Mythical Era: I Evolved Into A Stellar-Level Beast

Chapter 421 - Chapter 421: Chapter 217: Combat Divine Body, Jack Clark Takes Off, Illiterate Giant Beast (Requesting Monthly Votes)_2

Chapter 421: Chapter 217: Combat Divine Body, Jack Clark Takes Off, Illiterate Giant Beast (Requesting Monthly Votes)_2

Translator: 549690339

Soon, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle, 60 meters in length and over 4.0 meters in height, appeared with heavy steps. Each step it took caused the seabed to tremble violently, fracturing the earth.

Due to its thick shell, the weight of the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle had already surpassed 10,000 tons. Although its body density was not as immense as that of the Thunderflame Behemoth, it was still astonishing.

Following closely, the equally massive Single-horned Tiger Kingfish and four other differently-sized Mutated Tiger Whales swam down from above, all turning their attention to the back of the Thunderflame Behemoth…

Behind the Thunderflame Behemoth, inside the Ice Crystal Palace, lay the Silver Giant Dragon, weak and prostrate on the ground. This scene caused all the giant beasts, including the Tiger Whales, to pause slightly in astonishment.

What’s happening here, what have you all been doing sealed inside the Ice Crystal Palace these past few days?

Why does it seem like Dragon King Sesidya has become somewhat weak?

For a moment, curiosity and gossip filled the eyes of the Nine-headed Flood Dragon, Tiger Whales, Dragon Turtle, and Female Tiger Whale.

The clueless Silver Giant Dragon was wondering what the Thunderflame Behemoth intended to do when it suddenly roared to summon all the extraordinary creatures.

Standing on a platform tens of meters high, the Thunderflame Behemoth rose up on its hind legs, appearing even more imposing.

Furthermore, the three pairs of red feather horns that spread out on both sides of its dragon head, along with the golden flames burning atop to form a Flame Crown, made it look extremely majestic and overbearing.

In comparison to the Silver Giant Dragon, the Thunderflame Behemoth, now surrounded by other giant beasts, resembled the King of the Beasts even more.

“Roar! The king and Sesidya have been in closed-door cultivation for a few days, gaining some insights into the essential nature of our powers as extraordinary creatures. For example, like this.”

With a low growl, the Thunderflame Behemoth extended its right claw, and in an instant, the endless Blue Thunder within its body gathered. A long spear, 30 meters in length and completely formed from the accumulations of thunder, appeared in its claw.

“Roar! Normally, we extraordinary creatures rely on instinct to control our gifted abilities in combat. Although strong, this approach is too crude.”

“After pondering and researching for some time, I have discovered that our abilities actually contain a certain principle of Heaven and Earth and have traces that can be followed. 1 have come to call these ‘runes’.”

“These runes are complex and varied, each possessing magical and special powers.”

“For example, inscribed on the scale armor of my right claw are Runes with the ‘Binding Field,’ which can help me compress and concentrate power more forcefully.”

With a low growl and a swing of its right claw, the Thunderflame Behemoth transformed the Thunder Spear into a blue beam that shot up into the sky, piercing through over a kilometer of sea surface.


With the burst of thunder power compressed dozens of times, a massive blue light ball appeared on the sea surface in an instant, eradicating and vaporizing sea water within a hundred-meter radius under its destructive power.

Then it exploded with a crash, and countless bolts of lightning spread across several hundred meters of sea surface. The explosion-generated tsunami, tens of meters high, swept towards the desert island.

Such power and a form of attack different from the usual gifted abilities left the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle, Single-horned Tiger Kingfish, and even the Nine-headed Flood Dragon with their eyes wide open in shock.

Especially the Nine-headed Flood Dragon, which suddenly recalled the gold scorching power contained in the Thunderflame Behemoth’s claws during their battle.

So it was the ‘Runes’ created by Abbott. No wonder it felt stronger than the flames and frost that swirled around it and more convenient than its Breath.

Roar roar!! Thunderflame, you’re too impressive, you truly are!

The Deep Sea Dragon Turtle let out an excited roar, shaking its head vigorously, eyes brimming with ceaseless admiration.

Roar, roar!! Thunderflame, I want to learn, I want to learn.

The Single-horned Tiger Kingfish was even more frantic, twisting its body wildly and churning the surrounding sea water into a muddy vortex, its excitement clear as it saw light…

No, that’s not it, it saw hope; it saw the hope that it too could unleash powerful energy attacks.

Roar, roar!!

The Three-headed Mutated Tiger Whales, not understanding any of this, saw their ‘father’ so excited, immediately followed and excitedly swam about, causing even more violent water currents.

Then the black Nine-headed Flood Dragon shook its nine heads and hesitated before growling, “Roar roar roar!! Abbott, can I, can I learn it?”

After the Nine-headed Flood Dragon spoke, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle and the Single-horned Tiger Kingfish instinctively shrank their necks a bit, somewhat wary of the ferocious behemoth that had beaten them up before.

Of course, this was just an expression; the Tiger Kingfish didn’t actually have a neck.

The Thunderflame Behemoth growled lowly, “Of course you can. We’re all members of the Dragon Palace. Although there are some differences in strength and status, we’re all family.”

With that said, the Thunderflame Behemoth looked towards the Tiger Fish Dragon Turtle and growled, “And you two, Kido has joined the Dragon Palace, and from now on, we are brothers; there’s no need to fear.”

In recent times, occupied with contemplating the space runes, the Thunderflame Behemoth had no time to pay attention to external affairs.

Hence, although the Nine-headed Flood Dragon had joined the Dragon Palace a few days ago, it was still somewhat estranged from the Single-horned Tiger Kingfish, the Dragon Turtle, and the Mutated Tiger Whales.

Or it could be said that these creatures were somewhat wary of the ferocious Nine-headed Flood Dragon.

But now that the Thunderflame Behemoth had spoken, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle, always deferential to it, was the first to roar, “Roar roar!! Kido, we’re all brothers.”

Trusting the Thunderflame Behemoth, the Single-horned Tiger Kingfish did not hesitate and looked more kindly at the Nine-headed Flood Dragon as its enormous fins waved.

Roar, roar!! Brothers, we’re all brothers; let’s go find some good stuff together.

Roar roar!! Big Joe, you have the nerve to say that; haven’t you found any good things after all this time?

Roar, roar!! I want to, but the ocean is so vast, it takes time to find good things. A promising find I recently made was also guarded by a very fierce creature..

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