Naked Sword Art

Chapter 237 - Imaginary Master

Chapter 237 - Imaginary Master

Once Xiao Fang was sure that Yan Mei was asleep, he quietly left the room then walked downstairs to the public bath.

’What a long day,’ he thought as he took his blindfold off.

He would usually begin his midnight training routine about now, but he wanted to take a few minutes to relax before he did.


Meanwhile, a jaw-droppingly beautiful woman stood outside of the Nameless guild as she waited for someone to answer the door. She wore a gorgeous white and purple trimmed robe, signifying that she was of the status of a Supreme Elder, and her cultivation was so high she seemed significantly younger than she actually was.

Ye Ming answered the door since everyone else was busy.

"S-Supreme Elder," Ye Ming said with wide eyes.

"Hello, young disciple. May I come in?"

"Yes, of course," Ye Ming immediately replied. "What can I do for you?"

"Is Long Wang around? There’s something I need to speak to him about."

"You want to speak to Long Wang? I’ll get him right away."

Ye Ming knocked on his bedroom door, but there was no response. Assuming he wasn’t there, she quickly checked around the guild house. Eventually she went into the training room and found Zhao Pan and Ruo Shi sparring against Xiao Hei. Despite fighting her 2v1 Xiao Hei seemed to be having an easy time against them.

Ye Ming quickly approached Xiao Hei and asked.

"Fei Lin. Have you seen Long Wang anywhere? I can’t seem to find him."

"If he’s not in his room then he’s probably taking a bath downstairs," Xiao Hei replied.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei noticed both Rong Shi and Zhao Pan getting tense as they stared at a certain direction.

"Junior greets Supreme Elder," they all bowed.

Supreme Elder Quan was used to this kind of greeting so she didn’t think much of it, but when she saw the way Xiao Hei was looking at her she got a bit annoyed.

She didn’t bow like the rest of them. The moment Xiao Hei saw who it was, she simply frowned.

"Granny Quan. What are you doing here?"

No one, including Ye Ming, could believe how Xiao Hei was addressing Supreme Elder Quan. They believed such blatant disrespect would surely not go unpunished.

"Is that any way to address a Supreme Elder," Supreme Elder Quan replied calmly.

"Hmph, the last time you were here, you pulled me through the front door. I still haven’t forgiven you for that."

Hearing Xiao Hei’s words, Ye Ming finally understood how the guild’s front door was broken. To think, it was a Supreme Elder all along.

"Girls, please leave the room. I would like to speak to Fei Lin alone,"

Ye Ming, Rong Shi, and Zhao Pan did as she said and left the room. They couldn’t help but think that Xiao Hei brought whatever punishment upon herself.

Once the others left, Supreme Elder Quan finally sighed helplessly.

"To answer your question. I came here to speak to Long Wang. Tell him that I brought what he asked for."

Despite her general dislike for Supreme Elder Quan, Xiao Hei was quite amazed by her ability to get things done.

"Can I see it?" Xiao Hei asked.

"I could, but you’ll have to promise that you will only address me as ’Supreme Elder Quan’ from now on."

Xiao Hei nodded spiritedly.

"Very well."

Supreme Elder Quan took the items out of her spatial pouch then Xiao Hei’s round eyes widened when she saw them.





Xiao Hei came running into the bath place looking for Xiao Fang. When she saw him, she quickly ran over to him.

{"Fang, Supreme Elder Quan is here,"} she said through a spirit transmission as she ran.

Once she reached him, she squatted down behind his head and waited for his response.

Xiao Fang still had his back to the wall with his head tilted on the ledge. It hadn’t been long since he got in, so he was a bit reluctant to get out so soon, but he eventually opened his eyes and looked up at Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei tilted her head curiously.

"Help me put this on," he said as he gave her his blindfold.

She wrapped it around his face as best as she could. When she was done, she put her hands on his cheeks then gave him a cute little kiss.

"Do you know why she came?" Xiao Fang asked.

"She brought the stuff."

She had come with it a lot sooner than he was expecting her to, so he was a bit surprised by the news.

"Tell her I’ll be there in a minute."

"Un," she nodded before leaving.




Supreme Elder Quan was waiting in the training room when Xiao Fang came in wearing a white robe with a towel over his head.

"Supreme Elder, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long," Xiao Fang greeted her.

"I don’t mind. But it would’ve been nice if that brat, Fei Lin, hadn’t disrespected me in front of the others. The next time you see her, will you teach her some manners for me."

Xiao Fang smiled bitterly as he tried to skip past the topic of Xiao Hei.

"So, is it true? Did you bring what I asked?"

Supreme Elder Quan reached into her spatial pouch and took out 5 High-Grade Spirit Pendants.

Each pendant was made of high quality gold, high-grade jade, and contained a profound inscription that radiated profound energy. They were truly a sight to behold.

"Is that it?" Xiao Fang frowned slightly.

"This is all I could get my hands on at the moment, I’ll be able to get the rest to you soon."

The truth was, Supreme Elder Quan could easily get the 10 High-Grade Spirit Pendants he asked for, but getting them all at once without anyone noticing was a bit too difficult.

"When will you be able to get them?" He asked.

"4 days."

"Then return to me in 4 days with the rest of what I asked."

"Ah, what about my benefactor?"

"I’ll tell him to come see you in 4 days. If that’s everything, I’ll have someone show you out."

"Ah, but..."

Before Supreme Elder Quan could say anything, Xiao Fang had already left. She came here today to tell him that she’d give him the other half if he introduced her to her benefactor, but Xiao Fang didn’t even give her a chance to do so.

’I suppose I get what I want either way,’ she thought.




Back in the public bath, Xiao Fang had taken off his blindfold to get a better look at his high-grade. After inspecting it for a few seconds, he was able to determine that they were in fact real.

His eyes shined greedily at the thought of what he could do with them. Since learning that he could cultivate much faster if he used more than 1 spirit pendant at a time, it became his personal goal to gather as many high-grade spirit pendants as he could.

When Supreme Elder Quan asked him about her benefactor, Xiao Fang told her that it was his master, and that he would prefer to keep his identity a secret.

When asked why he helped her, Xiao Fang randomly said that his master thought she was too beautiful to die in a place like that. Unexpectedly, her face blushed and her heart raced even when she tried to conceal it... It was at that moment that Xiao Fang realized why she was so desperate to find him. Xiao Fang knew it sounded crazy, but for a second it really seemed like she felt some sort of way towards his imaginary master.

As shocking as it was, when she asked him if she could meet with him alone, Xiao Fang’s suspicion became a reality.

Being as opportunistic as he was, Xiao Fang knew Supreme Elder Quan could easily get him a high-grade spirit pendant if he asked for another one, so he daringly asked that she get him 10 instead.

Although she initially tried to play it off as being impossible, Xiao Fang could hear the change in her heartbeat, so he knew she was lying.

He made the excuse that he was only putting a high price on it because his master strictly told him not to reveal his presence to anyone. In addition, Xiao Fang also agreed to put a good word in for her too. Hearing that, she eventually agreed to the deal.

It all seemed to be working out nicely, but he didn’t expect her to be able to get him the pendants so soon.

Xiao Fang had 4 more days to somehow fake a meeting between her and his imaginary master.

’How am I supposed to fake a meeting between her and my imaginary master anyway,’ Xiao Fang thought.

He stored all 5 high-grade spirit pendants into his spatial ring, then began to think.


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