Naked Sword Art

Chapter 202 - Ye Ming

Chapter 202 - Ye Ming

Several hours later, Xiao Hei exited the basement after training the [ Drifting Cloud Rising Wind ] technique with Xiao Fang. Once they were happy with their progress they put their training on hold so that they could get some rest.

Xiao Hei went up to her room, but Xiao Fang stayed in the basement. He was too tired to keep cultivating his body, so he decided to start cultivating his spirit.

He sat down on the ground, crossed his legs, then took out his high-grade spirit pendant. He used this opportunity to start absorbing the Illusory Qi he gathered from the Ancestral Training Ground.

As soon as he began, his body erupted with qi, filling the entire room with his aura, making his [ Illusory Body ] spirit cultivation rise at an ridiculous rate.




Not too long after Xiao Hei fell asleep, she was suddenly awoken by the sound of loud knocking. She didn’t want to get up to answer it, but Xiao Fang was in the basement cultivating, and Jiang Mei, Su Yun, and Rong Shi were all out working.

Xiao Hei reluctantly rolled out of bed then groaned as she got up.

’Whoever’s knocking better have a good reason for waking me up,’ she thought.

Once she opened the door, she looked up and saw Supreme Elder Quan standing there with a friendly smile on her face.

"Oh, Fei Lin, did I wake you?"

"What do you want?" Xiao Hei replied sleepily.

Supreme Elder Quan was a bit irritated by her reply but she didn’t let it get to her. Xiao Hei was the only disciple in the sect that would dare speak to her so casually, but at this point she didn’t expect any less from her.

"I came to see you, Fei Lin. I was wondering if-"

"I’m a bit busy right now. Maybe we can talk another time," Xiao Hei said as she was closing the door.

"Fei Lin, I will only take a minute of your time," Supreme Elder Quan quickly said before Xiao Hei closed the door.

She couldn’t believe that she was humbling herself to a brat like Xiao Hei, but she came for an important matter so she tried her best to suppress her anger.

Xiao Hei was too sleepy and exhausted to listen to what she was going to say, so despite the Supreme Elder’s politeness, she still closed the door on her.

As soon as the door closed, the Supreme Elder opened it again.

"Fei Lin, don’t you know that it’s rude to close the door on someone that is talking to you?"

Xiao Hei looked surprised, she thought only guild members could open the guild doors. Just to make sure, Xiao Hei shut the door again, but this time she slammed it a bit harder.



The wind generated by the door pushed the Supreme Elder back a few steps.

Supreme Elder Quan stood there with a dumbfounded expression on her face. Never had she ever been so disrespected by a disciple in her life.

Meanwhile, Xiao Hei stood on the other side of the door waiting to see if it worked. After a few seconds, she eventually assumed that the Supreme Elder was successfully locked out, so she turned around to get back into bed, but just as she turned around, a fist suddenly punched through the door and pulled Xiao Hei out.

The strength of that attack was so powerful the whole house shook. Even Xiao Fang, who was spirit cultivating in the basement, could feel it.

Xiao Fang opened his eyes then looked up.

[ Spirit Perception ]

His eyes changed from violet to blue, then what he could see began to change.

’So it’s the Supreme Elder. I was wondering when she’d show up,’ he thought.

Xiao Hei rolled a few times on the grass before looking back at the guild house. The front door was completely destroyed and the spirit containment formation was broken. She then looked up at the Supreme Elder then shouted,

"Hey! You have to pay for that!"

In the next moment, the Supreme Elder appeared behind her and picked her up by the collar.

"Did you think I was going to let you disrespect me like that? You’re coming with me."

In the next moment, Supreme Elder Quan and Xiao Hei were gone.




The sound of the door breaking was so loud anyone in those woods could have heard it. However, these woods were uninhabited, so there wasn’t anyone here to hear it, except one person. The girl in the woods was named Ye Ming. If Xiao Fang was here, he’d recognize her to be the girl he found training in the woods the other day.

Ye Ming followed the sound to see what was going on, when she caught sight of the guild house she started to slow down. It didn’t take her long to realize that the front door was blown off its hinges, but what surprised her was that there was someone besides her that was here. Last she checked this guild house wasn’t in use.

’What the hell is going on here,’ she thought.

She looked up and saw the guild name printed above where the door should’ve been.

[ Nameless Guild ]

’Nameless guild, huh. Why would anyone station their guild in the middle of nowhere. Judging by this mess, it seems like they already made a powerful enemy.’

Thinking about whether she should continue practicing her secret cultivation method in these secluded woods or not, she eventually sighed when she came to a conclusion.

’These woods are no longer safe. I’ll need to find somewhere else to train in secret,’ she thought.

The cultivation method she was practicing was best trained in the woods. Unfortunately, these woods no longer seemed safe. Thinking about it reminded her about Xiao Fang.

’Perhaps this is where that man named Long Wang resides. If that’s the case, then I better leave before he--’

She suddenly heard footsteps coming from within the guild house, putting her on high alert. In the next moment the person she heard coming revealed himself, making her panic when she saw him. The person she was looking at was none other than Xiao Fang, and on his waist was a guild nameplate that read a name that matched the house he was in.

[ Nameless ]

"I-It’s not what it looks like. I just got here," she quickly said.

Xiao Fang knew she didn’t break his door down. He could’ve told her that he knew, but he decided to scare her a bit just for fun.

With his hands behind his back, he took a step forward in her direction. In response, Ye Ming took a step back.

"What are you doing? I told you it wasn’t me."

"There was no one else around. Who else could it be?" He replied.

He took another step forward and she took another step back.

Her heart was beating rapidly and her body was sweating nervously. She was trying her best to conceal her worry, but Xiao Fang could easily see through it.

"I told you that I was stronger than you. Did you come here to pick a fight with me?" Xiao Fang asked.

"No, I told you that I didn’t do it. I didn’t even know you lived here."

"Is that so," he said as he took another step.

"Y-Y-You better not come any closer, you hear me?!"

"Loud and clear."

Xiao Fang took one more step.

"You... you..."

Xiao Fang finally smiled.

"Don’t worry, I know it wasn’t you."

Ye Ming was hesitant to believe his words.

"I don’t understand. Why do you believe me?"

"Just look around, if you tried to break my door down then why would all of its pieces be out here and not inside my guild house?" Xiao Fang explained.

Ye Ming’s eyes widened when she realized this fact. She had been looking at it this whole time, but it never once occurred to her that it was strange.

"You right! That means it definitely couldn’t have been me," she said in relief.

"Mn, besides, breaking my door down isn’t something you could pull off even if you tried," Xiao Fang said in a bit of a mocking tone.

Although she was relieved, she still took offense to his words.

"Hmph, as far as you know I could tear your stupid door down with a single finger," she scoffed.

"Oh? Is that a confession?"

"Ah, I... I just meant-"

"I know. Perhaps next time you can show me what you’re really capable of," he said, leaving room for interpretation.

Ye Ming frowned as she stomped her foot down. She didn’t like that he was bullying her and it made her want to kill him even more.

Till now, she wanted to get rid of him simply because he knew her secret, but now she really wanted to break his neck.

"Next time?" She echoed his words in confusion, but then she watched as he walked past her.

"Ah, wait for me."

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