My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 904 - Second Round of Humiliation!

Chapter 904: Second Round of Humiliation!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jijing Island’s Council Building, meeting room.

Leng Xuan was hospitalized because she had suffered from severe burns. The Elders’ Association discussed many things about 102 Research Base and they came up with policies together. At the moment, everyone in the Elders’ Association was discussing a medical experiment.

Once a policy was set, it would be sent to Leng Xuan for another round of confirmation before it was settled upon.

Just then, the Head Elder’s assistant pushed the meeting room door open with a tablet in hand, walking in hurriedly.

The meeting paused abruptly and the group of elders stared at the nervous assistant. None of them spoke.

“Head Elder.” The assistant spoke in a heavy tone.. “Capital University’s team is the champion of the international physiology competition. Ms. Gu ranked first in the individual rankings.”

When he said that, it was as if he had dropped a huge bomb in the entire meeting room.

Everyone was shocked.

Head Elder’s expression changed suddenly. “Isn’t her arm injured? How could she rank first?!”

“Head Elder, what do you mean by this?” Elder Bai smiled and said. “Aren’t you glad that Young Lady ranked first and proved her abilities?”

The Head Elder always had full control of his emotions. This was the first time he had lost his composure during a meeting with the Elders’ Association.

When he regained his senses, he quickly suppressed his emotions.

“It was just an accident.” Head Elder looked at Elder Bai. He suppressed the fury in his chest and gave Elder Bai a fake smile. “Young Lady ranked first. Of course, I’m really happy for her.”

Elder Bai was still smiling. “That’s good.”

The Head Elder looked at his assistant. His eyes were cold and sharp. “Where’s the video of the examination?”

The assistant handed him the tablet respectfully and spoke with fear. “This is the video that was just sent over by the Academic Center.”

Elder Bai turned his chair a little. “Since there’s a video, let’s all watch it together.”

The Head Elder paused as he grabbed the tablet. The assistant glanced at Head Elder carefully.

The Head Elder tightened his fingers around the tablet. After a few seconds, he let it go and said, “Play the video.”

“Got it.” The assistant walked to the side and connected it to the big screen in the meeting room. Soon, the surveillance camera footage of Gu Mang during the competition appeared.”

The people in the Academic Center were very efficient. The video that they sent over was carefully edited such that only the important parts were shown.

The robotic surgical system was pushed into the competition venue.

They watched as the robotic surgical system was pushed into the venue. Gu Mang operated the robotic surgical system very naturally.

The other teams operated with traditional methods and they seemed very bloody. As for Gu Mang, she stayed away from the operating table. She operated a console to solve the problem in the competition and she guided the robotic arm to work with one hand.

Her movements were steady and precise and her expression was always calm from the beginning until the very end.

The robotic surgery system was fully optimized by Gu Mang. There was very little bleeding and the operating table was extraordinarily clean thanks to her incredibly precise movements.

She completed all the tasks in the final round without any issues, outpacing all of the other teams.

Head Elder stared at the screen. After some shock, great fury erupted in his eyes.

He suppressed the anger in his tone. “Did she use a robotic surgery system? Where did she get the machine? How did she manage to ship it to Jijing Island?”

The assistant lowered his head. “I got the Security Bureau to investigate. The machine was delivered by the Young Master of the capital’s Yu family, Yu Zhongjing’s son. The channel that they used was Killer Alliance.”

The Head Elder’s burnt hands were bandaged and he subconsciously tightened his grip around the armrest of the chair fiercely. “Killer Alliance again!”

The video from the competition was still playing on the screen in front of them.

“Killer Alliance has always only cared about money. They’ll do anything for anyone who can pay them,” an elder said. “If Gu Mang placed an order with them, our men couldn’t have stopped them.”

Elder Bi said, “Let’s put Killer Alliance aside for now. Gu Mang has ranked first. What does everyone think about the matter regarding Base 102’s assessment?”

Just then, the door to the meeting room opened.

Huo Zhi walked in with with hand in his pocket.


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