Chapter 1008 Filtering Out Talent

Sleeping properly this time, Shiro woke up and started to research her book while Nan Tian sorted through the applicants.

"How many do we have now?" Shiro asked.

"More than a thousand. Those that know of Vrish’ Lir are excited while those that just find out about it are curious. There are also a few who just want to go on a trip with you." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro shrugged her shoulder.

"Well you can filter out those that just want a holiday. Having too many people with us is also bad since we don’t know if there are any Queens scouting out the area early. If combat does begin, I won’t be able to take care of people with the 0 mana I have right now. Even with potions, I won’t be able to sustain a barrier for long enough while also fighting. All they have to do is stop me from drinking." Shiro replied while flipping to the next page.

"Don’t worry, I’ve already set them aside. But so far, from the talented ones that I’ve seen, trying to pick out at most 10 of each is still quite tough. Especially with more than 100 people that match the requirements from each section. I think we’ll have to do an in depth filter of the people later today so that we can set off for Vrish’ Lir tomorrow. If we delay it too much then it’ll reduce our time within the country." Nan Tian sighed as Shiro nodded her head.

"Alright, let’s go then. I’ll help you filter through a few of them. I’m just kind of taking a break anyways. That last piece is refusing to work with me." Shiro sighed as she rolled over and jumped on her feet.

"How do you want to filter through them then?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro thought for a moment.

"How about you get the most talented people we have now and have the contestants perform in front of us. I’ll also be there so if there’s anything that catches my eye, I’ll tell you." Shiro shrugged.

"Alright. I’ll contact the others and let them know about your decision. Where do you want to host this? I’m thinking outside the main tower since there’s a large empty spot that can be renovated for a short while to be used as the competition hall." Nan Tian suggested.

"Mn, that sounds good."

Sending out another invitation for the ones that passed the initial assessment, they were surprised to see that Shiro will be overlooking the trials since she hadn’t shown her face for several months now.

There was an announcement saying that she was working on something important so they were curious to see what she was working on but it could be that she was planning on taking them to Vrish’ Lir so not many questioned her presence.

As everyone was preparing to arrive at the testing area, Shiro had started its construction.

Drinking a mana potion, she casually drew a quick rune in the air as the nanobots started to stir beneath.

Suddenly, pillars shot up into the sky as the hall was being constructed in mere moments.

All of the testing facilities needed for clerics and alchemists were prepared as she had included simulated dummies for the clerics so that they could heal more dangerous wounds to see their talents.

Shiro would occasionally ask Nan Tian and Silvia about any additional parts that they would need to add for the test but it was rather simple aside from equipment.

Just a large enough hall and tables for them to work on. There wasn’t much need for proper walls or a roof so Shiro used the pillars to hang lights on so that it would light up the arena.

Their seats were obvious to the people watching since it was located at the front and was elevated above the contestants so that they could have a good view of everything.

Once the arena was constructed, Shiro nodded her head in satisfaction.

"Nan Tian, can you make a system for them to register and be assigned to a table for them to work on? Split the alchemists to the right and the cleric’s to the left. We can go through multiple rounds and filter them out one by one until only 10 of each are left. We don’t have many druids so those that register are pretty much allowed a free pass. Of course, you have to check their background and make sure that they’re trustworthy and have their allegiances in the right place. I don’t need people harming my city getting free food for their deeds. I don’t mind freeloading but if they plan to misuse the power we grant them then it’s natural that I wouldn’t want to help them." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Don’t worry, I’ve already set up everything while you were making the arena. We can be ready at any moment." Nan Tian smiled as Shiro paused for a moment before nodding.

"Alright, I’ll go get changed. Since it’s my first appearance in a while, how do you think I should dress?" Shiro asked curiously.

"It’s up to you. Everything you wear is good and that’s not flattery either." Nan Tian chuckled.

"Hais, I’m just too damn adorable. It’ll be a pain picking something good to wear that stands out but it’ll be alright. We have some time to burn before the start of the test after all." Shiro smirked while flipping her hair back as a joke.

"That’s true. I’ll ask Aarim to prepare a few dresses then. But knowing her, she should have a stockpile ready."

"Hou hou, you two know me well don’t you? I knew I should get ready the moment I saw that you were planning your first appearance after so long. Shiro dear, do you think I would miss this chance to give you the best outfit I have?" A voice rang out as a portal opened, revealing Aarim who had an excited glint in her eyes.

"Holy f*ck! Where you spying on us waiting for the right moment???" Shiro asked in surprise.

"In fact I was. I was waiting in a seperate dimension for a short while so that I could join in the moment you spoke about clothes. That, of course, is a joke, if you never said anything about clothes I might have starved in there but that’s besides the point!" Aarim pumped her fists as she opened a second portal.

"You have no idea how I’ve prepared for this day." Aarim smiled, wrapping her arm around Shiro’s shoulder before revealing what was inside the second portal.

Seeing rows upon rows of dresses lined up as far as the eye could see, Shiro had the urge to whimper in fear as there was no doubt that she’d die of fatigue by the end of it.

There was even a corner sorted just for pink dresses, hoodies, sweaters and so on.

She didn’t exactly have anything against the colour pink except for the fact that it made her seem too girly. She hated to admit it but her taste in clothing was nothing but black. Nice and simple. She had mentioned this to Yin but her response was "Mum you’re so damn edgy when it comes to clothes. Try some colour.".

But the thought of wearing something like pink while committing mass murder with a smile was... both less intimidating and yet also very intimidating. A confusing thought because someone committing murder with a frilly pink dress probably meant that they’re bat sh*t insane.

Glancing over at Nan Tian for help, Shiro wanted to kick him in the shin since he was looking at the clothes with great interest too.

’Don’t get interested! Help me!!!!’ Shiro shouted in her mind.

With Nan Tian, whom she couldn’t let go of for a long time and Aarim who refuses to let go, Shiro’s path of escape was sealed.

’God help me... Oh wait, I am technically my own god now since I’m a demi goddess. If I can’t help myself then no one can.’ Shiro thought as a silent tear rolled down her cheek.

With the arena completed, Shiro was dragged away by Aarim and Nan Tian to try on a good dress for her first appearance after several months.


I’m a survivor of the destruction caused by the monsters when they first appeared. I was saved by the ruler of this city, one that many called goddess due to the buff she gave to people.

I was grateful but the only time I saw her was during the time she had saved me but that was it. There were no additional appearances and she went completely silent for several months afterwards. The only proof of her is this city and a few videos.

I’ll admit, I’m a bit suspicious of everything that happened. She’s too... I wouldn’t say selfless but rather generous. She provides a safe haven with no cost, you don’t have to join the army, you don’t have to give her anything. As long as you’re happy here, things were fine. I’m still grateful but doubt nabs at my heart.

’I’ll find out something today I suppose.’ I thought to myself. Her first appearance after months of silence. I wanted to see her generosity in person, but I wasn’t prepared.

Seeing something in a video and seeing it in real life was vastly different. Her aura, her composure. I could see why people call her goddess.

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