Naked Sword Art

Chapter 288: Elder Su Yun's Technique

Chapter 288: Elder Su Yun's Technique

Xiao Fang gave Ye Ming a quick demonstration of his [ Solid Clone ] technique.

Ye Ming was a smart girl, so although it didn't look like much, she knew just how incredible the technique really was. She was particularly excited to learn it because she knew it would go well with her assassin-type techniques.

She wanted to thank him for the new technique, but she paused because she thought it was a bit strange.

"Why are you giving this to me?" she asked.

"Aren't you a member of my guild?" He replied.

"Yeah, but my relationship with you isn't the same as the relationship you have with the other girls in this guild. I'm only here because you know my secret," she reminded him.

"That may be the case, but anyone that would put themselves in harm's way to protect a guild member deserves to be treated like one. You didn't have to help Yan Mei today, so despite what you think, you deserve this," Xiao Fang explained.

Ye Ming was speechless. The truth was, she wasn't really trying to save Yan Mei back then, she was only trying to scare the girls into never coming back to her private training spot ever again. However, she didn't want to say that to Xiao Fang since she kind of liked being a part of this guild now, especially since she could now learn the [ Solid Clone ] technique.

"Thank you, Long Wang."

"Just call me Fang," he replied.

"Fang, is that your real name?"

Xiao Fang nodded.


Ye Ming tried to think about if that name was familiar to her. She always suspected that Xiao Fang came from a Major Sect like her, but she couldn't figure out which one.

The fact that he still didn't tell anyone where she was from, made her think that he came from the Chaos sect because the Hidden Leaf sect was often associated with them. Furthermore, she always suspected it before, but finally confirmed it today after seeing him use it in front of her; The ring on Xiao Fang's finger was in fact a Spatial Ring. That could only mean that he was a member of the Chaos sect's royal family.

'That explains why he's so strong,' Ye Ming thought.

Although she had never met anyone from the Chaos sect's royal family before, she knew they had a son around Xiao Fang's age. However, from what she's been told, he was supposed to be an extremely heartless and arrogant individual. She didn't really think Xiao Fang fit that description that well, but the truth was that she didn't really know Xiao Fang at all. She only learned his name was Fang today.


Xiao Fang noticed the way she was looking at him, so he asked,

"Ye Ming, is there something you want to ask me?"

Ye Ming realized that she must've been staring at him, so she said the first thing that came to mind.

"Ah... I was just thinking about your fight with Gao Liwen. Don't you think it was a bit strange?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Fang asked.

"If she knew who you were, why would she use her High-Grade Cultivation Weapon against you?"

Xiao Fang slightly frowned because he also thought it was strange.

The same way how he would never use his sword against a significantly weaker swordsmen, he knew something was suspicious the moment Gao Liwen took out her strongest weapon against him before the fight even began.

He hated to admit it, but it seemed like someone knew who he was.

Meanwhile, in the White Jade Guild, Gao Liwen waited outside of an intricately designed door after knocking on it a few times. Shortly after she did, a scarlet eyed woman opened the door.

Standing at 178cm tall, at 22 years of age, she wore nothing but a thin black dress before bed that didn't even go down as far as her knees. She was an incredibly beautiful woman with a sharp, piercing gaze. This person was none other than Chen Li.

Seeing that Gao Liwen returned back to the guild without Yan Mei, a subtle smirk appeared on her face.

"Did you lose?" Chen Li asked.

Gao Liwen sighed before tossing a spatial pouch containing a few gold coins to her.

"You were right. My whip was useless against him," Gao Liwen replied in a regretful tone.

Chen Li opened the door to her room a little wider then said,

"Come in, I want to hear all about it."

Later that night, team 2, which consisted of Xiao Hei, Zhao Pan, Ruo Shi, and Peng Ting, returned after completing their first guild mission together.

"That was so much fun~" Xiao Hei said as she skipped happily into the guild house.

The other 3 gave Xiao Hei a weird look because she was the only one who didn't seem completely drained.

"Ahh, my cute disciple finally returned. How did it go?" Su Yun asked as she welcomed them in.

Xiao Hei grinned from ear to ear, puffed her chest out proudly, then rubbed her nose wittingly before she said,

"See for yourself."

Xiao Hei spoke confidently as if she knew Su Yun would be impressed with their loot.

Tossing her the spatial pouch containing their reward, Su Yun opened it and checked inside.

"This... What mission did you girls do to get so many merit points?" Su Yun asked in shock.

"We were required to collect 100 4th tiered snow bunnies in the mountains. Truthfully, Xiao Hei did most of the work," Ruo Shi said with a tired smile.

Su Yun finally understood why they all looked so exhausted. Although 4th tiered snow bunnies weren't very aggressive, they were extremely difficult to catch. That was the reason why the mission reward was so high. However, hardly anyone ever wanted to do it.

Surprisingly, not only were Xiao Hei and her small team able to complete the mission, they were also able to do it in a short period of time. What should've taken several days was completed in a few hours, so Su Yun was more than surprised by what they were able to accomplish.

"Did you girls buy the bunnies from a local market or something? Not only is not worth the price, if you get caught you could be in some serious trouble," Su Yun said.

"I promise, we didn't didn't buy them. The 4 of us really went up to the mountains and caught them with our own hands," Peng Ting quickly replied.

"Well, the 3 of us only caught 19. Fei Lin was the one that caught the rest," Zhao Pan suddenly said.

Zhao Pan tried her best to catch as many as she could, but she was only able to capture 12 on her own. She hated to admit it, but Xiao Hei was far out of her league.

"Only 19?" Su Yun echoed her words as she looked back down at her innocent looking disciple. "It seems my little disciple is not only cute but extremely talented as well. You deserve a treat," Su Yun said as she patted Xiao Hei on the head.

Although Su Yun knew Xiao Hei was talented, she didn't know that her senses were sharp as well.

"Good work tonight, girls. Now get some rest. Your merit points rewards will be given to you at the end of the week," Su Yun said.

Hearing that they were getting rewarded for the mission they completed brightened their moods. They each bowed to Su Yun then retired to their sleeping quarters.

After they left, Xiao Hei looked up at Su Yun and asked, "Does Elder have treats for me?"

"Elder?" Su Yun echoed her words with a hint of disappointment. "I am your master, remember?"

"Hmph, what kind of master doesn't teach their disciples?" Xiao Hei replied.

"Ah, I see. So if I teach you a technique, then you will call me master?"

"Hmm, I guess, but what kind of technique could a lousy drunk like you even know?"

"A lousy drunk, huh. Don't you know that one must invent or master a powerful Illusory technique to become an Elder in this sect?" Su Yun said with a smug look on her face.

"Did Elder master a powerful technique?" Xiao Hei asked.

"Ah... not quite, but I did create my own which is even better than any technique that exists in this sect," Su Yun proclaimed before she asked, "Do you want to see it?"

Xiao Hei nodded.

Even though she assumed Su Yun was just spouting nonsense, she was a very curious girl.

Su Yun gave Xiao Hei a quick preview of her personal technique, making her collapse to her hands and knees within a matter of seconds. What Xiao Hei witnessed was just too bizarre.

"Well, what do you think? Would you like me to teach you this technique?"

In the next moment, Xiao Hei suddenly bowed to her then said,

"Master, please teach me."

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