Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 119: Village Extermination Incident

Chapter 119: Village Extermination Incident

Behind the remote village.

Kanp stands opposite Shisui.

From the current situation, everything is in line with my previous guess!

Shisui looked at Kanp confidently, The next step is to find the Shinobi behind this matter!

I think so too!

Kanp subconsciously followed with another sentence, but then shook his head violently, "Shisui, I think it is better to report it to Sandaime-sama or the Military Police Force!"

When going out, safety first!

Kanp looked serious.

However, Shisui shook his head: No! All this is just our guess. Without evidence, no one will believe our words. Therefore, we must investigate this village carefully and dig out the Shinobi behind it!

Kanp doesn't feel good when he heard this, Dont you know that the one we will dig out is Danzs dirt?

He was about to stop Shisui, but before he could do that, Shisui suddenly exclaim in a low voice: Wait! I thought about it, I thought about the evidence!

"What evidence?" Kanp startled.

"Yasui Taro's two million ry!"

Shisui's eyes gradually shined, "After bandits died, these villagers lost their source of livelihood. Even if the bandits left their savings, there would certainly not be much savings, so these villagers shouldn't eat and drink without pressure like they are now!"

"You mean, Yasui Taro's two million ry is in the hands of these villagers?"

Kanp feels a bit strange.

This is not right!

According to the law of Naruto Worlds taking the blame, I immediately dumped the blame on Danz very smoothly, but if it was Danz, his goal must be to blacken the Uchiha Clan, let the Uchiha Clan and Sandaimes relationship worsen!

That being the case, how could he carelessly distribute the two million ry he extorted to these villagers with the bandits?

Didn't this leave a flaw?

Furthermore, with Danz's unrestricted style of acting for Konoha's good, isnt directly silencing the people of this village more in line with his style?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this matter really has nothing to do with Danz. But if its not him, who could it be?

Kanp, did you think of any clues? Shisui looked at Kanps thoughtful expression, and asked excitedly.

Kanp came back to his senses and shook his head: No, it just doesn't feel right.

Shisui smiled and said: "Don't worry, let's find that money first!"

Kanp suppressed the doubts in his heart and nodded.

Then, the two of them walked in quietly while the villagers were eating. Soon, the two of them found a lot of money in the bedrooms of several houses.

Shisui was ecstatic when he saw this.

However, Kanps heart felt heavy: So, in the event this time, Danz didnt participate at all?


Since Danz did not participate, I should be happy, why should I need to feel my heart heavy!

Ten minutes later, most of the villagers had finished their meal and went out for activities. At the same time, the two fainted children outside the village also woke up, and shouting yelled like crazy. Dozens of old and weak women and children immediately gathered towards the entrance of the village.

When Kanp and Shisui saw that they were discovered, they immediately turned around and ran behind the village. After they group up, they ran straight away.

"How much did you find?" Kanp asked a little excitedly.

About 300,000. Shisui said, What about you?

I have 200,000! Kanp started to talk calmly.

Shisui glanced at him and solemnly ordered: Kanp, this money must be handed over as evidence.

I think so too!

Kanp hehe smiled and knew that Shisui would say that, so he reported the 500,000 he found to 200,000, As expected of the witty me!

When Kanp and Shisui left the village, three figures walked out from the depths of the forest next to the village.

The leader is surprisinglyShimura Danz!

When Kanp and Shisui left the village, Danz received the information of his subordinates, so he followed quietly.

Danz's right eye was wrapped in white bandages, and his left eye flashed with sinister light, staring coldly at the dozens of people at the entrance of the village.

Bandit Village.

He waved his hand, and the two white-masked Shinobi behind him took two steps forward.

Danz tilted his head, said something in a low voice, and finally ordered, "Don't leave any flaws!"

"Yes!" The two Roots Shinobi bowed down in response.

Then, Danz formed a hand seal with his hands.


Along with a puff of smoke, Danz's figure has disappeared.

Obviously, what appears here is not Danz's main body, but his clone.

Then, the two Roots Shinobi formed hand seals with their hands and transformed into Kanp and Shisui with the Transformation Technique, then, they took out kunai and brazenly killed the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village.

When Kanp and Shisui slowly traveled back towards Konoha, the information that the remote village was slaughtered quickly spread to the ears of the Land of Fire Daimys ears in less than two days.

Land of Fires Daimy was furious upon learning that it was done by Shinobi, and immediately forwarded the matter to Sandaime.

After receiving this information, Hiruzen didnt dare to be careless, for fear that it was retaliatory action carried out by Sunagakures Shinobi who infiltrated into the Land of Fire, so he hurriedly dispatched Anbu to investigate.

But a day later, the information returned by Anbu was rather strange.

According to the distribution of the wounds of the deceased, it is speculated that the heights of the two perpetrators are about 1.5 meters or 1.35 meters

Hiruzen frowned, The marks of the wounds are also not deep, indicating that the perpetrators strength is not very strong


At this moment, a person knocked on the door and entered Hokage Office.

Hiruzen looked up, and the person who came was Utatane Koharu, one of the Konoha Council.

"Koharu, why are you here?" Hiruzen gently put down the information in his hand.

"It's about the extermination of the village!"

Koharu's tone is stern, You have received the information from Anbu, right!

Hiruzen nodded and asked: "What's wrong?"

Show me the information.

Koharu said resolutely.

Hiruzen hesitated for a moment and then passed the information.

Koharu read it, and showed as expected expression.

The extermination of the village is indeed related to the Uchiha Clan! Koharu said harshly.

Hiruzen frowned and said angrily: Koharu, what are you trying to say?!

More than twenty days ago, the Uchiha Clan once escorted a prisoner to the Land of Fires capital, but an accident happened on the way, and the prisoner mysteriously disappeared

Koharu explained the entire process of development that Yasui Taro was blackmailed.

Hiruzen nodded, as he already knew these things, but

"What does this have to do with the extermination of the village?" Hiruzen asked puzzled.

The person responsible for the escort is called Uchiha Fukken, a friend of Uchiha Shisui! And just seven days ago, Uchiha Shisui and Gekk Kanp left the village!

Koharu gnashed her teeth while slamming the information on the table, The height of these two people is exactly the same as in the information! Hiruzen, what do you think?!

Hiruzens complexion changed slightly, and he looked at Koharu in disbelief.

Koharu's showed an arrogance as if saying I have seen everything through with the bgm of the famous detective Anime on the background: The initiator of all this is Uchiha Fukken! He He killed more than a dozen villagers and lied that he killed the bandits who attacked attacked and let the prisoner escape, but in fact, he secretly detained the prisoner and blackmailed Yasui Taro by two million ry! But he couldn't hide the fact that he killed more than a dozen villagers, so he asked his friend Uchiha Shisui to take care of the aftermath and exterminate all the people in that village!!

Hiruzen's face became more and more gloomy: Koharu, you are too extreme!

"Hiruzen! The truth is right in front of you!"

Koharu's voice was fierce, "Are you going to cover up the murderers?!"

Hiruzen was silent, and his face is gloomy and uncertain.

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