Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 164: Venomous Insect Valley

Chapter 164: Venomous Insect Valley

At around three oclock in the morning, Kanp was woken up by Shisui to watch the night.

Although he only slept for less than five hours, Kanps Uzumaki Clan has a very strong physical recovery ability. After the difficulty of opening his eyes, he soon fully awakened.

When Shisui falls asleep, the surrounding was silent, only the faint moonlight poured down from the night sky, cut to pieces by the branches and leaves in the forest, and scattered all over the ground with silver brilliance.

Kanp still felt a little pain in the chest and abdomen, but it did not affect his actions.

Then Kanp use a shadow clone out and let him practice hand seal.

The main body is beginning to become familiar with the Sensor Ninjutsu.

He sat on the grass, his hands formed hand seals, and his eyes were closed.

In an instant, there seemed to be something more in the dark consciousness.

Kanp carefully sensed it, and vaguely saw that there are four vague human-shaped lines behind him, which should be Shikuro, Shisui, Yui and his shadow clone.

But the lines of these human figures are very vague. He cant see their faces nor their genders, let alone identify who is stronger and who is weaker. He can only vaguely identify their height and fatness, its very rough, like the stickman drawn by a kid, the quality of the picture makes people cry.

After all, it is just the most common Sensor Ninjutsu.

Kanp did not insist, and then he began to experiment with the scope of this Sensor Ninjutsu.

He first walked out ten meters, used Sensor Ninjutsu, then walked out twenty meters, continued to use Sensor Ninjutsu, and he could still sense the lines of the four people.

So he walked again and again, and as the distance increases, the lines of the human figure that Kanp can sense become more and more vague. Finally, at a distance of 150 meters, Kanp can no longer sense the four peoples lines when he uses Sensor Ninjutsu.

The limit of the sensing range is one hundred and fifty meters.

Kanp silently remembered the number, then walked back to the tent.

You, go and catch a few beasts and come back, you have to stay alive.

After training for a while in the same place, Kanp suddenly opened his eyes and ordered the shadow clone to go to work.

Hmph, you can only order people around

The shadow clone got up impatiently, and snorted coldly before he went deep into the small forest.

Kanp laughed and thought: I just like to see your unhappy expression and have to listen to my orders to work, so sour!

Ten minutes later, the shadow clone caught a moon hare.

Kanp told him to stand still, and then closed his eyes to perform Sensor Ninjutsu.

In the darkness, Kanp clearly sensed the humanoid lines of the shadow clone in front of him, but he did not sense the lines of the hare.

Sure enough, this Sensor Ninjutsu can only work on people, no, it should only work on Shinobi!

Then Kanp asked the shadow clone to clean up the hare and roast it on a fire. When the day was slightly bright, the smell of the roasted meat gradually diffused.

Kanp saw that the shadow clone was almost finished cooking, he walked over and said righteously: The little rabbit is so cute, how could you kill it?! Beast!

The shadow clone was furious, and reached out to throw the rabbit to vent his anger. Fortunately, Kanp has a quick eye and a quick hand to disperse him directly.

Watching the shadow avatar turn into smoke and dissipating, and then received the memories of the shadow clone before leaving, Kanp was in a good mood, and happily began to eat roasted rabbits.

Not long after, Shikuro, Shisui, Yui were awakened by the scent of roasted rabbit, but when they woke up, they only saw the bones.

Kanp smiled embarassedly when he saw this.

After starting the journey again, Shikuro did not go straight back to Konoha, but went around the bend, and headed to a small valley hidden in the deep mountains hundreds of miles away.

The valley is full of colorful dotted mushrooms, and glamorous flower bones, all of which are poisonous.

After Yui arrived here, she became slightly excited: Is this the Venomous Insect Valley?

Venomous Insect Valley is the place where Aburame Clan raises the venomous insects. Back then, there are only 30 kinds of venomous insects, but thanks to the efforts of Aburame Clan, hundreds of different kinds of venomous insects is living here currently.

Kanp, Shisui, you two just stay here, dont enter the valley.

Shikuro first turned around and instructed Kanp and Shisui, and then brought Yui to enter the Venomous Insect Valley.

Venomous Insect Valley

Kanp stretched out his head to look at the colorful mushrooms in the valley and felt a little uncomfortable. This mushroom look highly toxic, and coupled with the name of Venomous Insect Valley, Kanp vaguely realized that Yui was going to raise a new venomous insect.

Kanp has seen a lot in his previous lifes TV drama, so he knew how dangerous poison and venom is.

It seems that I will have to treat Yui better in the future, or I will be stung by her venomous insect

I wonder if my Healing Technique can restrain insects venom.

When Kanp was thinking about such thing, Shisui next to him had already taken out the ninja log and started to write the daily diaries.

Kanp suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly leaned over to take a look, and then asked, Shisui, have you written about the fact that we were ambushed by Kumogakures Shinobi?

Shisui nodded and said: It has been recorded, but it should be the same as the last time.

In the last C-Rank Mission, Kirigakures Shinobi appeared, so logically speaking, the missions difficulty should be increased, but unfortunately, that rescue mission was officially issued by the Land of Fire. And if the missions difficulty is upgraded, the missions commission will also be greatly increased. Theres no way the Land of Fires officials will agree to such things. In their opinion, instead of giving a lot of money to Shinobi, it is better to use the money to benefit those refugees, and the Konohas Shinobi were also not injured.

If this is an ordinary missions client, Konoha will let them know why the flower is so red, but the official representative of Land of Fire is the Daimy, so after some complain, there is no more about this matter.

And this time

Our mission was over as soon as Shirada Shinji arrived in the Land of Hot Waters capital, and then we encountered Kumogakures Shinobi in ambush because of other things, so Shisui smiled wryly.

So its still C-Rank.

Kanp was very depressed. He once suspected that he was the unlucky charm that caused this to happen, but after thinking about it carefully, the reason he was ambushed by Kumogakures Shinobi this time was because Shikuro took the private job and went to help Hiruzen to deliver the letter, so its not his fault, but Shikuros fault!

At the same time.

Inside the Venomous Insect Valley.

Under the leadership of Shikuro, Yui quickly followed him to the depths of Venomous Insect Valley.

This is a small forest, and there are dense insects inhabiting the branches and leaves, big and small, red and black, ugly and cute. They can kill the obsessive-compulsive disorder patient if they saw this scene.

Yui, are you ready?

Shikuro asked.

Their Aburame Clan is an insect-controlling clan, and they use insects to fight. In order to facilitate the battle, they all directly raise the insects in their bodies, and the most famous insect is Kikaich.

Kikaich are non-toxic and non-hazardous, so there is no problem in keeping them in the body, but what about the venomous insects?

Venomous insect themselves are highly poisonous. Once an accident occurs, the insects venom will directly invade the blood, and then flowed through the whole body along the blood. At that time, all the internal organs will be infected!

Yuis father had an accident while raising nano-sized venomous insects in his body. Countless nano-sized venomous insects entered his blood and instantly flowed through the whole body along his blood

So there are only very few Shinobi in Aburame Clan who use venomous insects to fight.

Like Shikuro, he does not have venomous insect in his body, but he carries a small insect pot with him, which contains more than a dozen kinds of venomous insects with different toxicity, but these venomous insects are not enough. As they cannot be nurtured on a large scale during the battle, they can only be used as a sneak attack.

Yui nodded solemnly: Im ready, Uncle!

Shikuro didnt say much. He took Yui into the woods and took out one empty insect pot and gave it to Yui, he then said: If you want to raise nano-sized venomous insects, you need to start with the most common venomous insect!

Under Shikuros guidance, Yui spent more than half an hour to catch more than a dozen types of venomous insects and put them into the insect pot.

When you go back, you will first raise it in the insect pot. Without my order, you are not allowed to keep them in the body, understand? Shikuro said.

Yui nodded: I understand.

After that, the two left Venomous Insect Valley, joined Kanp and Shisui, and then rushed back straight towards Konoha.

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