Chapter 1051 First Customer

[Nimue has captured a Zone in your name. Due to her race and class, the zone is granted additional benefits.]

[Havale – Sanctuary of Magic]

All allies within this zone are granted the following effects.

Passive mana regen +150%

Magic Damage is doubled

Magic damage ignores 70% of resistances

During combat, Allies are granted stacking INT state equal to 5% of Queen’s INT. A stack is granted every 20 seconds and stops at 60%.

Once per two days, designated allies can charge their attack with the power equal to 100% of the Queen’s INT stat. (Can designate three allies for this effect.)

Reading this, Shiro couldn’t help but feel the corner of her eyes twitch. She was still worried about what her maximum power could do considering last time her attack had completely destroyed an event ground and yet she could now designate three people to fire an attack that had equal power to 100% of her int every two days.

Blinking her eyes, she didn’t know if the system wanted her to destroy the world or not. At this rate, it seems like she was on a path of pure carnage.

While she was reading this, the zone started to change. Stone arcs started to rise from the ground as the cliff started to extend outwards.

Mana lakes started to form around the castle and liquified mana would flow from the top of the stone arcs, forming waterfalls.

Looking at what the zone had become, Shiro had to admit that this was something she would see in the middle of a hidden forest grove that would contain fairies for example.

As for the benefits that the zone brought, it was indeed broken like the zone that Iziuel had created.

While Iziuel’s zone was more survival orientated, Nimue’s was pure offence.

Magic damage being doubled as well as ignoring 70% of resistances was crazy for everyone else since they didn’t have armour and magic ignore skills like she did.

Plus, anyone would be able to gain millions of INT stat points the moment they enter combat since it stacks and scales with her own INT score.

Even if they’re not tier 6, a tier 5 with this much INT Stat would definitely kill one.

Last but not least, the benefit of launching an attack equal to 100% of her strength.

If one thought about it carefully, everything stacked.

60% of her Int, magic damage doubled, ignore 70% resistances and finally an attack equal to 100% of her Int.

Should Attie launch something like this, Shiro wasn’t sure what would happen.

Plus, there was one more move that she could do in order to increase how much it stacked.

If she was to activate her berserk skills, ones that would double her stat and so on and combine it all, it would be equal to having an army of Shiro’s activating berserk skills.

Shiro had to admit, even for her, the thought of going against an army of herself sent chills down her spine.

Each one sending a barrage of spells that ignored 70% of her resistances.

Since she had proven to be capable of shattering through dimensions with her attacks, running away to the rift was not an option either.

"I doubt there is a need to do this but this explains what a Pseudo Demi God can accomplish I suppose. Just two zones and the benefits they bring are crazy. At this rate, I don’t even need to guard this with specialised units. Just the standard pilots would do for this zone." Shiro muttered to herself as she wondered how she should place everyone. Right now, they have captured two zones so that’s two tier 6’s out of commission for skirmishes if it does come down to it.

But now that she understood their sense of power was slightly skewed, it was clear that she can be a little lax when it comes to other Queens.

"Well I suppose I can just let everyone rest. If I provoke too many Queens, it’ll be annoying. I’ll deal with this one first before capturing another zone." Shiro shrugged as she sent out a request for the standard pilots to enter the portal through their mechs and guard the second zone while Maria and Glen were sent back. Even though Shiro wanted to cultivate Maria’s power, it wasn’t the right time just yet.

Once they start a full on battle against one of the Queens, that’ll be when they strike.


Looking towards the Havale Castle that transformed after the new Queen took it over, Monti couldn’t help but furrow his brows since the change was too strange. None of the other zones, not even the ones in the centre would change like this except for the one owned by the Dragon Empress.

Pulling out a talisman from his inventory, he took a deep breath before lighting it.

Slowly, blue runes appeared in the air as everyone saw a silhouette with a pair of glowing blue eyes.

"Your highness." Monti kneeled down.

"Seeing as how I had just had all of the contracts broken, I had expected you to be either dead or dying from the consequences. With you being alive and well, can I presume that it’s the third outcome? Someone managed to break the contract without activating any of the penalties." The Queen narrowed her eyes as Monti nodded his head.

"Yes. However, we never got to see the Queen herself. Before we knew it, golden runes had formed around us, saving us from an attack and destroying any contract we had."

"Hmm... is that so... Then seeing as how you and everyone else here have contacted me, it seems like you choose to remain by my side." The Queen smirked.

"Indeed. Your highness, may I suggest that we perhaps build our forces up and find someone else rather than this Queen. We came across the Aspect of Fire known as Atesh who killed over 70% of our reinforcements. He claims that he is the son of the Goddess and judging by his power, it is not a lie. If the enemy Queen has someone this strong under her command, I don’t think it is wise to attack her." Monti warned as the Queen stayed silent.

"Monti, bring everyone back with you. Since you have brought back important information, I won’t blame you. There was a high chance of you dying after all. Once you’re back, I want to see you in my office."

Hearing this, Monti looked up and saw the communication get cut off.

Taking a deep breath and sighing, he glanced at everyone around him.

"Seems like we’re off the hook this time." He smiled.

"But Monti, why does she want you in her office. Could it be that she’s considering resetting you?" One of the survivors asked as Monti shook his head.

"Don’t think about such negative things. Let’s just go back for now. Thankfully, it seems like she was in a slightly good mood so even if she wants to punish me, it would only be light."


Ending the communication talisman, the Queen narrowed her eyes with a frown.

Remembering how many able hands and good contracts that she had just lost, she couldn’t help but slam her hand against the armrest.


Shattering the armrest, she took a deep breath and crossed her legs.

Tapping her fingers against the surface of the table next to her, she closed her eyes before drawing out a crest.

The crest was a raven skull pierced by a single sword. Two torches decorated the side with purple flames as the surroundings seem to darken.

Suddenly, neon blue runes appeared on the floor, forming a magic circle. A single purple flame appeared in the centre as it grew in size before manifesting into a phantom of sorts.

"Well... my first customer for this event." The merchant grinned as the Queen frowned in displeasure.

"Since you are the first customer, I’ll give you a free service. What information do you wish to know?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"I want information on the Queen that I have probably just provoked. One that has someone who claims to be the Son of the Goddess."

"Haha, quite the choice. Should you not be my first customer, information on this person would be very pricey. But as you wish, I shall tell you some information on her. The one who ’claims’ to be the son of the goddess is speaking the truth. A spirit that has ascended to the state of Pseudo Demi god. His mother, also the Queen, has a strange divinity that radiates the flavours of creation and destruction. She is both benevolent and merciless. Earn her ire and it would spell your doom. You can run, you can hide but she’ll find you... And she’s quite good at it too. It would be wise not to provoke her any more than you have already. It would be a shame if my first customer was to die so quickly after all." He snickered as the Queen furrowed her brows.

Thinking about it for a moment, she opened her mouth.

"For the proper trade, what would it cost to empower my unique skill so that it can affect her?"

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