Chapter 1042 Queen Alliance Contract

Hearing what Shiro had just suggested, Misu furrowed her brows. There seemed to be a stormy glare in her eyes as she frowned slightly.

"A contract?" She asked with a cold voice.

"You misunderstand me. Let me tell you about the details first." Shiro waved her hand with a smile.

"Do you know about contracts between Queens? One where it makes one give up their participation in the new age?" Shiro asked as Misu shook her head.

"You see, there can only be one winner in the new age right?"

"Yes. The winner gets a special reward but there hasn’t been a winner in the past gardens and the reset would always happen." Misu nodded her head.

"Indeed. Now you see, this contract makes it possible where one Queen gives up their participation for the current new age. Forming an alliance with another Queen. I want to offer you this contract so that we can form an alliance with one another. You still have the power of creating anchors as well as the abilities that come with your identity as a Queen but you’ll just be helping me win the new age from now on.

"I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. All I require is for you to keep the people safe. Naturally, I’ll treat you as my equal and help you should you need assistance." Shiro chuckled as MIsu stayed silent.

For her, this contract was almost too good. She didn’t care about winning so this ’drawback’ didn’t phase her much.

The main problem came from the fact that it seemed too good. She knew that Shiro was ’good’ since she helped all those people, but things were a bit too favourable for her. It seemed a bit suspicious now.

"All I have to do is help you out? To what extent?" MIsu asked.

"Mostly join in on fights against other Queens, helping me establish more territories and participate in events with me." Shiro smiled.

"And in return, you will help me revive my citizens and treat me as an equal?" MIsu clarified.

"Yep. And if you’re concerned, I can add a requirement for me within the contract. While it is active, I won’t harm you or your interests on purpose. There’s a small chance that an action of mine might create a butterfly effect so just in case." Shiro smiled as Misu was taken aback.

The fact that Shiro was willing to restrain herself with part of the contract as well was surprising for her.

"Why are you going so far for me? I know that I don’t care about winning but still." Misu asked curiously.

"Hmm... you have one of the purest souls I’ve seen so far. That’s more than enough reason for me to try my best to get you on my side. Plus, our interests align so it’s a win win." Shiro admitted.

Of course, another reason was that Misu survived for a long time in the future and she was true to her desires of helping people even after several years of wars and battles against other Queens.

Thinking about it silently, Misu nodded her head.

"Alright. I’ll accept." She smiled as Shiro clapped her hands together.

"Perfect. Let’s see, this isn’t a normal contract since its one that removes your chance of winning the new age this time." Shiro explained as she glanced at her system.

Even though she said it ’removes’ her chance of winning, there was never a chance to begin with. Once she failed in her world, her chances were over. The only one that even had the possibility of winning right now was her, no one else.

[Entity – Shiro – is requesting the use of the Queen Alliance Contract.]

[Authority Level check.]

[Check succeeded. The information on the contract will now be granted.]

Seeing the short burst of notifications, Shiro closed her eyes as the information flowed into her mind.

"Ready?" Shiro asked as Misu nodded her head.

Standing up, she watched as Shiro clasped her hands together.

Suddenly, a burst of divine energy radiated from her as tier 7 magic circles started to appear around her body.

Opening her hands, light converged together as a scroll started to form. Grabbing the top, she unfurled the scroll and golden words started to appear on the surface.

Recognising it to be the details of the contract, Misu read it silently to make sure everything matches up.

Once she had read through everything, Misu understood what she had to do to accept this contract. Even now, it was a little shocking that a contract like this was available since it has never appeared in the past.

The previous new ages have always been filled with bloodshed.

Closing her eyes, a tier 8 magic circle appeared on Misu’s chest as chains entered her body. Slowly, they pulled out what seemed to be a tiny anchor of sorts. Presenting the miniature anchor to the scroll, Misu opened her eyes.

"I accept the conditions. I, the Undead Queen Misu, give up my participation in the new age in service of the Nanotech Demi Goddess. The territories I hold will assist her in winning the new age."

Suddenly, a golden harness appeared around the anchor and latched on.

Flinching for a moment, Misu watched as the anchor entered her body once more.

Slowly, the magic circles started to fade away one by one.

"Perfect. I suppose it’s only fair that I show you where the main city is." Shiro smiled as Misu nodded her head.

"Mn, but aren’t we in the middle of an event? It’ll take a while to get to the city no?" Misu asked but Shiro shook her head.

"Nope. I have teleportation. And even if I didn’t, it’s not that far anyways. just a few hours away." Shiro shrugged as Misu furrowed her brows.

"Wait, your city is that close? But we didn’t spot anything of the sort while scanning the perimeter of this country." Misu frowned.

"You’ll see what I mean. Follow me." Shiro grinned.

Waving her hand, a portal appeared in front of her. Stepping through with Nan Tian, she could see that Misu was following behind her.

Teleporting everyone to the top of the tower, Shiro grinned.

"Welcome to the flying city of Asharia. Everything here is camouflaged from the outside world so you can’t see it at all. If you look behind us, you’ll see Vrish’ Lir." Shiro laughed.

Staying silent, Misu looked down in surprise. Demons, spirits, humans, demi humans, everyone was here and none of them are fighting one another. Even the demons that have had a long history of wars against humans are peaceful right now. In fact, some of them are even helping out in a few shops.

"Would it be ok if I look around?" Misu asked as Shiro patted her shoulder.

"Yup. Feel free to look around. I’ll give you this tablet that will explain all the rules to this city along with a map to everything." Shiro smiled as she handed her a tablet similar to the one that Nan Tian owns.

"Just call me on this when you need me. I’ll go prepare your lodging in case you want to stay here for the night so feel free to look around while you do that."

Nodding her head, Misu flickered away along with her subordinate as Shiro was now alone with Nan Tian.

"Well then, this has been quite successful hasn’t it?" Shiro smiled.

"Indeed. With her help, things will get easier in the future." Nan Tian nodded.

"Yup. But I wonder who that guy was. Since she had him beside her, it means that she trusts him. Especially since it’s an important meeting like this. And yet, I never saw him once in the future." Shiro narrowed her eyes.


Landing on the ground, Misu started to walk the streets as curiosity burned in her heart.

The technology, the atmosphere, everything seemed too good to be true. Looking at the children that ran around happily while designating one of them to play the role of Shiro, Misu could tell that the citizens adore her.

Looking around, she could see mana potions being sold. The ones that were displayed in the cases radiated so much mana that just a single smell felt like it rejuvenated her body.

"Seems like you’re new here. After her recent appearance more and more unfamiliar faces have appeared in this city. I suppose you also received the goddess’ help." The shop keep smiled as Misu nodded.


"In that case then take this as a greeting gift. It’s a mana potion that will fully restore your mana no matter how much you have got. There’s a limit on how much can be sold but since I don’t leave this city much, I have a few spares on me." He laughed as Misu accepted the potion.

"That’s awfully kind of you but why? We barely know each other." Misu asked.

"You see, everyone here has received the goddess’ help. She doesn’t expect anything in return. If you want to live a life in this utopia without doing anything, you can. However, that’s not us. The goddess is working hard for us, everyone here is in debt to her. We all died at one point when the new age happened and she brought us back. So while she’s out there fighting, our responsibilities lie in keeping the city happy." The man smiled as Misu glanced up at the tower.

"This is quite a pleasant city."

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