Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 995 Talking To The System Once More

Chapter 995 Talking To The System Once More

With Aarim providing all of the mana she could along with using some of the potions she had in stock, Shiro tried her best to find a way to control time using just mana but it was extremely difficult.

Trying to interact with something that you don’t know about was surprisingly, quite difficult.

Scratching her hair in frustration, Shiro sighed and threw her body back on the bed.

"Arhhhhh!!!! Annoying. I like experimenting but not when no results can be found." Shiro complained with an annoyed expression.

"Well I suppose you haven’t experienced interacting with time properly yet have you? It makes sense that it’s difficult." Nan Tian smiled as Shiro huffed.

"I know but like it shouldn’t be that hard right? I wouldn’t say that I’ve mastered spatial control but I can still teleport around like nothing. Time and space are linked no?" Shiro said as she snapped her finger and opened up a small portal to the food hall. Grabbing some juice, she offered Nan Tian one before sitting up properly.

"Well what you’re trying to do is reach out to the core concept. Your teleportation is more dimension based than actual space manipulation. Actual space manipulation would be subjecting reality to your control." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro pouted but nodded her head since she understood that.

"For space, at least you have somewhat of an idea since you have your dimensions but this time you’re reaching into the dark. I think it’s better for you to get some help from Chronos just so that we don’t waste too much time. Even if you are limited by how long you’re allowed to get his help by the system, it’s better than nothing."

Hearing this, Shiro scratched her hair but sighing in defeat.

"Fine. I’ll call for his help. But not yet. First of all, I don’t want to waste the chance of raising my authority so I want us to list out a bunch of questions that we want to ask first.

"Mn, what’s on your mind first?" Nan Tian asked.

"First question is; is it possible for me to retrieve Isilia and Edvimar. I... don’t know about fighting the watchman but I want to know if I can bring them back." Shiro said as she could feel her arm shake. Holding onto it to keep it steady, she took a deep breath.

"The second question would be an updated map of the world followed by what the Beyond is. There’s a dragon guarding it right now so I won’t teleport just yet. I also want to ask the system about future events, perhaps the reward for this event and a leaderboard of such that includes all the Queens."

"What if you ask it about time control? Do you think it’ll give you a good enough hint or maybe a method?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"That’s true. Anything else we want to think about?"

"How about a method to return one after they fall? I don’t want to be negative but you’ve come close and I want to find a method other than... harming you, since that will put an end to everything." Nan Tian asked as he started at Shiro in seriousness. He didn’t want to raise his sword against Shiro so if there was a method to prevent all this then he was all ears.

"That’s a good one. If we find it out we might also find a way to help Lisandra." Shiro smiled but her expectations were quite low. If Lisandra kept her black wings in the future then there was a good chance that they couldn’t stop it.

But since things were different right now, there was always a possibility.

"Is that everything we want to ask? I also need to think about the time limit since I won’t be able to ask too much from the system." Shiro asked as she made a mental note on everything so far.

"Hmm... a time frame on when the second part of the new age arrives I suppose. But that’s a lot of questions already so we’ll stick with what we have I guess. We can’t get too greedy since in that time you still need to get guidance from Chronos." Nan Tian reminded.

"You hear that Chronos? I’ll ask you for guidance in around an hour or so. At least then you’ll have some time to prepare." Shiro called out with a smile as she laid on the bed.

Looking up at her ceiling, she couldn’t help but wonder about the authority.

Despite raising it up to the level of Chaos, it seems as though there were still more levels. Most of the important information on everything is hidden in that upper section and Shiro couldn’t help but wonder what kind of being has access to this.

"Are you worried about something?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro shook her head.

"Not really. Just thinking what kind of being is above Chaos since it’s clear that her authority is not the highest and I doubt that it’s the second highest as well. Since she is also suffering from the system." Shiro replied as Nan Tian raised an eyebrow.

"Wouldn’t that just be the creator then? Though perhaps the administrators are a little higher? Maybe a good question would be to ask about those that are below Chaos’ Authority level. If the administrators aren’t there then that means they’re above Chaos." Nan Tian suggested as Shiro agreed.

Waiting patiently for an hour and a half, Shiro grabbed a few snacks from the food hall since there wasn’t much that she had to do.

Feeling her phone vibrate, Shiro smiled before standing up.

"Times up. Let’s see... how do we do this again." She muttered as she scanned her system interface.

Tapping the skill, Blessing of Chaos, Shiro took a deep breath before activating it.

Suddenly, a pillar of divine energy shot up into the sky as the room was filled with divine energy once more. Countless tier 8 magic circles appeared around her before dispersing into motes of light.

[All Restriction’s have been lifted for Entity - Shiro -]

[Authority has been upgraded to level 12.]

[Unfortunately, due to the current backlash, time during this state has been reduced to one hour from the initial two hours.]

[It’s a pleasure to speak to you again. What would you like to do today?]

Hearing that she only had one hour with this skill due to her backlash, Shiro widened her eyes.

"Erm... Spare the chit chat. First show me a map of the current world along with territories of powerful monsters and the domain of Queens."

[Understood. Once again, I have to remind you that I cannot reveal detailed information about the Quee-]

"Potato potato. If you can do it then do it. If you can’t then leave it out. After showing me the map I want you to answer me this question. Is it possible for me to retrieve Isilia and Edvimar?" Shiro asked as she waved her hand dismissively.

[While it may be possible for entity Edvimar, it is a difficult task to retrieve entity Isilia as the entity Watchman has already claimed her soul and placed it back into its rightful place.]

The system replied as a map was displayed in front of her.

Hearing this, Shiro clicked her tongue but it was ok since she had some hope. The system told her that it is a difficult task but not impossible.

However, just like how a little had a different meaning in her vocabulary, difficult had a different meaning in the system’s vocabulary. She could assume that difficult means that she has to probably reach godhood first.

"Alright. Next, what is the beyond?"

[The Beyond is a unique realm located between the fabrics of reality. If everything in the world, including dimensions like the rift, is grouped up into a circle, the Beyond is outside of this circle. There are small pathways that open up to the beyond occasionally but they are guarded by powerful beasts due to the mana density.]

"Can you tell me what’s in the Beyond?" Shiro asked with a frown since she knew that a mana dense area like the top of Astral Horizon’s was a hot spot for powerful monsters. She wanted to know what she was getting herself into before trying to potentially fight a dragon that could kill her with a sneeze.

[That information is redacted. I apologise.]

"Tsk. Forget it. Is a method to return those that fall?"

[There are no known methods as of yet.]

’If there are no known methods then that means it isn’t impossible to help people after they fall but no one knows how to.’ Shiro thought to herself as she furrowed her brows.

The information she wanted was either redacted or nothing could be done. It annoyed her but there wasn’t much she could do.

"How long is it till the second half of the new age?"

[Redacted. But the second half of the new age will commence once the garden is ready.]

"No sh*t. Hmm can you give me information on the events in the future?"


". . . Can you tell me anything other than redacted? I have an authority level of 12 for the love of god." Shiro’s smile twitched.

[Yes but level 12 is not the limit.]

". . .Haism, If I keep talking to you I’m going to be tugging out my hair." Shiro face palmed.

"Help me project an avatar to Chronos."


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