My Wives Are Too Overpowered

Chapter 105 A Small Gift From Lucielle

Being accused of stalking, Lucielle simply smiled and said, "it's you who's in my direction."

"Oh? And where must you be going?"

"To greet the man who invited me, where else?" Lucielle said and walked past Nicole.

Nicole frowned and stared at Lucielle's distancing back. She failed to understand why this woman was acting in such a strange manner. Her being acquainted with Alex was highly suspicious and Nicole couldn't let Alex be in danger.

She hurried towards Alex's family and closed her distance between Lucielle.

Alex, sipping on a non-alcoholic drink, was amused to see Nicole and Lucielle both walk towards him together. They seemed to be closer than before for some reason.

He got up from his seat to greet them, but once they neared him, they stopped in their spot and seemed to go into a daze.

'Hmm?' Alex walked towards the two to see what was wrong.

As he neared them, Lucielle turned her gaze to him and asked in a low tone, "that girl there… is that…"

"Yes." Alex replied instantly, knowing what she was going to ask.

"Holy…" Lucielle muttered under her breath and seemed to be greatly surprised by something.

Nicole, still in daze, got her sides nudged by Lucielle's elbow.

"Stop staring, it's rude." Lucielle said softly. 

Nicole knitted her brows and turned to Lucielle, only for the latter to say with a neutral look, "…you have no chance against her."

"What?" Nicole was stupefied with the comment.

"Are the dresses to your liking?" Alex suddenly said, interrupti the two's conversation.

Lucielle smiled at him and said, "yes, it's great."

Although the dress wasn't brought by Alex, Nicole still nodded her head and said, "it's great."

She didn't want to be impolite.

Alex smiled. "I am glad. Come, let me introduce you to my family."


"Sure!" Lucielle didn't let Nicole back out and dragged her along.

Nicole was dumbfounded once again by her gesture, but couldn't voice out her complaints as she was dragged into making an introduction.

Alex introduced the two ladies to his father, mother, and wife Melissa. They greeted Nicole and Lucielle with a smile and asked them to join them for a few drinks.

The two ladies couldn't refute and joined them.

Josh and Janet had no idea who these were, however, since Alex made an introduction, they guessed that they might be important.

As for Melissa, looking at these two ladies, she just thought, 'heh… husband got us new sisters it seems…'

She had no opinion on her husband's harem increasing. Rather, she felt it was somewhat good. Elysium was lacking people and these could be of great help there.

Her husband's harem wasn't that big anyway. A few more additions here and there won't hurt most of the ladies. 

Nicole and Lucielle on the other hand… they were having a really hard time stopping themselves from feeling insecure.

Melissa was just too beautiful and they couldn't help but gaze at Alex, wondering how he got himself such a girl.

However, the moment they stared at his face, they realized, he was equivalently as charming as Melissa.

It clicked them then. They both were probably made for each other.

Just as they were getting disheartened, another girl joined them at the table. 

She was a beautiful greenish-blue haired girl and sat right beside Alex.

Nicole and Lucielle felt another blow at themselves as they watched her. 

Wasn't this… wasn't this girl too beautiful as well!? Just where was Alex finding such people?!

If they were feeling insecure previously, then now…

Now they were completely fine.

That's right. They had suffered such a massive blow that it made them snap back to reality and look at things rationally.

Despite having such beautiful people around him, Alex still found Nicole and Lucielle good looking.

This meant that they still had a chance and it wasn't over for them yet.

Nicole was told by Alex that she didn't lack anything and was good looking. He just wasn't interested because he was married and things would be wrong.

Well, Nicole didn't want to break someone's marriage and she wasn't planning on becoming Alex's wife, but she still wanted to keep a good relationship with him because he saved her life and also in general was fun.

As for Lucielle, she needed a companion. It didn't matter if they were married or not. As long as she found herself comfortable enough with the other person and liked the vibes, she was in for it.

Lucielle had a sure shot chance of being in Alex's harem since he said it himself. It was up to her to accept or reject his proposal.

Well, as she had thought before of giving things a month's time, she still kept it going. She didn't have feelings for Alex yet, but no one could say what would happen after a month. 

Also, she wouldn't really mind giving things a month extra…

Lucielle blushed internally, but didn't show it on the outside. She was a mature lady and acting like a young girl in love didn't suit her.

Alex was chatting with everyone happily, completely oblivious to the roller coaster of an emotion the two ladies in front had just been through.

Melissa and Nix talked to them and so did Josh and Janet.

After a while, Josh and Janet felt they should leave these guys be and went to hangout with others.

"Right, Alex." Lucielle called out.

"Hmm?" Alex looked at her.

Lucielle smiled and from within her purse, fetched a card and handed it to Alex.

Alex took it and had a look at it.

This was a black metal card and had silver engravings on it. There was a familiar picture in the card's background. It being of three silver moons.

There was a full man, attached to it were two crescent moons facing away from the full moon on each side.

The symbol was dimmed to blend in with the dark theme of the card.

In silver, Alex's name was etched on the card and at the top left, two striking words were written — All Access.

At the bottom left of the card was 'Three Moons Hotels' written on it.

This hotel was the same five-star one that Alex was currently in for his party.

He wondered what such a thing meant and turned to look at Lucielle.

Lucielle let out a soft smile. "It's a small congratulatory gift from me and my daughter."

"I understand. But is it for?" Alex asked.

Lucielle replied plainly, "it'll give you access to any Three Moons Hotel from around the world."

"What!?" Alex exclaimed in shock.

Even Nicole was slightly surprised, but not too much. She could pretty much guess such a thing happening if it was Lucielle.

Lucielle laughed softly and asked. "Is it not to your liking?"

"No, no." Alex shook his head. "It's just that, it's too precious of a gift. I can't take it."

Alex tried returning it.

To have such a card, even if Alex were double the money in his bank account, heck, even had ten times that amount, he was sure he couldn't get such a thing.

He didn't know how much Lucielle had spent to get her hands on such a thing and he really didn't want someone's favour like this.

He was kind of skeptical of things and believed that there wasn't any free lunch in the world. 

Lucielle let out a giggle and said, "it's not precious. I got it for free, so keep it."

"What?" Alex was confused now.

"Keep it with you." Nicole from the side chimed in and said while looking at Alex. "This woman isn't as generous as she looks and you probably won't get an opportunity like this again."

From the looks of it, Nicole seemed to know a bit about Lucielle.

Alex couldn't help but ask, "why do you say so?"

Nicole sighed. "Do you not check the internet? Do you really not know who this woman here is?"

"Hmm?" Alex was confused.

Nicole smiled and shook her head while Lucielle continued to giggle. "It seems I am not as famous as I thought myself to be."

Nix and Melissa's attention was now on their husband's conversation with the two ladies. It seemed a bit interesting.

Nicole hit Lucielle's side with her elbow, doing the same thing she did to her a while ago, and said, "if you're trying to introduce yourself, at least do it properly."

"I did introduce myself properly. What are you talking about, fufu?" Lucielle answered.

Nicole rolled her eyes. This woman for sure seemed like someone upto no good.

Not wanting to keep Alex in the dark, Nicole said, "the hotel you're in currently, it belongs to this woman here and that card…"

Surprise flashed all over Alex's face. He couldn't help but look at the card and then at Lucielle, wondering if what Nicole had just said was true or not.

Lucielle chuckled. "That's quite the reaction."

"…is this… true?" Alex asked, still greatly surprised.

If what Nicole had said was true and this hotel did belong to Lucielle, then…

There was not a single country on Earth where Alex couldn't stay for free!

That's right! Three Moons Hotel was a big hotel and resort chain all around the world, with their branches in all countries!

They owned several small hotel chains from around the world and it was due to this that they could penetrate deep into even the smaller, less visited countries.

If this card allowed access to all the hotels, this was too big of a deal!

No money could buy such privilege and this was truly very shocking.

Alex's surprise wasn't for naught and he stared at Lucielle, wanting an answer.

Lucielle smirked and she was about to answer, when a butler came running in their direction and abruptly hugged Alex.


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