Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2158 Moon Graveyard (3)

Chapter 2158 Moon Graveyard (3)

?The woman in the coffin must have been the champion mentioned in the inscription. But who was the encroaching darkness? And what connection did she have to the Divine Moon Clan he knew? Could it be that Hongyue, Yue Hua, and the others were remnants of this Divine Moon Clan?

A multitude of questions swirled in Yun Lintian's mind, demanding answers. He gripped the fragment on his chest, its warmth offering a sliver of solace. What was the connection between the Soul Scepter and the Divine Moon Clan?


As Yun Lintian contemplated the inscription, a faint tremor shook the labyrinth. The ground beneath his feet rumbled, and the air shimmered with a strange distortion.

He looked up, his heart pounding in his chest. A colossal gate materialized before the moon statue, its surface pulsing with an otherworldly light. The gate creaked open, revealing a glimpse of an ethereal landscape bathed in moonlight.

Without thinking further, Yun Lintian stepped through the colossal gate, a wave of cool, ethereal energy washing over him. The familiar sight of the labyrinth vanished, replaced by a breathtaking vista bathed in an otherworldly silver glow.

He found himself standing on a vast plain, the ground shimmering with a pearlescent sheen.

Towering monoliths, sculpted from an unknown, moonstone-like material, rose from the ground, stretching towards the endless expanse of a silver-white sky. In the distance, a majestic city shimmered, its architecture reminiscent of a bygone era.

But the most striking feature of this lunar landscape was the countless mounds of earth that dotted the plain. Each mound, meticulously maintained and adorned with crescent moon-shaped stones, was a silent testament to those who had fallen.

This wasn't just any graveyard; it was a sprawling necropolis, a final resting place fit for heroes. Yun Lintian felt a profound sense of reverence wash over him, the weight of history pressing down on his shoulders.

He walked forward, his footsteps echoing softly on the moonstone ground. As he drew closer to one of the mounds, intricate carvings on the crescent moon stones caught his eye. They depicted scenes of warriors clad in silver armor, wielding crescent moonblades and battling monstrous creatures with obsidian hide.

A connection sparked in his mind. These carvings mirrored the fragmented memories he received from the chimera. Could these be the encroaching darkness mentioned in the inscription?

As he continued his exploration, he noticed a faint inscription on each mound, detailing the name and deeds of the fallen warrior. Some were seasoned veterans, their names etched with the respect of their kin. Others were young warriors, their sacrifices marked by a poignant sorrow.

With each inscription he read, Yun Lintian felt a growing sense of kinship with these fallen heroes. He saw the reflection of their courage, their loyalty, and their unwavering devotion to their clan in the stories etched in stone.

"The beginning…"

Suddenly, a soft, ethereal voice echoed in his mind, weaving a narrative of a celestial war. It spoke of a glorious moonlit civilization, the Divine Moon Clan, protectors of the celestial balance. It spoke of a relentless enemy, the Shadow Demons, creatures of pure darkness who sought to engulf the heavens in an eternal night.

He listened intently, his heart pounding with each revelation. He learned of the valiant struggle of the Divine Moon Clan, their unwavering defense against the encroaching darkness.

He learned of their champion, a woman who wielded the legendary Moon Scepter, a weapon of immense power fueled by the essence of moonlight.

"The Moon Scepter?" Yun Lintian muttered in confusion. "It wasn't the Primordial War?"

The voice continued, its tone filled with an otherworldly sadness. It spoke of Luna's ultimate sacrifice, a final stand against the Shadow Demon tide. With her last breath, she unleashed the full power of the Moon Scepter, banishing the darkness for a time, but at the cost of her own life.

The echoes of her voice faded, leaving Yun Lintian reeling. The fragmented memories he received earlier formed a cohesive narrative, painting a picture of a heroic past and a devastating sacrifice.

Yun Lintian stood there in silence. His brow furrowed tightly together. The more he listened to it, the more confused he became. Why did he feel like the war happened in a different place… an entirely different dimension?

A cold dread gnawed at Yun Lintian's gut. The story within the Moon Graveyard diverged wildly from what he knew. He also had no idea if the Divine Moon Clan here served the Primordial Moon God. And the identities of these Shadow Demons remained a complete mystery.

Perhaps it was just one distorted fragment of a larger, far older story. The fragment on his chest pulsed with a faint warmth, a silent reminder of his connection to this place, yet it offered no answers.

Yun Lintian put these doubts aside and began to wander through the graveyard. The silence broken only by the soft whisper of wind across the moonstone ground. Each inscription he read amplified his confusion. There was not a single mention of the Primordial Era.

Reaching the crest of a low hill, the majestic city in the distance came into full view. Its spires glittered with an ethereal luminescence, and the architecture seemed almost organic, flowing like sculpted moonlight.

A flicker of hope sparked within Yun Lintian. Perhaps the answers he craved lay within those moonlit walls.

Yun Lintian set off towards the city, his mind a whirlwind of questions.

As he approached the moonlit city, a sense of awe washed over him. The architecture, unlike anything he'd ever seen, seemed to shimmer and pulse with an inner light. It was as if the very buildings themselves were imbued with the essence of moonlight.

Reaching the imposing city gates, intricately carved with scenes of celestial battles and crescent moon motifs, Yun Lintian hesitated. A faint barrier, barely perceptible, shimmered around the entrance. He wasn't sure if it was meant to keep people out, or something else entirely.

Hesitantly, he reached out and touched the barrier. A surge of cool energy coursed through him, making him feel lighter, somehow…cleaner. The barrier shimmered and dissolved, granting him access to the city.

Stepping through the moonlit gate, Yun Lintian's face immediately froze as he saw a statue ahead.

In the center of a plaza stood a magnificent statue, its surface polished to a mirror sheen. It depicted a woman, her posture regal and her expression determined.

The woman in the statue actually bore an uncanny resemblance to Hongyue!

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