Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2287: Lurking In The Shadow (3)

The air within the pocket dimension grew heavy, the oppressiv with each passing moment. The very fabric of space-time seen

the distorted landscape threatening to implode under the weig


Outside, the crowd watched in horrified fascination as the shin

the pocket dimension pulsed and throbbed, its surface rippling The chilling aura emanating from within sent shivers down the gripping their hearts.

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"Tian'er..." Yun Wushuang, her face etched with worry, clutched her chest, her heart pounding like a frantic drum.

She wanted to make a move but was restrained by Yun Mucheng.

"It's useless for you to go," Yun Mucheng said calmly.

Yun Wushuang could only stare at the throbbing pocket dimension in concern. She feared for his safety, for the consequences of unleashing such a terrifying power.

Yun Xue, her expression a mask of cold calculation, observed the scene with a keen eye. She had underestimated Yun Lintian once again, his true strength far surpassing her initial


The Great Law of Death, a power that even she, a True God, approached with caution, was now wielded by this young man with an unsettling mastery.

A flicker of doubt crossed her mind. Was he truly Yun Wushuang's son?

Within the pocket dimension, Yun Lintian's eyes, blazing with the violet light of death, scanned the surrounding darkness, searching for any trace of Yin Ye's presence.

The shadows, once Yin Ye's domain, now recoiled from his aura, their darkness fading and dissipating like morning mist under the rising sun.

Yun Lintian raised his hand, his palm glowing with a deathly aura. The flames surrounding him, now infused with the power of the Great Law of Death, intensified, their spectral heat reaching a fever pitch.

Suddenly, a subtle fluctuation in the fabric of space caught his attention. A faint ripple, barely perceptible to the naked eye, betrayed Yin Ye's desperate attempt to escape the confines of the pocket dimension.

With a surge of power, he unleashed a wave of deathly energy, its force rippling through the dimension and crashing against the spatial ripple. The ripple solidified, its energy trapped and contained within an unbreakable barrier of death.

Yin Ye's shadowy form materialized, his face contorted in a mask of frustration and fear. He struggled against the barrier, his powers waning under the oppressive weight of the Great Law of Death.

"Damn it!" he cursed, his voice a guttural growl. "How can a mere human wield such power?" He raised his hand once more, the spectral flames dancing and swirling around him, their heat intensifying with each passing moment.

"This should be the end," he declared, his voice a death knell.

Yun Lintian waved his hand, sending the flames towards Yin Ye.

Yin Ye's face darkened. With a final, desperate surge of energy, he slammed his shadowy fist against the spatial barrier that held him captive.


The barrier trembled, its surface rippling with waves of chaotic energy, but it held firm, refusing to yield to his onslaught.

"Damn it!" Yin Ye's voice, once filled with arrogance and confidence, now trembled with fear and desperation. He watched in despair as the spectral flames rushed towards him.

The flames immediately engulfed Yin Ye, burning everything into nothingness.

Yun Lintian furrowed his brow as he stared at where Yin Ye had been. His form began to distort and shimmer, his body melting into the surrounding darkness like a wisp of smoke. However, the uneasiness in Yun Lintian's heart did not dissipate. His intuition told him it wasn't the end.

A moment later, Yin Ye's voice echoed from behind Yun Lintian, laced with a mocking laughter. "Did you really think you could kill me?"

Yun Lintian whirled around, his eyes widening in surprise. Yin Ye stood a few meters away, his shadowy form flickering and dancing in the dim light. He was unharmed, his aura radiating an unsettling calmness.

Yun Lintian couldn't understand how Yin Ye had managed to escape his confinement unscathed.

Yin Ye chuckled, his laughter echoing through the pocket dimension. "Your mastery over the Law of Space is indeed powerful," he said, his voice dripping with a newfound respect. "But you have much to learn about the true nature of shadows."

He raised his hand, the darkness around him swirling and coalescing into a swirling vortex. "Shadows are not bound by the laws of space," he explained, his voice a chilling whisper. "They exist in the gaps between dimensions, the spaces between realities. They can slip through the cracks, traverse the unseen paths, and emerge where you least expect them."

Yun Lintian frowned. He didn't believe Yin Ye was telling the truth. There had to be something more to it.

Outside the pocket dimension, Yun Xue's sharp eyes observed the scene with growing interest.

"His shadow technique has become stronger again." She muttered.

Yun Wushuang, her anxiety reaching a fever pitch, turned to Yun Xue with a pleading look. "Palace Master, please explain. What just happened?"

"Yin Ye can switch places with his shadow avatar at will," Yun Xue explained calmly. "The Yin Ye you saw disintegrate was merely a projection, a decoy meant to distract and deceive."

"A shadow avatar?" Yun Wushuang was surprised.

"The Law of Shadow is a mysterious and unpredictable force," Yun Xue said. "It allows its master to manipulate darkness and shadows, to bend and twist reality to their will. Yin Ye's ability to switch places with his shadow avatar is just one of the many tricks he has up his sleeve."

Her words sent a wave of unease through Yun Wushuang. If Yin Ye could escape Yun Lintian's attacks so easily, how could her son possibly defeat him?

"So that's how it is," Yun Lintian said, having naturally heard Yun Xue's explanation.

Yin Ye glanced at Yun Xue with annoyance. "Heh. Since when did you become a busybody, Yun Xue?"

Yun Xue looked at him and said nothing.

Yin Ye retracted his gaze and turned to Yun Lintian. "Your efforts are futile. You cannot defeat me... Now, it's my turn." He said.

He raised his hand, the darkness around him swirling and coalescing into a multitude of shadowy figures. Each figure was a perfect replica of Yin Ye, their eyes gleaming with a

malevolent light, their forms radiating an oppressive aura of darkness.

The shadowy figures lunged towards Yun Lintian, their movements a blur of darkness as they attacked from all directions...

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