Naked Sword Art

Chapter 249 - Spirit Candy

Chapter 249 - Spirit Candy

"Fang, your cultivation realm!"




Just as Xiao Fang opened his eyes, he realized that he had made 2 breakthroughs into the 3rd stage of the Profound Spirit realm. Even though he was already close to making a breakthrough to the 2nd stage, this was still far better than he had hoped to achieve with the beast core.

Xiao Fang released his aura to the max, revealing that he had gained two extra layers of Profound Qi to his aura.

Being the way he was now, he could feel that he was close to making another breakthrough to 4th stage too. This truly was a fortuitous encounter.

"Fang, how do you feel?" Xiao Hei asked curiously.

Xiao Fang curiously raised his arms then patted his body down. His strength and skin tone had returned to the way it was, but he didn’t feel any different. Back when Xiao Fang absorbed the blue Saint beast core, he immediately noticed the difference in his legs. However, after absorbing the red Legendary Beast Core, he could feel no change.

"How do I know if it worked?" Xiao Fang asked.

Xiao Hei shrugged. She had never absorbed a red beast core before, or any beast core for that matter, so she was just as ignorant as him. The thing she was really curious about wasn’t if he was able to successfully absorb the beast core or not, the thing she was the most curious about was the strange entity lurking within his dantian.

"Fang, how were you able to absorb it so quickly?" She asked.

Xiao Fang thought about it for a moment, then realized that something about it was a bit strange. He didn’t even absorb the Saint (blue) beast core this quickly, that was the reason why he was trying to figure out if he really did it or not.

"I don’t know," he replied. "I just concentrated on the beast core then it all started to get sucked into me more easily."

From the looks of it, Xiao Hei was convinced that Xiao Fang didn’t seem to be aware of its existence. However, Xiao Fang was no fool. Such miracles don’t happen for no reason, and the truth was, when the Qi in his body started to get absorbed into his body, he felt something like a whirlpool within his dantian begin to suck everything in, almost as if it was a bottomless canyon. He had felt this feeling before, and just like before, he suspected that it had something to do with the elixir Xiao Jianhong gave him. Since there was nothing he could do, and no way to investigate it, he pushed it to the back of his mind like he had done in the past. He knew there would one day be a time when it all made sense to him, but right now he just needed to focus on increasing his cultivation realms.

Seeing Xiao Hei still staring at him, Xiao Fang extended an arm then placed a hand on her head.

"Hm?" She looked up at him with her cute round eyes.

In the next moment, she began to feel a comfortable Qi pour down her body from his hand. The moment she felt it she immediately jumped away.

"Ah!" She complained cutely.

"What’s wrong," he asked.

"You keep feeding me your Qi the boring way. Aren’t you a dual cultivator? How could your first instinct not be to feed it to me with that?" She argued while point at his lower half.

"Xiao Hei, I have a guest coming over soon. They will be here any minute."


"Peng Ting."

Xiao Hei had to think for a few seconds till she finally recalled where she heard that name from. Back when Xiao Fang, Xiao Hei, and Li Xiang went to the Cultivation Rooms, a girl named Peng Ting worked as a maid and was assigned to stand outside of their door as they ’cultivated’. She was the girl Xiao Fang said reminded him of Xun Wei, so he invited her in to join in on their dual cultivation session.

The last time Xiao Hei saw her, they were both doing sexual things with Xiao Fang. Although she didn’t mind sharing Xiao Fang with her again, she didn’t want to wait.

Seeing the eagerness in her eyes, Xiao Fang sighed.

"Wait outside, and let me know when Peng Ting arrives," he told her.

Xiao Hei reluctantly left his room and did what he said. Once she was gone, Xiao Fang took out his 6 high-grade spirit pendants, each of which radiated a powerful aura that would’ve intimidated any other disciple in the inner court.

After placing them out in front of him, he closed his eyes then crossed his legs before slipping into a meditative state. Suddenly, he could feel the Qi in the 6 pendants flooding his meridians and endlessly filling his dantian with profound Qi.

As soon as he started, he immediately felt his cultivation rising in leaps and bounds. This was far more overwhelming than he expected it to be, but he was eventually able to comfortably cultivate all the Illusory Qi that was coming in.






In only a few hour, he had already made 2 breakthroughs into the 5th stage of the [ Illusory Body ] Spirit Refinement realm.

At this rate, he believed he could reach the Spirit Core realm within 2 weeks. The thought of it excited him to no end. If he had 11 spirit cores, wouldn’t he be able to reach it even faster? He was already struggling to cultivate with 6, truthfully, he didn’t think he’d be able to handle using more than 7.

What Xiao Fang didn’t know was that it was already beyond reasoning that he could cultivate with more than 2. The amount of Qi being poured into his body was too much for the ordinary Profound realm cultivator to handle.


Meanwhile outside the guild house, Xiao Hei had been sitting patiently in the trees as she waited for Peng Ting.

’Didn’t he say she’d be here in a few minutes. 2 hours have already gone by,’ Xiao Hei thought grumpily.

She had already seen Zhao Pan and Yan Mei return so she was getting a bit impatient. Eventually, she returned back to the guild house, then told the girls that Xiao Fang was expecting someone, so if someone knocks on their door, they should let them in. After that, Xiao Hei returned back into Xiao Fang’s room.

Since Xiao Fang allowed her guild nameplate to open his door, she walked right in after he didn’t answer her knocks. When she opened the door, she found him sitting in the lotus position, deep in meditation.

Xiao Hei pouted, then she approached his bed.

It seemed that Xiao Fang wasn’t aware that she was in the room, so she began to say the things that were on her mind in hopes that it would wake him up from that meditative state.

"Fang, I miss Li Lian and Xun Wei. When do you think we’ll see them again?"

No response.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you that I got accepted into the Foods & Crafts club. That means I’ll be able to learn how to make all kinds of sweet snacks," she said with a bright smile on her face. She was in fact super happy about this.

"Here try this, I made it myself," Xiao Hei said while holding up a stick of Spirit Candy she made early today.

She waved it under his nose, hoping the smell would wake him up, but what she forgot was that it didn’t really have a smell.

’Ah, right, I forgot,’ she thought.

Thinking about what to do with it, she carefully stuck it into his mouth, as if to let him taste it. Unexpectedly, it gave her a good laugh seeing it stick out of his mouth. However it still didn’t wake him.

Xiao Hei pouted cutely again. Nothing she did seemed to be working, so she became convinced that he was intentionally acting like he wasn’t awake. After coming to that conclusion, she stopped playing nice, and just went straight for what she wanted.

Laying on her stomach, her eyes shined greedily as she took his dick out of his robes. As soon as she took it out, she began to stroke it, then finally started licking it happily. Although it was only limp, she enjoyed the taste all the same. Eventually, she closed her lips around his warm shaft, then started to suck on it as if it were a stick of candy.

"Mym~ mym~ mym~"

Her head bobbed up and down in his lap. Her cute tongue stroked his flimsy Naked Sword as it stuffed her small mouth. It was as much fun as it was pleasure to her, and it was easy to tell by the way her legs swayed joyfully back and forth in the air behind her.

Eventually, Xiao Fang realized what she was doing, then sighed helplessly. He couldn’t be mad at her because it seemed like Peng Ting wasn’t coming.

He took the candy out of his mouth, but not before giving it a taste. His eyes suddenly lit up in surprise.

"Xiao Hei, did you really make this?"

Not wanting to stop sucking his dick, she replied with a spirit transmission instead.

{"Yeah, I did it all by myself. Do you like it?"}

"Mn, it tastes even better than the last one I had."

The last time he tasted one of these was a week ago, when Yao Yin came over to his house to become a Dual Cultivator.

{"Daddy, do you wanna know my secret?"}

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