Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 102: Application Passed

Chapter 102: Application Passed

The New Year Holiday passed in a flash, and on January 8th, the Academy became lively again.

On the way to the Academy, Hayate said Ygao-chan this, and Ygao-chan that, chatting all the way as if there are endless things to say!

Kanp is very helpless about this, even though Ygao is not around, Hayate still forcibly make him eat a lot of dog food.

With a tired expression, Kanp separated from Hayate at the Academys gate, and then he quickly fled.

Back in his classroom, looking at the single dogs all over the place, Kanp's mood was slightly healed.

After that, Kanp waited for Yus test.

As a result, he needed to wait for a whole morning.

After the theory class in the morning, Yu said: The actual combat training in the afternoon will be carried out with Class 1. Everyone must follow the instructions of Taishi-sensei! And, Kanp, you need to stay in the classroom in the afternoon!

Kanps eyes lit up upon hearing this, knowing that his test is finally here.

During the lunch break, Iruka and the others had complicated expressions. They hoped that Kanp would pass the application with a good result, but they were also reluctant to let Kanp leave and hope that he would only get 89.5 points in the test.

If Kanp knew what they were thinking, he would definitely curse them and doubt about their friendship.

At half past one in the afternoon, only Kanp is left in the classroom of Class 8.

Yu appeared on time and walked into the empty classroom.

Kanp, if you are ready

Yu casually took a stool from below to the podium, then waved to Kanp, Just come up and do the question.

Kanp didn't say much, he just got up and sat in front of the podium.


Yu took out a scroll, placed it on the podium, and then slowly unfolded it.

Kanp's eyebrows twitched, and there is an ominous premonition in his heart: Yu-sensei, how many questions have you prepared?

One hundred questions, one point for one question! Kanp, as you wish, the knowledges involved in these questions includes the theory of all six years, and if you can get at least 90 points in the test, I will agree to your application.

Yu said in a light tone.

Kanp's face twitched slightly. Looking at the densely packed one hundred questions after the scroll was unfolded, his scalp felt numb: Yu-sensei, the questions are so dense, I have no place to write.

"You don't need to write down, just say it directly."

Yu said, Start answering.

After saying that, Yu started to keep walking around Kanp, his eyes never leave Kanp, hes looking with a vigilant look as if preventing fire or burglary.


Kanp has a black line on his face when he saw this. Theres no way someone can cheat in such situation. Fortunately, he is a model student, and he is not cowardly at all.

Next, Kanp began to answer the questions, and really using his mouth to answer the questions.

The topics on this scroll cover the theoretical knowledge of all six years of the Academy. The first 80% of the topics are all rote memorization. Kanp smacked his lips for more than an hour before he finished the answers to these questions.

Yu listened calmly. As a questioner, as soon as Kanp speak, he will know whether Kanp is right or wrong. The more he listened, the more surprised Yu is in his heart.

Its all correct? Has Kanp really memorized the theoretical knowledges of all six years of the Academy?'

However, having a good memory doesn't necessarily mean passing the exam!

Twenty percent of the questions on the back of the scroll are all math questions such as geometry, force area, acceleration, and parabola. The questions are not only complicated but also chaotic. Fortunately, Kanp has collected mathematical knowledge in advance, and he started to write and draw after Yu pass him pen and paper. On average, he solved a problem in two minutes. After forty minutes, Kanp stopped.

There are still five questions on the scroll, but Kanp feels that it is no longer necessary to continue.

Yus requirement is 90 points or more, and the 95 questions Kanp did before are conservatively estimated to have 95 points, that is to say, Kanp has passed the test.

He looked up at Yu.

Yu looked at the answers to the math questions written by Kanp in an attempt to find out the mistakes, but after a while, Kajima can only sigh helplessly, and said: You are qualified, I agree with your early graduation application.

"Thank you, sensei!" Kanp grinned.

"Don't be too happy."

Yu said seriously, Passing the application does not mean that you can graduate directly. At the end of the semester, the Academy will give you a separate graduation examination for students who apply for early graduation. The difficulty will not be low, so you have to be prepared!"

"Thank you for your reminder, sensei!"

After Yu took the scroll and left, the bell rang, and Kanp didn't stay too long, and also left the classroom.

Kanp, you have finally come down.

We've been waiting for a long time.

Is Yu-sensei's test paper difficult?

Downstairs in the classroom, Iruka, Anko and the others have finished the physical training with Taishi, and they are waiting for Kanp below with sweat on their foreheads.

Kanp looked around and found that Shisui was also there.

"How was your test?" Shisui asked.

Kanp shrugged: "It's over."

"Congratulations." Shisui said.

"Shisui, are you free this afternoon?" Kanp asked.

Shisui nodded, and the two smiled at each other without saying a word.

"You two, you couldnt be planning to go on a date, right?" Tsukasa grabbed the forelimbs of the little puppy and walked between the two, staring at Kanp with a face of If you dare to steal my prince charming, I will let the dog bite your balls. expression.

Wu wu The little puppy was held in the air, unable to exert any strength on its limbs, and it was feeling very uncomfortable.

"What are you thinking? We are just going to spar to improve actual combat experience." Kanp didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

I am relieved!

Tsukasa changed her grasp to hug, and patted Shiramaru's dog's head.

Kanp, did you really pass?

Anko still couldn't believe it, Didn't you say that you took the six years of theory test? When did your theory score get so good? Shouldn't you

Kanp chose to ignore her.

When Kanp and the group walked to the gate of the Academy, they saw that Hayate was waiting there, and the classmates who followed him had become three people, and it was another cute little girl!

Little beast!

Kanp was shocked: What are you going to

"Big brother, I want to go shopping with my classmates!" When Hayate saw his big brother coming, he waved his hand and said.

"Hayate, you don't you want to go to your little sister Ygao to play?" Kanp reminded him so that Hayate didnt become a scumbag.

Hayate said with a serious face: Big brother, I went shopping to buy her gifts.


Kanp is speechless when he heard this, Well, it is not unreasonable for me to be single for so many years in my previous life.

"Okay, you can go." Kanp waved his hand indifferently.

Big brother, my pocket money has been spent. Hayate looked at his big brother shyly, and then stretched out his hand, Big brother, can you lend me some pocket money?


Kanp almost spit out a mouthful of sour phlegm, and then silently took out two hundred ry, That's all I have. If it really is not enough, just go buy hand beads. Hand beads are affordable!

Kanp felt his heart broke when he gave away the money.

Thank you big brother!

Hayate took the money and ran away with his little sidekicks.

After that, Iruka, Anko and the others also bid farewell one after another. Tsukasa wanted to stay, but was rejected by Kanp and he rudely drove her away.

If he didn't drive her away, will he just wait for her to spread dog food?

Kanp already has enough of dog food!

Soon, Kanp and Shisui are the only ones left at the Academys gate.

"Where should we go?" Shisui said with a smile.

Small Senju Park.

Kanp originally wanted to go to the small forest, but the small forest is easy to be linked to bad things, and Senju Park is more dignified and positive.

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