Naked Sword Art

Chapter 212 - Erotic Thoughts

Chapter 212 - Erotic Thoughts

Ye Ming felt satisfied after climaxing, so she thought it was a good time to leave. She finally got back up then started to slowly close the door, but before she could close it all the way, Xiao Fang suddenly looked up at her.




Ye Ming quickly hid.

’He couldn’t have seen me right?’ she thought nervously.

Even though she was still using her stealth ability, she was convinced that Xiao Fang made eye contact with her. Not wanting to find out whether or not he really saw her, she quickly ran back upstairs and hid in her room.

Hiding under her bedsheets, she pretended to be sleeping. Since he was the guild master, she knew that he had access to any room in the house, including hers. If he really did come into her room then she was prepared to deny anything he said. However, Xiao Fang never came. The longer she waited the less worried she became.

’Maybe it was all in my head. There’s no way he could’ve seen me.’

Thinking back to when he looked up at her, she began to wonder about his eyes.

’If he isn’t blind, then why does he go around wearing a blindfold? Something isn’t right,’ she thought.

Ye Ming eventually stopped pondering about it then tried to fall asleep, but the only thing she could see when she closed her eyes was Xiao Fang and Xue Li doing the act between a man and woman together. Xue Li’s small body, Xiao Fang’s sculpted figure, the sweat dripping off their bodies, the erotic steam they were both emitting, Ye Ming could see all of it replaying in her mind, and it was turning her on.

She twisted and turned in her bed, but the sexy thoughts never went away. Droplets of sweat began to appear on her face and chest, and her breathing became heavy. If one was listening closely then they might even hear that she was moaning.

’What’s wrong with me?’ she wondered, but she knew exactly what was keeping her up. Just the thought of Xiao Fang was making her pussy wet and making her hug her pillow a bit tighter. Despite what her body desperately wanted, she continued to deny it.

Eventually, she got out of bed then decided to head back outside.

’Perhaps some late night training will keep my mind distracted,’ she thought.


Meanwhile in the bath place, Xue Li was just recovering from another climax when she noticed that Xiao Fang had stopped.

"What’s wrong?" she asked.

"It’s nothing. I was just thinking that we should take a break."

Xue Li had no complaints since she was exhausted herself. Xiao Fang finally got off of her, then laid by her side. He took this chance to get to know her. What he learned was that Xue Li was the daughter of the Supreme Elder that fixed his guild house’s front door, and she was a pretty talented inscriptionist herself. As they spoke, Xiao Fang continued to massage her breasts. Even though they had done almost everything together, he could still see that she was still a little embarrassed when he was touching her. Over time, she became used to the feeling and was no longer shy to let him touch her.

"So, you already mastered all 69 fundamental inscriptions? I suppose that means I’m in the presence of a genius," Xiao Fang complimented her.

"Haha, I’m no genius. Anyone with the right teacher could do the same," she replied modestly.

"You make it sound easier than it is. I’ve only recently started practicing inscriptions myself, but I’ve had no luck."

"You’re interested in inscriptions?" she gasped.

"Yeah, well, it’s not easy practicing blindfolded."

Xue Li was reminded that he was blind. Although she knew it would be a lot harder to learn while blindfolded, she didn’t think it was impossible.

"You know, if you really want to learn, I could teach you if you want," Xue Li offered.

Xiao Fang paused for a moment then replied, "If it means that I can see you again, then yes, I’d like that."

Xue Li smiled from his words.

"Let’s get dressed. There’s a lot I need to teach you."




In a different part of the sect, Xiao Hei woke up in an unfamiliar bed.

’Where am I?’ she thought.

Suddenly, the door to her room began to open.

"Looks like you’re finally awake."

Xiao Hei looked up at the woman that was speaking to her and immediately recognized who it was.

"Supreme Elder Quan, where am I?"

"You’re in my house. Did you sleep well?" she said before taking a seat on the bed with a cup of tea in her hands. Slowly, Xiao Hei began to remember the last thing that happened before she fell asleep.

"Weren’t you mad at me?" Xiao Hei asked.

"Yes, well, I was, but then you fell asleep, so it gave me some time to cool off. If you were too tired to talk, then you should’ve just said so."

"... If you didn’t notice, I still don’t like you," Xiao Hei replied.

Supreme Elder Quan smiled bitterly from her words. "I’m aware." She took a sip of her tea as if she wasn’t angered by her words any more.

"Do you know why I wanted to speak to you?" she asked Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei shook her head.

"In the Ancestor’s Training Ground there was a man there that saved my life. White hair, violet eyes. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to thank him, so I’ve been trying to find him with no luck. Since you were there that night, I wanted to know whether you knew anything about him?"

Xiao Hei gave her a puzzled look. She knew who she was talking about, because she was there when it happened. The reason she was confused was because the Supreme Elder was looking right at Xiao Fang just before she passed out.

’Did she really not see him?’ Xiao Hei thought.

"If you know anything, please tell me. I only want to thank him personally for helping me."

"I... I can’t say that I know who you’re talking about. Sorry, but I can’t help you," Xiao Hei replied.

Supreme Elder Quan’s gaze squinted piercingly as if she caught Xiao Hei in a lie, but the look was too brief for Xiao Hei to notice. She took another sip of her tea then stood back up.

"Sigh. It seems no one in this sect knows anything about him. Alright, get up, I’ll take you back."

Despite the Supreme Elder’s words, Xiao Hei didn’t move.

"I-Is that it?" Xiao Hei asked.

"Mn, that’s all."

Xiao Hei hesitated for a moment, but eventually got out of bed. In the next moment, Supreme Elder Quan grabbed her by the arm then took her back to the inner court. They were moving so fast Xiao Hei’s surroundings looked like one big blur, but when they finally stopped Xiao Hei found herself standing just outside of the forest where the Nameless guild guild house was located.

Xiao Hei looked around then, but the Supreme Elder was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that she had left, Xiao Hei shrugged then started walking towards her guild house. What she didn’t know was that the Supreme Elder was not far behind her, following her every move. Since she was confident that Xiao Hei knew something, Supreme Elder Quan wasn’t going to let her out of her sight. She was going to find that violet eyed man, even if it was the last thing she did.

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