Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 108: You Have Made A Good Friend

Chapter 108: You Have Made A Good Friend

After setting a small training goal for the bronzes once again, Yu ran back to train Kanp and Yui in three basic techniques, but both of them have mastered three basic techniques, and Yu checked it himself and theres no problem, so he let them fight with Taijutsu to improve their combat experience.

Academy's Taijutsu battle is only using steel kunai. Kanp can't use Ninja Tools to throw, and Yui can't use insects to sting. Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and so on also can't use it.

Kanp clenched Kunai tightly with his right hand, and looked at Yui, who was calm expression, and felt a little bit of pressure. After all, the other party is from Aburame Clan, so he cannot be careless.

After the standoff lasted for a while, Kanp took the initiative to attack.

Yui's reaction was quick. When Kanp moved, she rushed over immediately.


Under the crisp metal collision sound, the two took advantage of their strength to retreat quickly, and then rushed towards each other again.

Accompanied by the series of kunai collisions sound, Kanp unexpectedly discovered that Yui was not as good as him in terms of strength and speed.

Thats right, although she is from the Aburame Clan, she is just a girl after all. How can her strength be compared to us men?'

Therefore, it didn't take long for Kanp to successfully took the initiative in the fight.

Yui frowned, and it seems that she was a little surprised by Kanp's strength. She tried to take risks several times, and even planned to make the both sides lose, but under Kanp's dynamic vision, all her crafty plots and machinations cant be hidden, and was easily resolved by Kanp.

Yu, who was standing nearby, watched the battle between the two and became more and more surprised.

Kanp actually seems to have more actual combat experience than Yui?

Yu still remembers the scene of Kanp and Fatty fighting during the semester's opening test. Kanp tripped Fatty with his foot, and the latter admitted-defeat. They fought without the slightest technical content.

Could it be that at that time, Kanp deliberately hide his strength?

Yu can't understand Kanp.

However, as it stands now.

In the throwing of Ninja Tools, Kanp win against Yui.

In three basic techniques, the comparisons cant be made.

In actual combat of Taijutsu, in terms of strength, speed, and experience, Kanp won all of them!

From these aspects, Kanp is better than Yui, but even so, Yu is still more optimistic about Yui.

Because, Aburame Clan's biggest reliance is insects, and Kanp, as the clansman of Gekk Clans biggest reliance is Konoha-Style Kenjutsu, but Kanp's talent in Kenjutsu is very poor, so in the long run, Kanp's future achievements will definitely not be as good as Yui.

"Okay, stop here."

Yu asked the two to stop, and then first told Yui about some of the mistakes she made during the battle and the areas that need improvement, which were nothing more than speed and strength.

Then Yu looked towards Kanp, but he did not speak, and just looked up and down at him.

One who stands straight does not fear a crooked shadow. Kanp stood there calmly, allowing Yu to appreciate his majestic posture.

Kanp, you have impressed me. In such a short time, you have made so much progress in all aspects. Yu looked at him for a while, and finally said, Its just, how did you do it?

Kanp knew he would be asked such a question from long time ago, so he had already prepared his excuses in advance.

Yu-sensei, it's because of actual combat.

Kanp said quite literally, Shisui from Class 1 often accompanied me in actual combat this semester. He has been guiding me, encouraging me, and helping me constantly, which is why my progress can be so great.

"So that's how it is, no wonder!"

Yu agreed with this reason, because his good friend, Shisui's head teacher, Taishi, praised Shisui's genius more than once in his ear. Whether it is three basic techniques, Ninja Tools throwing, or actual combat, he is very good at all of them, he almost has no shortcomings, and Taishi even think that Shisui's talent is even better than Kakashi!

Of course, Yu just listen to the latter words casually, and won't take them seriously, but it is undeniable that Shisui is indeed a very good student. For Kanp to be able to have his current achievements, Yu believed Shisui definitely made a great contribution to it.

"You have made a good friend. Kanp." Yus tone was rather strange, even sounded a bit envious.

Kanp's situation reminds Yu of the companions he matched with during his Genins mission. He was often played by his teammates at the time, and it is unknown how much blood he has shed?

Thinking of it bring tears on his eyes.

Kanp didn't know Yus inner drama, and asked nervously: Yu-sensei, if I graduate successfully, can I be assigned to the same team as Shisui?

You are really clever.

Yu shook his head with a laugh, and then said: There are currently seven students applying for early graduation, including the two of you. If you all can pass the graduation exam, then the only thing I can confirm is that you and Yui will definitely be assigned to the same team. As for the third person, it depends on Hokage-sama's arrangement.

In other words, people in the same class will be arranged in the same team

Kanp frowned when he knew that he and Yui will be in the same team. If there are other people that graduated early in addition to Shisui in Class 1, then it is basically impossible for him and Shisui to be assigned in the same team.

Even if only Shisui that applied for early graduation in class 1, seven people can only be divided into two teams, leaving one to be alone.

Kanp felt that the person who would be alone must be Shisui. After all, who makes Shisui so good, and from the Uchiha Clan?

But nothing is absolute. After all, what if a fool fails the graduation exam?

Thinking of this, Kanps eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked: Yu-sensei, is there any actual combat in the graduation exam?

Yu nodded and said with a smile: Of course. But Kanp, this is not something you should inquire about. Well, lets end it here for today.

After saying that, Yu took back the ninja bags from Kanp and Yui, and then announced the end of the class loudly. After that, he walked towards the teaching building.

Looking at Yu's back, Kanp's eyes sparkled.

If there is actual combat in the graduation exam, then Kanp will only have to suppress his opponent fiercely in the actual combat, so that his opponent can't graduate smoothly, at that time, wouldn't there be only six people graduating?

At that time, he will have 50% chance of teaming up with Shisui!

But, wouldn't it be too harsh to do so?

Kanp begins to waver.

At this time, Iruka, Anko, Tsukasa and the others came over exhaustedly.

Kanp, I really envy you.

"Yes, we were trained so badly over there."

So tired!!!

"Wu wu."

Even the little puppy, Shiramaru, was so tired that it stumbled and looked like it would fall down at any second.

Yu-sensei has finally attacked you, Shiramaru!

Kanp looked down at the little puppy with sympathy, and then looked towards Iruka and the others, and said: You guys, you don't know the blessings you are given. Physical training can not only strengthen a person's physique, but also temper a persons willpower. You should know that you cannot grow without strong willpower!"

Everyone then looked at Kanp depressedly and said nothing.

Kanp, Anko, Tsukasa-chan

At this time, the Class 1, who is on the other side of the training grounds, was also dismissed. Shisui, who is in the crowd, came over to say hello with a smile when he saw Kanp and the others.


When Tsukasa heard Shisui calling her Tsukasa-chan, she was bursting with joy at the time and couldn't help but pinched Anko's arm with powerful grip.

Anko was in pain, and stared at Tsukasa with grimaced expression, but unfortunately, the latter did not pay attention to her at all.


Seeing Shisui approaching, Kanp hurriedly asked, Apart from you, is there anyone in your class who applied for early graduation?

Shisui nodded: "Yes."

Kanp's eyes narrowed slightly: "Who is it?"

It is Hyga Ueki.

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