Naked Sword Art

Chapter 178 - Cultivation Room

Chapter 178 - Cultivation Room

"We can eat later, there’s somewhere I want to go first."




Xiao Fang took them to a cultivation hotspot, but from the outside it just looked like a massive dome. Although the roof wasn’t very high, the diameter of the dome was a kilometer wide.

When they were inside Li Xiang finally remembered what this place was. She had heard about it on the tour, but she didn’t get the chance to try it out yet.

They confronted the lady working behind the front desk.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" she said.

Behind her was a board with different tiers of rooms they could rent out. Since Xiao Fang was blindfolded, Fei Lin quickly read it to him through a spirit transmission.

> Tier 1 room 150mp/hr

> Tier 2 room 300mp/hr

> Tier 3 room 500mp/hr

> Tier 4 room 1,000mp/hr

"I’ll get a tier 4 room, and I’ll rent it out for an hour," Xiao Fang said.

"Sure, that’ll be 1,000 merit points," she replied.

"Ah, wait. Me too," Xiao Hei whined, thinking that he was going without her.

"Alright, how much is it if we share a room?" Xiao Fang asked.

"It’ll still be 1,000 for you, but only 800 for her."

Xiao Fang took 800 more out of his spatial pouch.

"I’ll pay for her."

She then gave Xiao Fang a key and 2 armbands with the number 69 on it. Xiao Fang then handed one of the armbands to Xiao Hei.

Earlier, Xiao Hei had told Li Xiang that she could only afford to take the trial pod test once. So Li Xiang didn’t find it strange that she was now sharing a room with Xiao Fang. If anything, she thought Xiao Fang was being extremely generous for spending 800 merit points on Xiao Hei like that.

"I’d also like to rent a tier 4 room for 1 hour," Li Xiang said.

She knew it was a lot to spend, so she planned to make the most of it while she was in there. After paying the 1,000 merit points, the lady behind the counter gave her a key and an armband with the number 70 on it.

Since they were getting the most expensive rooms, 2 non-class disciples were summoned and escorted them to their rooms.

Li Xiang didn’t waste anytime unlocking her door and jumping in to cultivate. Once she was in, her escort stood guard of her door from the outside.

Unlike Li Xiang, Xiao Fang and Fei Lin weren’t in any kind of rush.

"Would you like me to get you anything to drink? Maybe some water or tea?" Xiao Fang’s escort asked.

"Just some tea would be fine," Xiao Fang said.

"I’ll get it right away."

Xiao Fang was getting a nostalgic feeling from the escort. Not just from her appearance, but from the little things.

"She resembles Xun Wei, doesn’t she?" Xiao Fang said.

Fei Lin looked back at the girl and tried to see the resemblance.

"I don’t see it."

"Hmm... maybe I’m just imagining it."

Xiao Fang unlocked the door then stepped inside. The first thing he felt was an exuberant amount of concentrated qi. The levels of qi he was feeling in here was several times stronger than what he felt in the Li Family guild house. Although it was strong it didn’t take long for Xiao Fang to get used to it.

"Wow~ it looks so nice in here."

Hearing Xiao Hei’s comment, Xiao Fang began to remove his blindfold. When he opened his eyes, he was amazed by what he saw. Everything from the ceiling to the floor was made out of pure gold. Also at the center of the room where the qi was the strongest, there was a large pool surrounded by small diamond-like spirit stones. This was by far the most luxurious room he had ever been in.

Xiao Hei stripped before running towards the pool.

"Yahoo~" she screamed as she jumped in.

Although her jump was high, the splash splash she made was pathetic.

"Xiao Fang, the water feels great!" She said as she struggled to touch the bottom with her tippy toes.

Xiao Fang took off his robes then made his way towards the pool. Xiao Hei expected him to walk in, but he suddenly jumped over her.


He had catapulted himself into the pool, creating a large wave that completely engulf Xiao Hei. She swam back up to the surface then spat out a mouthful of water like cute a little fountain.

"How does the water taste, Xiao Hei?" Xiao Fang laughed.

"Hmph, I’m going to make you taste it yourself."

She swung her arm across the surface of the pool, creating a large wave that came crashing down on Xiao Fang. Just before the wave could hit, he suddenly ducked his head underwater, but then he saw Xiao Hei. She had been swimming under the wave the whole time, using it as cover.

She was too close for him to dodge, so he just let it happen. She swam right into his stomach, then hugged him tightly. Xiao Fang stood back up and looked down at her.

"Alright, you win, you caught me. Are you going to let go now?" he said.

Despite his surrender, she didn’t let go of him. Instead she stretched her neck up as if she wanted to kiss him. Xiao Fang eventually gave her what she wanted, but as soon he felt her lips, she spurted the pool water into his mouth.

Xiao Fang quickly coughed it out. The water was perfectly clean and was actually quite refreshing, but it was just too unexpected.

"Hehehe," she snickered after pulling a prank on him.

"That was good, but how do you plan to escape?" he said as his violet eyes glowed lustfully.

Her cheeks turned red as she looked up at him cutely.

"I-I don’t want to escape. You still need to feed me, remember?" Her cute voice got quieter and quieter as she spoke.

"Mn, that’s right. I almost forgot."




[ Read ’Optional Smut Chapter: Xiao Hei’ ]




During their dual cultivation session their escort knocked on their door, but being so absorbed in their dual cultivation session, they didn’t answer it. However, a few seconds later, they heard the door slowly opening.

"It seems we have a guest."


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