Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2203 Seeds of Hatred

Chapter 2203 Seeds of Hatred

The air in the Chen Clan's ancestral hall hung thick with the stench of defeat. Flickering lamps cast long, distorted shadows on the grim faces of the assembled elders, mirroring the twisted emotions churning within them. Chen Zitao, the normally arrogant young patriarch, sat next to his father, Chen Biao, his face ashen, eyes downcast.

His disastrous attempt to seize control of the Yun Clan had left the Chen Clan in a precarious position. Their best warriors lay slain, their carefully orchestrated plot lay in smoldering ruins, and the weight of the Yun Clan's potential wrath pressed down upon them heavy as a mountain.

"Patriarch," Elder Chen Hao, his voice raspy with age, finally broke the oppressive silence. "What now? Yun Wuhan won't stand for this blatant attack."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the hall. The elders, accustomed to the machinations of power, understood the consequences of their actions all too well. Yun Lintian's unexpected emergence as a fearsome Divine King had completely shattered their carefully crafted plan.

"We underestimated him," Chen Biao admitted, his voice laced with a bitter tang. "He was far stronger than we anticipated. And… something felt off about his victory over Yun Qinghong. Did you notice?"

His words sparked a flurry of whispers. The elders, astute observers of human nature, had indeed picked upon a subtle anomaly in the duel between Yun Wuhan and Yun Qinghong. Yun Qinghong's attack, seemingly destined to incapacitate the Yun patriarch, had inexplicably missed its mark.

"Could it be…" Elder Chen Li, his beard stroking his chin thoughtfully, "that Yun Lintian interfered?"

A collective gasp filled the hall. The implication was chilling. Was Yun Lintian not merely a powerful cultivator, but also a cunning tactician capable of manipulating the flow of battle from the shadows?


Chen Zitao slammed his fist on the table, the force of the impact sending a tremor through the room. "It doesn't matter!" he roared, momentarily breaking the air of suffocating tension. "We failed! We need to find a way to salvage this situation before the Yun Clan comes knocking with vengeance!

A tense silence descended once more, broken only by the soft crackling of the lamps. The elders exchanged worried glances, cogs turning in their minds as they desperately searched for a solution.

Suddenly, Elder Chen Wei, known for his unorthodox methods, spoke up. "Perhaps…" his voice was barely a whisper, "we could appeal to the City Lord."

A flicker of hope ignited in the eyes of the Chen elders. Qing Zong, the enigmatic ruler of Azure Cloud City, enjoyed a reputation for impartiality and a shrewd understanding of power dynamics. Appealing to him, presenting the situation as a Yun Clan power grab orchestrated by the ostracized Yun Qinghong, might offer them a sliver of hope.

Chen Biao considered the suggestion, weighing its merits against the risks. Supplicating themselves to the City Lord was a humbling prospect, a stark reminder of their diminished position. Yet, it was the only viable course of action they had.

"Very well," he said, a hint of desperation lacing his voice. "We will seek an audience with the City Lord. Prepare a generous tribute to accompany our plea."

The elders, with a newfound urgency, began formulating a narrative that would appease the City Lord. They needed to spin the events in a way that painted the Yun Clan as the aggressors and the Chen Clan as the wronged party. It was a desperate gamble, but it was their only chance to avoid the full fury of the Yun Clan.


The path back to Hidden Jade Valley was a silent one. Situ Lan, cradling the urn containing Tong Qi's ashes, had retreated into a shell of silent fury and self-recrimination. Each step was a painful reminder of her failure, her naivety, and the devastating consequences.

The Second Elder, her face etched with worry, glanced at her Saintess. "Miss, do not blame yourself. We underestimated him. That man..." She trailed off, a shiver running down her spine as she recalled Yun Lintian's chilling aura.

Situ Lan remained silent, her grip on the urn tightening. The loss of Tong Qi was a wound that cut deep. But beneath the grief and anger, a seed of fear had taken root. The power Yun Lintian wielded was terrifying, incomprehensible. It had shattered her confidence, her carefully constructed plans, and left her feeling vulnerable for the first time in years.

Upon reaching the Hidden Jade Valley, the towering jade gates that once symbolized safety and power now seemed ominous, a grim reminder of the humiliation they had suffered.

As they entered the valley, a wave of apprehension washed over Situ Lan. News of their failure had already reached the Valley Master, and the atmosphere was thick with tension.

They were summoned to the Jade Lotus Pavilion, a majestic structure where the Valley Master held court. As they entered, Situ Lan felt the weight of countless eyes upon her, each gaze filled with a mixture of pity, scorn, and curiosity.

The Valley Master, a woman of ethereal beauty and imposing aura, sat upon a jade throne, her eyes like twin pools of moonlight. Her gaze settled on Situ Lan, a flicker of disappointment flashing across her face.

"Explain," she commanded, her voice as cold as the jade beneath her feet.

Situ Lan knelt, her head bowed in shame. In a trembling voice, she recounted the events that transpired at the White Lotus House, the chilling encounter with Yun Lintian, the loss of Tong Qi and the Elder, and the revelation of their plans for the Sacred Grove.

A hush fell over the pavilion as she spoke. The Valley Master listened in stony silence, her expression unreadable. When Situ Lan finished, a heavy silence hung in the air.

Finally, the Valley Master spoke, her voice laced with barely suppressed fury. "Foolish child! You have jeopardized our plans, risked our reputation, and lost valuable assets! How could you underestimate this Yun Lintian so severely?"

Situ Lan remained silent, her head bowed in shame. There was no excuse for her failure, no justification for the loss of life.

The Valley Master rose from her throne, her aura radiating outwards like a tempest. "You will be confined to the Reflection Pond for a month to meditate on your mistakes. Perhaps then, you will learn the importance of caution and respect for your superiors."

Situ Lan accepted her punishment without protest. She rose to her feet, her back straight, her eyes filled with a newfound determination. This was not the end. She would learn from her mistakes, grow stronger, and one day, she would have her revenge…

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