this is what a big brother should do.

Kanp, these things are still too early for you. If you want to do something, you must grow up as soon as possible. Matsushita said.

Kanp nodded: I understand.

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