Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2175 Reversal (3)

Chapter 2175 Reversal (3)

?Shi Xuan, realizing the precarious situation, unleashed a guttural roar. With a surge of dark energy, he reinforced the barrier, pushing back against the icy wave. However, the effort began to take its toll on him. A sheen of sweat appeared on his brow, a testament to the immense power he was exerting. The pressure in the chamber grew so thick it felt like molasses, clinging to every surface and constricting Mo Lianxing's movements. The air itself crackled with raw energy, a cacophony of sizzling ice and searing darkness.

Through the blurring distortion caused by the clashing energies, she glimpsed Shi Xuan's face, twisted in a grimace of exertion. Even a god of his caliber was struggling to contain the power she now wielded.

A surge of defiance surged through Mo Lianxing, momentarily banishing the tendrils of fear that threatened to coil around her heart.

This newfound power, a chilling presence resonating within her, felt terrifying yet strangely familiar. It pulsed with a primal energy, an echo of a slumbering giant awakening from a timeless sleep.

The monstrous dragon of dark mist, momentarily stalled by the blinding wave of energy, reared back and let out a bone-chilling roar. Its draconic form writhed, the edges blurring and reforming as it struggled against the icy blast.

Shi Xuan poured his power into the dark energy barrier, his muscles straining under the immense effort. The barrier, once a shimmering shield, was now a tattered tapestry, riddled with cracks that pulsed with an ominous red glow.

Suddenly, a voice, like the whisper of a blizzard across a frozen wasteland, resonated within Mo Lianxing's mind. "Focus," it commanded, cold and devoid of emotion. "Channel the power. Let it flow through you."

Mo Lianxing closed her eyes, her body instinctively obeying the voice's command.


The Frostmourn Spear, a conduit for the swirling power within her, thrummed with an otherworldly hum. Images flickered in her mind's eye, fleeting glimpses of a world encased in eternal ice, a desolate landscape ravaged by an unseen force.

A gasp escaped her lips as understanding dawned. This wasn't just power; it was a memory, a fragment of a forgotten past. A past where she wasn't Mo Lianxing, the sole survivor, but something far more…

The realization sparked something within her, a dormant ember igniting into a raging inferno. With a roar that echoed through the chamber, she channeled the entirety of her newfound power into the Frostmourn Spear.


The chamber shimmered, the air growing colder with each passing moment. The remaining True Gods gathered around Yun Lintian, their faces grimaced with a chilling premonition.

The icy wave emanating from the spearhead began to morph, taking on a life of its own. It solidified, transforming into a colossal ice serpent, its scales shimmering with an otherworldly blue light.


The serpent, its eyes burning with an icy fire, reared its head and let loose a deafening hiss that resonated with the power of a thousand blizzards.

Shi Xuan, sensing the change in the approaching attack, frowned deeply. He knew a barrier wouldn't hold this time.

"Hah!" With a guttural bellow, he channeled fifty percent of his power, his draconic form materializing behind him. Dark energy swirled around him, coalescing into a colossal black dragon, its eyes burning with malevolent red light.


The two dragons, one of ice and one of shadow, clashed in a maelstrom of unimaginable power. The chamber shuddered, the very fabric of reality threatening to tear under the immense strain.

The barrier around Yun Lintian's group shuddered violently by the sheer force of the collision.

The ice serpent, fueled by Mo Lianxing's newfound power, surged forward with unstoppable momentum. Its icy fangs clashed against the black dragon's razor-sharp claws, sending sparks of white and black light flying in all directions.


The chamber echoed with the deafening roar of their clash, the temperature fluctuating wildly between scorching heat and bone-chilling cold.

The black dragon, despite its immense size and power, was slowly being pushed back by the unrelenting onslaught of the ice serpent. Each blow from the ice serpent chipped away at the black dragon's shadowy form, leaving behind wisps of dissipated energy that swirled harmlessly into the churning vortex of the battle.

"Hmph! You think you can defeat me with borrowed power?" Shi Xuan snorted coldly. With a surge of dark energy, Shi Xuan unleashed a devastating attack. His draconic form reared back, its maw agape, and unleashed a torrent of pure darkness.

The torrent of darkness, a writhing mass of malevolent tendrils, surged towards the ice serpent with a speed that defied comprehension.


The ice serpent, caught mid-strike, roared in defiance. Its colossal body writhed as it attempted to evade the onslaught. It snapped its jaws, trying to bite down on the tendrils, but they simply passed through its icy form, coiling around its body and seeping into its very essence.

"ROAR!" A horrifying screech erupted from the ice serpent as the darkness began to corrupt it from within. Its once pristine blue scales began to crack and splinter, turning a sickly grey as the darkness devoured its icy energy.

"Ah!" Mo Lianxing felt a scream rise in her throat, a scream of despair and frustration. The power she wielded, though immense, felt limited in the face of Shi Xuan's overwhelming strength. The connection she felt with the icy power, the whispers in her mind, grew faint as despair threatened to consume her.

But then, as suddenly as it had arrived, the voice resonated within her mind once more. This time, however, it wasn't a whisper, but a booming command that echoed with an ancient power.

"Ignore him and finish Yun Lintian." The voice resounded, a tremor running through Mo Lianxing's very soul.

Instinctively, Mo Lianxing locked her gaze onto the motionless Yun Lintian behind the protection of Lan Qinghe and the others.

"DIE!" With a final, desperate roar, Mo Lianxing opened herself up, surrendering control to the unknown force.

A blinding flash erupted from Mo Lianxing's body, so intense that even Shi Xuan had to shield his draconic eyes. The chamber pulsed with an otherworldly light, momentarily halting the battle.

Lan Qinghe and the others, blinded by the light, stumbled backward, their hands raised to shield their faces.

When the light finally subsided, a chilling silence descended upon the chamber. The colossal ice serpent, now a fragmented shell of its former self, dissipated into a cloud of shimmering ice dust.

Shi Xuan, his draconic form partially reverted, stood frozen in the center of the chamber, his gaze fixed on Mo Lianxing.

Time itself seemed to slow, the very movement of dust particles appearing sluggish and deliberate…

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