My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 939 - Completely Crushed! All 10 Operating Systems Break Down!

Chapter 939: Completely Crushed! All 10 Operating Systems Break Down!

To put it simply, the computing techniques competition involved the areas of security defense, virus invasion, and attacking specific targets in a computer.

Bi Ying switched on the computer. Holding the mouse, she raised her hand and exchanged glances with Gu Mang who was facing her.

Gu Mang looked indifferent and completely relaxed. After switching on the computer, she crossed her legs and leaned agasint the chair’s backrest casually, as if she were here to have fun.

She looked extremely arrogant.

Bi Ying had participated in countless competitions. Every opponent who sat in front of her would be very terrified once they saw her gaze, allowing her to thrive on her sense of superiority.

She had never come across someone with an attitude like Gu Mang. In Bi Ying’s eyes, she looked like she was provoking her. Fury rose within her. She would make Gu Mang pay the price for her insolence.

In the intelligence office, the three of them glanced at each other and started to add new defense mechanisms to the firewalls of the top 10 operating systems.

Gu Mang placed her arms on the table and tapped her fingers on the table. She did not even touch the mouse. Everyone who was present looked at each other and questioned if Gu Mang was really here for the assessment.

Someone said softly, “What’s going on? Why does Ms. Gu look like she has given up?”

“Does she not know any computing techniques?” Someone else added, “Is she raising the white flag after seeing that her opponents are the three directors?”

“Then why was she acting like that just now? When the director let her choose her opponents, she could have just chosen a mediocre one. She was the one who said that she was fine with any three.”

“Maybe she did not expect the three deputy directors to be participating?”

“She is aiming for Elder Leng’s position. It is normal to send the three directors out as her opponents. If she is incapable, she should have just stayed in her lane.”

At the observation deck.

Gu Si was not worried about Gu Mang’s computing techniques at all. He had even made a bet with Jiangsui.

Gu Si said, “10 in 30 seconds. Nothing more.”

Jiangsui touched his chin. “I say 40 seconds. Sister Mang’s hand has not fully recovered. It might hinder her speed.”

Gu Si shook his index finger. “No, you are wrong. The only thing that can hinder my sister’s speed is Lu Chengzhou. You have not seen her slowest performance. It was when she went to Red Flame and held herself back for a few days before attacking Lu Chengzhou.”

The corner of Jiangsui’s lips twitched, but he still believed in his judgement. “I still think that it will take 40 seconds.”

Gu Si raised his eyebrows. “Okay. What if you lose?”

Jiangsui said begrudgingly, “I will send you a red packet.”

Gu Si narrowed his eyes and said with contempt, “Did I hear you wrong?”

Jiangsui looked pitiful. “I am poor.”

Gu Si chuckled. “I’m not going through with this bet… Bleh! At least Lu Chengzhou offered me 10 billion yuan! Look at your timid and petty self! You are not showing respect to my sister!”

“…Okay! Let’s bet one billion yuan. That’s everything I have,” Jiangsui said through gritted teeth before raising his chin again. “Do you even have money to make the bet?”

“Don’t worry.” Gu Si revealed a sly smile. “I still have a lot of money from that ten billion left.”

Jiangsui was speechless. Lu Chengzhou was really too generous.

Gu Si said, “Within 30 seconds, all 10 operating systems will be busted. Her opponents will be stunned. Just wait till you transfer your money to me.”

At first, the rest did not know what they were discussing. However, when they heard Gu Si’s last remark, they realized something clearly. They were betting on the time Gu Mang would take to break through the systems.

Break through 10 systems within 30 seconds?

Many people were snorted silently with disdain.

Even the people who were present at the competition location became even more cynical when they saw that Gu Mang had not made any attacks. It was very rare to see the three directors in action at the same time at Base 102.

The spectators thought they would witness an amazing competition. However, they never thought that it would be a one-sided domination.?This young lady from the Gu family could have at least struggled. Why is she not moving at all?

Elder Mo narrowed his turbid eyes, unclear of what Gu Mang was thinking. Could it be that she was here to surrender knowing that her progress was limited on Jijing Island?

After Bi Ying and the rest finished installing security programs onto the systems, they glanced at Gu Mang. She still looked indifferent and arrogant.

Gu Mang raised her eyebrow. Without batting an eyelid, she said slowly, “Are you guys done?”

The directors answered very politely, “Yes.”

“That was pretty slow.” Smirking, Gu Mang raised her hand calmly and started typing.

This fueled Bi Ying’s fury. She pursed her lips. Suddenly, she resumed typing at a very fast speed.

Among the spectators there were professional hackers from the intelligence office as well as talent from other departments. The people from other departments could not tell what Bi Ying was doing.

However, the professional hackers from the intelligence office read her moves clearly and their expressions changed subtly.

For the assessment, Gu Mang was supposed to be the attacker while the people from the intelligence were to be on defense. However, Bi Ying ignored the rules and started to attack Gu Mang’s computer.

“F*ck. Ms. Gu hasn’t even had time to attack and she is already being crushed.”

“That’s very possible. Look at what Deputy Director Bi is doing. She is not sparing Ms. Gu at all.”

Bi Ying narrowed her eyes. She was using the newest mutant virus that she had programmed. She was determined to chase Gu Mang out of Base 102 in the very first round.

The virus invaded Gu Mang’s computer forcefully. Bi Ying pressed the ‘enter’ key firmly as she smiled arrogantly.

Just at this moment. Her screen, which was displaying complicated codes, suddenly changed.

On the black screen green code appeared like water rushing out of a river. It was so fast that they could not read what was written.

Everyone present was a fast reader and had good memories, but they still could not catch up.

Before Bi Ying could smile any further, she was extremely taken aback by what was happening.

What was going on? She typed on the keyboard quickly.

However, to her despair, she soon realised that no matter what she typed, her computer showed no reaction.

The arrogance and scorn that was written all over her face was replaced by panic and helplessness slowly. No reaction! No reaction at all! Her computer had been hacked. She could not even recover it.

Bi Ying raised her head and looked at the person facing her instantly.

Gu Mang tilted her head slightly. In Bi Ying’s eyes, the speed at which Gu Mang was typing was so slow and atypical for a professional hacker.

She was the one who took over her computer!?


All the computers in the computer room switched on. All the computers displayed dazzling green codes.

The green light filled the computer room. Everyone looked dazed as the light reflected across their faces. Almost instantly, everyone knew who was behind this.

Even when the entire computer room had been activated for an online war, such a situation had never occurred. Back then, all the professional hackers were at work. Gu Mang was doing this by herself!

All her actions have been delayed infinitely. However, everything took place in the matter of seconds.

In the computer room, all the computers started explosive attacks on the 10 operating systems.

The two other directors started to reinforce the firewalls but their defense could not even withstand the blows for three seconds.

When everyone saw this, their hearts raced. At the same time, they helped time the process.

One second.

Two seconds.

On the ninth second…

All 10 operating systems had broken down! The people watching also broke down.

Bi Ying’s face turned pale. As she pressed the keyboard, her fingers dug into the keys. She stared at the computer screen with an unwavering gaze. It was as if the blow from Gu Mang had made her completely dazed.

It was an unprecedented blow.

Not only did Gu Mang hack her computer, she even used her computer to launch attacks on the 10 operating systems.

Stupefied, the rest stared at Gu Mang. So it was Bi Ying who did not even have the chance to attack…

Deputy Director Bi, whose ability was on par with Director Zheng’s, was crushed completely by Gu Mang. They had indeed witnessed an amazing competition and a one-sided domination. To their surprise, the tables had been completely turned!

The three directors from the intelligence office were still dazed. They stared at the computers in shock.

Bai Sui fixed his gaze on Gu Mang. His gaze was dark and profound, almost unreadable. It was as if he had spotted a ray of light. As it crossed his eyes, his gaze lit up like the bright milky way.

Gu Mang seemed to sense his gaze, so she glanced at him.

Bai Sui suppressed his emotions silently and lowered his head. “Congratulations, Young Lady.”

Gu Mang raised her eyebrows. “Thank you, you too.”

Bai Sui was taken aback. You.. Too?

He looked up at her, but she had already looked away. No one could tell what the girl was thinking.

She stood up, pressed on her wrists and looked down naturally. “Next round.”

When everyone heard this, it was as if she were saying the next person who was seeking death could come over now.

Elder Mo clenched his fists behind his back. However, when he relaxed his hands, they still trembled uncontrollably.

At the observation deck.

Silence filled the space.

Gu Si blinked before blurting, “What the f*ck! My sister is so cool!”

With this exclamation, everyone else snapped back to reality and slowly regained their senses.

Agitated, Jiangsui clenched his fists tightly. Suddenly, he realized that the big boss had never revealed her true ability in the past. She had always been flippant. However, Base 102 had really provoked her.

Maybe this wasn’t even big boss’s true ability since her wrist had still not fully healed.

Initially, they thought that only those cheering for Gu Mang would be stupefied, but everyone in the intelligence office had broken down.

Dazed, Huo Zhi looked at the carefree girl on the screen. He had always known that Gu Mang’s hacking skills were not bad, but he never knew that she was this skilled.

She had just dealt with the intelligence office ruthlessly.

At the Elders’ Association, Elder Bi and the rest each looked worse than the other. This outcome was totally not within their expectations. Was this group of people from Base 102 useless trash?!

Didn’t Bi Ying guarantee that she wouldn’t allow Gu Mang to pass even the first round?!

The people from Base 102 looked at Gu Mang on the screen. For the first time, he wanted to let Responsive Dragon and the rest know of the news. However, there was only a base wide intranet in Base 102.

He felt a little lonely watching this alone.

Gu Si turned to Jiangsui. “So which of us won?”

Jiangsui gulped. “We were clueless about the big boss’ ability…”

Gu Si nodded his head firmly. “My sister crushed them all!”

The second round of the assessment.

Martial arts.

Gu Mang was brought to the big open space behind the computer room. In the middle of the room there was a black platform that was one metre high. On the platform there were a few parts that were darker in color. It was as if those parts were bloodstains.

This meant that even if this platform did not involve life and death, blood would surely be shed.

Outside of the cordoned area, people were filled with worry.

The news that Gu Mang had crushed the intelligence organization had already spread throughout the entire base. Whoever was free to move around in the base had all flocked to watch the next round.

As Elder Mo walked towards the platform, he said, “Young Lady, the rules remain unchanged. You can choose the opponents later.”

Gu Mang stuck to what she had said earlier. “Anyone is fine.”

When Leng Shi, who was beside them, heard this, a trace of ridicule appeared in her gaze. Her tone remained unchanged. “Since Ms. Gu is fine with anyone, let’s compete with each other.”

Elder Mo had expected Leng Shi to offer herself, so he remained silent.

Gu Mang walked forward expressionlessly in an unruly manner without responding to her.

Leng Shi’s gaze darkened.

Before going up the platform, Bi Ying glanced at Gu Mang, who was at the opposite side of the platform. She said to Leng Shi, “She was very slow when she was typing earlier. Her wrist must not be fully healed yet.”

Leng Shi smirked. “Then, I’ll cripple that wrist forever. After all, Elder Leng’s hands have been ruined by that bastard Gu Si.”

Bi Ying narrowed her eyes slightly. “You still have to be careful. Don’t underestimate your opponent.”

She had been taken advantage of just now.

Leng Shi scoffed. “Do you think I will lose to a half-crippled person?”

Bi Ying thought so too.

Everyone acknowledged Leng Shi’s combat skills. Even the male special agents in the base could not beat her.

Furthermore, Gu Mang was still injured.

Bi Ying said, “Her reputation is incredible. It would be good if you can use her as a stepping stone.”

Leng Shi had not stepped into the ring for many years, so much so that many people had forgotten that Director Leng was the King of the Platform in the past.

Leng Shi patted Bi Ying’s shoulder. “I will avenge you later.”

After saying this, she stepped onto the platform.

When the rest saw Leng Shi on the platform, they gasped.

“Ms. Gu chose… Director Leng?”

“Isn’t it obvious? If she didn’t choose Director Leng, why would she be up there? How many years has it been since we’ve seen Director Leng fight?”

“This is insane. She chose to forgo the simple choices and chose the most formidable one instead?”

“She is really done for. Ms. Gu has offended the Leng family greatly and even injured Elder Leng. Director Leng will definitely take revenge.”

“We’ll be seeing someone else’s blood on the platform again…”

Everyone knew how scary Leng Shi’s ability was.

As a female Director, she had defeated countless male special agents and she had been at Base 102 for six years. In the past, she killed an opponent with a punch because she was going all out.

In a one on one fight the outcome was obvious.

“This competition will be boring and a waste of time. I’ll get going first.”

“Hey, I’ll go with you. I wasted a trip here.”

After saying this, the spectators started to turn around and leave one by one.

On Gu Mang’s side.

Gu Mang tied her hair up carelessly with the red rubber band on her wrist.

Then, she removed her jacket and passed it to Bai Sui.

The black sweater that she was wearing made her look rather skinny.

Bai Sui took the jacket and hung it on his arm. He looked at her arm. “Young Lady, be careful of your wrist.”

Gu Mang glanced at him. Two seconds later, she said casually, “Don’t worry. I’m just here to have fun.”

Bai Sui answered, “Still, be careful.”

“Okay.” Gu Mang turned around and walked to the center of the platform calmly before stopping in her tracks.

Looking relaxed, the girl tilted her head slightly and looked down. She massaged her right wrist.

When Leng Shi saw this, she thought of how that subordinate had been staring at her wrist before she stepped onto the platform. The corners of her lips curled up. Even if she beat this half-crippled stepping stone, she wouldn’t feel a great sense of achievement.

However, she had to let Gu Mang have a taste of her medicine today since she had hurt Elder Leng.

Since Leng Shi was competing, the Deputy Director of the Special Agents Team was the referee.

The referee looked at Gu Mang and then at Leng Shi before handing over two daggers. “Director Leng, Ms. Gu, these are your weapons.”

The dagger was the most commonly used weapon that could be easily carried around. They were also the most common weapon used in the ring.

Leng Shi received the dagger.

Gu Mang did not take it. She said casually, “It’s fine.”

Stunned, the referee asked doubtfully, “You mean… You don’t need any weapons?”

“Yeah.” Gu Mang sensed that he was about to advise her, hence she interrupted him. “There will be no blood today.”

Leng Shi’s expression darkened.

When Gu Mang said “no blood”, she was not referring to herself, but Leng Shi.

Leng Shi had seen such an attitude earlier when she was watching the assessment’s first round in the intelligence room.

Very carefree and composed. She did not take anyone seriously.

Leng Shi hated those kinds of people.

Leng Shi kicked the referee off the platform. With a turn of her body, she slid the dagger across Gu Mang’s face.

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