Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 112: Never Forget Your Original Intention, Hold On To Your Original Dream

Chapter 112: Never Forget Your Original Intention, Hold On To Your Original Dream

Having witnessed the battle between Kanp and Tabako, Keiko completely believed in Kanp's nonsense, but when she remembered that Kanp will graduate in just his second year, she couldn't help but worry about him.

In this situation, Kanp has nothing to do. After all, theres no way he will stay at the Academy for six years in order to make Keiko feel at ease. Otherwise, how much he will lost for such things?

In the following days, Kanp's life has undergone subtle changes. The first is the Academy's theory class. With Yus acquiescence with one eye closed, Kanp began to train Body Revival Technique and refining Chakra.

In the afternoon, together with Yui, they received the training from Yu.

After school, he would go ask Shisui for a spar, or go to Shinichis house to have a spar.

In the evening, the two old men Inoue and Matsushita also took turns to look for Kanp, euphemistically called mentoring the younger generation, but it was not actual combat guidance, and just a simple chat. During the chattering process, they introduced him to the other Great Shinobi Villages in the Shinobi World, and told him about some dangerous Shinobi and weird Kekkei Genkai, they also told him to avoid these people when he sees them.

Kanp would be very grateful for the selfless guidance of the two old men, if not because they force Hayate to attack the wooden stake when guiding him.

Hayate has now become accustomed to attacking the wooden stake for an hour every day, and then refine Chakra, but under the observation of the two old man, Hayate, who respects the old and loves the young, can only compromise.

It's just that every time he looks towards Kanp, he looks so pitiful and helpless!

Time passed, and it has reached the early February.

This evening, not long after dinner, Inoue came up.

Kanp-chan, I have good news for you!

As soon as Inoue entered the house, he couldn't help but laughed heartily.

What news? Kanp looked at him strangely, Are you going to get a wife?

Hahaha huh

Inoue laughed until halfway through and was abruptly stuck.

Smelly brat, what the hell are you talking about!

Inoue became angry, thinking that he was also a girlfriend back then, but unfortunately, his girlfriend died on battlefield. After that, he never married, and every night, he wakes up in the middle of his dream, Inoue is so touched by his own loyalty, thats why he chokes up when he heard Kanps words, which are simply questioning his character that he has held for decades.

Kanp-chan, you are not allowed to talk to your Grandpa Inoue like that! Keiko stuck her head out of the kitchen, and glared at Kanp fiercely.

Im just kidding, Uncle, calm down. Hayate, Hayate, your Grandpa Inoue is here to see you!

Kanp hurriedly pulled out Hayate and diverted the firepower from him.

Inoue snorted and glared at Kanp, and then he went to urge Hayate to attack the wooden stake.

At the backyard.

There is no snow tonight, but the temperature seems to be colder than when it snows. Hayate holds the hilt of his sword as if he is holding a piece of ice, plus hitting the wooden stake that is as hard as iron being hit, he felt his little hand hurt soon after a while.

He looked back at the corridor and saw that Inoue was chatting with Kanp, and he hurriedly changed his short sword to a wooden sword, so that at least, he didn't have to worry about frostbite.

In the corridor.

"Uncle? Uncle?"

Kanp leaned over to Inoue with a smile on his face.

Stay on the side. Inoue said with a snort dissatisfiedly.

"Uncle, didn't you just say that there is good news just now? Tell me quickly and make me happy." Kanp said.

Inoue glanced at Kanp, and said in a bad mood, Thirsty!

Without saying anything further, Kanp went into the living room and poured him a cup of hot tea.

Inoue smiled and accepted the hot tea: It's the news about the crayfish.

Kanps eyes lit up when he heard this.

Speaking of which, it has been more than three months since I found the crayfish at the end of October, and then the Gekk Clan started breeding the crayfish!

During this period of time, Kanp was so busy cultivating that he almost forgot about it.

Uncle, when will the crayfish enter the tavern for sale?

Since it is good news, the breeding is naturally successful, so Kanp directly asked the key points.

Its tonight.

Inoue showed a proud smile, On the way here, I went to the tavern to take a look, and the business was pretty good.

Looking at the wrinkled skin on the old man's face, Kanp felt that the business of the tavern should not be just pretty good.

Kanp asked a few more questions, but unfortunately, the old man was still very angry at him. Just now, Kanp teased him for being single, and Inoue silently wrote it down in his little notebook. At this time, no matter how Kanp asked him, he would shut up and not say anything.

Kanp was helpless, he had no choice but to go to the tavern in person.

Inoue laughed, and his heart felt a little more comfortable.

He looked back at the Kanp's back leaving, and his eyes gradually filled with relief.

With the crayfish, the business of the tavern will get better and better. If this happens then, the lives of the lonely old people, women, children, and Shinobi in the clan who cannot support themselves due to serious injuries due to wars and missions, and cannot stand on their own will have their be guaranteed to the greatest extent, and the lives of the other clansmen will get better and better!

And all this was brought by Kanp.

However, it is not difficult to breed crayfish. And in one month at most, other merchants will follow the trend of breeding it. Fortunately, the two old men have already prepared and wipe out all the crayfish in the sewers and also took all the crayfish in the lower reaches of the sewage river. Those merchants who want to breed crayfish can only go to Land of Rivers to find crayfish now!

However, the border of the Land of Fire is in the midst of war. Even if those merchants hire Jnin to escort them regardless of cost, it will take at least three months for this trip, and it will also take at least three months to breed the crayfish. In this way, Gekk Tavern can monopolize the crayfish market in the village for at least half a year!

Within one month, we will open the second Gekk Tavern, and within half a year, we will strive to open ten taverns in the village and try our best to occupy the market of the village!

Inoue silently planned about the business plans.

Also, you have to drink when you eat crayfish. The sake at Gekk Tavern is taken from other places. The old man com felt a little distressed and planned to let the clansmen open the brewery by themselves. If this happens then, the money earned by the tavern will only belong to the Gekk Clan!

Hahaha, although I am old, my mind is still very flexible, hahaha

Inoue was so happy that he couldn't help himself.

On the other side, after changing his shoes at the entrance, Kanp ran all the way to the commercial street that is more than a hundred meters away, and as soon as he got near the Gekk Tavern, he smelled the familiar rich and spicy aroma that can make people sneeze.

Spicy crayfish!

Kanp hasn't eaten spicy food for a while now, so now that he suddenly smelled this aroma, he couldn't help but choke, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

He walked slowly to the entrance of Gekk Tavern. After entering the winter season, a sliding door is installed outside the tavern to prevent cold air from entering.

Kanp gently pushed open the sliding door, in an instant, the noisy sound, the choking spicy smell and the refreshing aroma of sake, all rushed to Kanp.

Looking inside, Kanp found that the tavern was full of people. The square table on the left was full of people, and the bar on the right was also full of individual customers. They ate crayfish while drinking, and it was as lively as Chinese New Year.

In a daze, Kanp had the illusion of returning to his previous life.

But soon, the guests sitting near the door glared at him dissatisfiedly.

The weather outside is so cold right now, so now that Kanp keeps the door open, the cold air goes straight in. How could these customers bear with it?

Kanp closed the door before they could lose their temper.


In the future, I will be the Young Clan Head of a wealthy clan.

Kanp stood outside the tavern, and feels like a rich second generation.

Thats right, if the crayfish enters the tavern, then you can come to the tavern to eat for free in the future!

Never forget your original intention, hold on to your original dream!

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