As Nicole asked that, Alex answered her honestly while skipping some parts to ensure he didn't give out anything regarding him knowing a bit of future events.

He stated how his friend's life was in danger and how he had to gather the rest of his friends to go save that one.

The two nodded their heads in agreement and when Alex was done explaining, Nicole asked, "Do you need my help?"

While she did that, Lucielle simply took out her phone and typing in a few things on it and finishing, turned to Alex and said, "A private jet will be waiting for you at the airport. You can leave whenever you want."



Alex and Nicole both were dumbfounded by Lucielle's comment.

Lucielle smiled and asked, "What? Why are you so surprised?"

"Bitch, just how much money do you have?" Nicole asked.

Lucielle let out a soft chuckle. "I can make the government collapse, it's that much."

Alex and Nicole both widened their eyes in surprise.

"A banker can have that much money?" Nicole asked with a surprised look.

Alex caught onto this and asked, "You're a banker?"

He only asked this because Nix was a banker too and was interested to know if he had another partner who was into banking and stuff.

Before Lucielle could reply, Nicole said, "You don't know?"

Alex shook his head.

Nicole turned to Lucielle as he responded like that.

Lucielle merely shrugged. "He never asked, I never mentioned."

"Damn. So you're hiding things from him already?" Nicole mocked.

A vein popped on Lucielle's forehead.

Nicole smirked at this. "You should learn something from me. I told him the truth about myself on the very first day we met."

"As I said… he didn't ask," said Lucielle with some annoyance.

"Calm down, you two. It's okay if you don't share all the secrets about yourself, I don't mind and I won't pester you about it," said Alex.

Nicole laughed at this. "It's funny how she claims to be in love but—"


Lucielle couldn't take it anymore and gave Nicole a head chop.

"Owf." Nicole felt a sting in her head. "Bitch! You wanna fight!?" She took on an attacking stance after saying so.

Lucielle ignored her and turning to Alex, said, "I am a banker as she stated. I own the Liberty Commerce Bank and it wasn't a coincidence you met me that day when you went to purchase the thirteenth floor property."

Lucielle stated the truth to Alex, surprising him.

Since Alex wanted to be her lover, she wanted to see if he could solve problems and despite being caught up in such work, be able to spend time with her and look after her.

She wanted to see if Alex would be able to manage work and personal life properly or not, give her proper attention in these circumstances or not.

Lucielle had suffered through this problem once, she didn't want to go through it again, thus making her give him a test.

Even though it was dangerous, Lucielle had the ability to protect Alex and was constantly keeping an eye on him.

Back at the party when he was attacked, Lucielle was ready to rescue him but Nix beat her to it and saved him.

Alex couldn't help but ask at this point, "So I am assuming you were the one who wanted to give me the thirteenth floor property for free?"

Lucielle shook her head. "That's incorrect. The property was never free. You had to resolve the conflict between those four people first."

"What's going on?" Nicole chimed in, not understanding a single thing these two were talking about.

Alex gestured to Nicole that he'll explain it later and turning to Lucielle, said, "I see, then no wonder why things were going so smoothly for a while."

"I am sorry," Lucielle apologized. "I didn't hide things on purpose."

"It's fine, I understand," said Alex and eased her worries.

"Dude, let me in on this too. I don't like being left hanging," Nicole chimed in and said again.

Alex then gave her the context to what had transpired and understanding it, she nodded her head simply and didn't comment on it further.

"Anyway, whatever banking needs you have, feel free to ask me," Lucielle offered.

Alex nodded his head lightly. "For domestic banking, I'll hit you up."

"Hmm?" Lucielle caught onto this. "Why only domestic?"

"Well…" Alex tried to collect his words, trying his best not to offend anybody here. "One of my wives is a Swiss banker so…"

Lucielle and Nicole both frowned hearing that, but then sighed and shook their heads. This was something they had to get used to.

"Sorry…" Alex tried to apologize.

"It's okay," Lucielle shook her head. "You anyway don't need Swiss banking if you're with me. You can easily launder money and evade taxes without their help."

"Heyyyyy!" Nicole wasn't happy hearing that and turned to Lucielle.

Lucielle rolled her eyes. "What? You're gonna arrest me for saying this?"

"That's a crime, you do understand that, right?" Nicole said.

"And?" Lucielle asked with a neutral tone.

"Tch," Nicole clicked her tongue. "I'll pretend I never saw this."

Lucielle and Nicole both shared the same man now. It would not be good to try to put the other down.

The country didn't matter to Nicole as much as Alex and her relationship with him did.

Lucielle flashed a small smile at this and said, "Whatever I am offering to Alex, you're free to have it too. Just think of it like a 1+1 offer."

"Who needs your services?" Nicole spat out.

Lucielle ignored her and taking her phone out, put it in front of Nicole. "Sign on it and I'll have everything ready."

"I don't want your services," said Nicole.

"Stop whining. This is all confidential and even the government won't know."

Nicole sighed and gave up, eventually signing things and being done.

Alex was happy to see these two ladies interact like that. From the looks of it, Nicole was probably a tsundere or something while Lucielle was simply carefree.

"Anyway, back to the topic," Lucielle said after she got Alex's signature as well. "I'll help you find information on your friend Volkov and his girlfriend Natasha. Though, my information network isn't as good as this girl here."

Lucielle was referring to Nicole.

"What? You want me to use the government resources to find somebody?" Nicole asked with surprise.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"…" Nicole fell silent upon hearing that.

A few seconds later, she said, "I really don't like how I am being used like this, but whatever. If I am caught, I'll be hanged or something."

Lucielle chuckled. "Don't worry, such a day won't come. Your father is directly connected to the President, you'll definitely be pardoned."

Nicole sighed and didn't comment on it further.

Alex in the meantime said, "Anyway ladies—"

"Hey!" Lucielle and Nicole both said.

"You better change that greeting and call us wife now," Lucielle said, to which Nicole nodded in approval.

Alex flashed an awkward smile. "Let's go on a few dates first and get comfortable. Anywho, I have to leave urgently right now."

Lucielle nodded. "Go, there's a car waiting for you outside. Also, do you want this place renovated? It looks really run down."

Alex didn't know what to say to this. "It feels like I'm taking advantage—"

"Tch, just accept it. Renovating this place or maybe even buying the entirety of Downtown is like a penny change for this woman," Nicole said.

Alex smiled awkwardly. "We'll talk about it later. For now, don't do anything to this place. I'll see you two—"

"You're leaving just like that?" Nicole interrupted him again. "Where's my goodbye kiss?"

"Mine too," added Lucielle.

'These two sure seemed to have adapted quickly,' thought Alex and then shook his head.

He gave both of them a quick kiss and left hurriedly.

As Lucielle had stated, there really was someone present in a black car outside. The car was a sports car and not a luxury sedan.

The guy was wearing a helmet and racing gear and when Alex hopped in, he was made to wear a harness followed by a helmet as well.

The car then drove off in an astonishingly high 200 mph+ speed even on the traffic-clad roads. Within twenty minutes, Alex was there at the airport and this experience was even scarier than when Nix was driving.

In any case, time was of essence and once he reached the airport, he was taken straight to the hangar where the private jet was present.

As Alex got out of the car, he saw two other sports cars near the jet with Samuel and Carl standing at their sides, a haggard and pale look present on their faces.

Alex didn't even need to guess why this was the case and simply rushing towards the two, he said, "Let's go, boys. I'll explain everything once we're in."

The two meekly nodded their heads and went inside the private jet.

In five minutes, Alex and his party were in the air, cruising towards India.

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