Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 115: Red Hair Is The Best!

Chapter 115: Red Hair Is The Best!

Namikaze Minato, the future Yondaime Hokage, has abnormal neural reflex ability, and at the same time, he masters Sage Mode, Flying Thunder God Technique, Rasengan, and various Finjutsu.

Uzumaki Kushina, Kybis Jinchriki, has the powerful physique of the Uzumaki Clan, and is good at Finjutsu.

Kakashi, Obito and Rin pass.

In front of Minato and Kushina, these three little fellows have no collection value at all.

Then the question is, I only have three chances to collect, should I collect Minato or Kushina, or do I collect them both one by one?

Kanp quickly calculated in his mind.

Minato is very popular in his previous life. Until now, he is synonymous with hot guy, but hot guy does not mean bad guys! Moreover, his character is calm and wise, and his title as Yellow Flash was obtained by killing countless enemys Jnin. How could such a person be willing to let Kanp collect him when they just first met?

In contrast Kushina, seems to have a bad personality, short-tempered, and is also called Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, but her nature is pure, kind, lively, optimistic, enthusiastic, and generous, and these characteristics can be reflected in Naruto!

So, from the perspective of collections success rate, Kushina is obviously higher than Minato.

Then, there is the practicality of the skills on both of them.

At present, whether it is the Sage Mode, Flying Thunder God Technique, Rasengan, Finjutsu, even the abnormal nerve reflex ability from Minato is somewhat distant from Kanp, who is only about to become a Genin.

And whether it is the Kybis Chakra or Uzumaki Clans abnormal physique from Kushina, it is undoubtedly like an umbrella in the rain for Kanp at this stage!

Thinking about this, Kanp was relieved, and then pondered how to collect her.

Direct collection?

Kanp looked at Kushinas back, and then threw a Collection Technique.

The green light cluster in his mind quickly surged, and after a while, it slowly settled down.

Collection failed.

It seems that before collecting, I still have to increase the favorability.

Kanp rolled his eyes, and a smile couldn't help but appeared at the corner of his mouth: This is my home court.

At this time, the boss of Gekk Tavern has already made two bowls of red bean paste and brought them over personally.

Seeing the food she likes, Anko instantly burst into a smile.

Kanp told Iruka and Shisui to eat more, then got up and signaled the taverns boss to follow him.

Boss, I want to trouble you with something. Kanp said shyly.

Kanp-sama, please tell me!

Although Kanp has not graduated and has not become a Shinobi yet, in the eyes of the taverns boss, Kanp is worth to be called sama!

Not only because he is the son of Clan Head, but also because of the crayfish!

As the boss of the tavern, how could he not be clear about the meaning of crayfish to the Gekk Clan?

Kanp turned around and pointed to at Minatos table, and then said: That table is free of charge, is it alright?

No problem!

The taverns boss said with a smile, No problem at all! As long as they are a friend of Kanp-sama, everyone can eat for free here!

It's not that exaggerated, but thank you anyway.

After thanking him, Kanp returned to his seat.

As it approaches five oclock, there are more and more customers in the tavern, and the atmosphere became more and more lively. Kanp has already finished eating, so he hurriedly left to make room for the other customers.

The entrance of the tavern.

Hiss~ Its so cold!

Tsukasa was shivering all over, and hurriedly hugged the little puppy, Shiramaru to keep herself warm.

I was sweating profusely from eating crayfish just now, but now I came out and was about to be blown to death by the cold wind! Iruka stomped his feet in the cold.

Everyone, go back quickly, or you will catch a cold. Kanp said seriously.

Kanp, well meet at the gate of the Academy tomorrow at noon, dont forget! Shisui whispered.

Dont worry, I will come. Kanp nodded, Go, go, dont catch a cold by then.

After sending everyone away, Kanp turned to look at Hayate who was following behind his butt.

Hayate, you should go home too.

Big brother, I will follow you! Hayate said loudly.

I have something to do, you should go back first. Kanp waved his hand to drive him away, and threw out a big pie, You don't need to pay back the thousand ry you owe me.

Really? Hayate was overjoyed, and when he saw Kanp nodded helplessly, Hayate turned around happily and ran back home.

After that, Kanp stood at the entrance of the tavern and waited.

After a while, more and more customers came from all directions, and soon, there was a line of five or six meters long outside the tavern.

At this moment, the sliding door was opened from the inside, and Minato came out of the tavern with a fine layer of sweat on his forehead, which obviously come out from eating crayfish.

Behind him, Kushina, Obito, Rin, and Kakashi also walked out one after another.

Seeing this, Kanp hurriedly greeted.

Are you the one who paid our meals?

Before Kanp could say anything, Minato smiled and started to talk, and his azure pupils flickered a little.

That is indeed me.

Kanp seems to be possessed by the drama spirit, and smiles shyly.

Huh, its you?

Kakashis brows raised slightly, remembering who Kanp is, You are Guys friend, right?

You still remember me, Kakashi-senpai? Kanp wanted to sneer at him. Last time, this guy kept saying that they recognized the wrong person. Saying that he is not Kakashi, and ran away directly with a kunai in hand. If it wasnt for Guy who was there at the time, Kanp would need to sell his group of six to pay off the debt.

Well, how should I say~

Kakashi put his hands on the back of his head, turned his head to look to the side, and said, I have a slight impression.

Is that why you paid for our meals? Rin looked at Kanp, and said with a smile, You are really a good guy.

Dont give me a good guy card without authorization!

Kanp complained in his heart, but his eyes looked towards Kushina and said, No, I paid for your meals because of her!

Me? Kushina was surprised, and said with her hands on her hips, Hmph, I dont know you, little brat.

Well, I don't actually know you either, but when I first saw you, I like

Before Kanp could finish his words, Minatos eyes became completely strange.

Is my girlfriend confessed by a little brat in front of me and in the public place with numerous people?


Its green, I felt my felt turned green

Minatos head hurts when he thinks about it.

your hair so much! Kanp finally finished the second half of his sentence.

Minato stretched out his hand and scratched his golden hair in distress, he then shook his head and smiled bitterly: What is this all about?

My hair?

Kushina looked down at the ends of the long red hair that slid down from her shoulders, and her eyes are gradually glowing, You said you like my hair?

It must be known that when Kushina first came to Konoha, she was bullied because of her red hair and was called tomatoes or peppers. She didnt have a good childhood, and she and Minato could go together smoothly is also because of this elegant red long hair.

All in all, in short, by praising her red hair, Kushinas favorability is definitely +10086!

And most importantly, the red hair represents the Uzumaki Clan. By praising Kushinas red hair so hard, Kanp is actually guiding Kushina in disguise!

Kanp nodded seriously, and continued earnestly: Yes, I like long red hair the most! It feels like hot magma, dancing flames, and warm sun, I dream of having red hair, red hair is the best!!!

Hehehe Red hair is not something ordinary people can have.

After being praised by Kanp, Kushinas face was filled with a cheerful smile, Kid, what is your name?

The time has come!

My name is Gekk Kanp.

Kanp quickly toss a Collection Technique while answering.

The green light cluster in his mind immediately surged, and in the next instant, a purple stardust spewed out from the surging green light cluster!

Purple stardust!

Its innate talent!

Kanp is so excited that his scalp feels numb: Red hair is the best!

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