My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 620 - Sister Mang: I Will Carry You!

Chapter 620: Sister Mang: I Will Carry You!

The military instructor glanced at the rostrum. There was some awe in his eyes. Then, he looked away and wrapped the string of his whistle around his wrist.

He looked at a group of students. “Do you think we cannot tell when an athlete is on stimulants? Do you think we need your input on this matter?”

When everyone saw that the military instructor was not angry and had not brought Gu Mang over despite the usage of drugs being such a serious issue, they felt distrust towards the instructors instead.

They were all stunned.

The class chairperson regained his senses first. He held back his anger and said righteously, “Sir, we are not spouting nonsense. Gu Mang’s performance was very questionable!”

“Enough.” The instructor held his whistle and lowered his hand. He spoke in a tone like the bandits from Red Scorpion. “I shall not waste my breath on all you commoners. If you refuse to concede, then prepare well for the matches in the afternoon.”

With that, he turned to leave. Before he left, he looked at the rostrum and he felt rather confused. How did their leader know that there would be students questioning Gu Mang’s performance? He had even come and reminded them in advance.


The group of students from the law school watched as the military instructor left. They all felt blood rush to their head.

“What do they mean by that? Are they defending Gu Mang?!” One of them gritted their teeth.

“I think it’s not the training base that is defending her, it’s the school! Did you guys forget how Su Jiaying got expelled?”

“Right! It was such a small issue. She merely swapped the script and she had to withdraw from school!”

“The school is shielding the perfect score scholar. They don’t even care about justice and fairness in the competition! This is outrageous!”

Sang Xue didn’t expect the military instructor to not give them an explanation and leave when they had come to present concerns on Gu Mang’s possible drug use.

The network security at the reserve base was very tight and information was filtered before going out to everyone else. It wasn’t possible for them to cause a commotion on the net.

Sang Xue bit her lip and looked at the others. Then, she asked softly, “What shall we do now?”

The class chairperson turned his head and stared at Gu Mang in the distance with disgust in his eyes. “The first event in the afternoon is shooting. You might be able to enhance your running with drugs but let’s see how she does at shooting!”

“The class chairperson is right! The shooting scores for our class are way better than the traditional chinese medicine students’ scores!”

“Right. Sang Xue hits the 10th ring every shot! With Gu Mang’s horrible accuracy... How is she going to compare to us?”

“And the obstacle course too! That is not something that stimulants can be of any help for. It requires skills. When the results for the two activities in the afternoon are released, it will prove that she used stimulants for the heavy load run!”

“Then, we shall see how the school is going to explain to the students!”

All of them held in their anger. They were just thinking about how they could teach Gu Mang a lesson during the two activities in the afternoon.


During lunchtime.

The entire cafeteria had a strange atmosphere. There were constant looks being thrown at Gu Mang’s table. After glancing at her they discussed with their companions in hushed voices. From their expressions, it was obvious that they weren’t saying anything nice.

Tang Xiaoxiao found it ridiculous. “Isn’t Gu Mang first? Why are they all looking at her like that?”

Zheng Miao didn’t know either. Gu Mang rested one hand on the table and ate slowly. In the past, Gu Si had said to her that the meals at the base weren’t very tasty, but she felt that they were alright.

Sweet and sour pork ribs, seafood soup. Pretty rich.

When Tang Xiaoxiao saw that Gu Mang was not reacting after she had spoken, she poked her arm. “Gu Mang, why are they looking at you with such strange eyes?”

Gu Mang was engrossed in eating the pork ribs and she did not care much about what others were saying. “Is that so?”

Tang Xiaoxiao bobbed her head in response. Gu Mang did not speak again. After their meals, the three of them went to the washroom. After entering, some other girls pushed the door open to enter.

“They are all occupied, let’s wait for a while,” a girl said.

“Mmh,” another girl said. “Are the rumors true? Did Gu Mang really use drugs for the heavy load run?”

“They sound true. Could any normal person run like that?”

Tang Xiaoxiao and Zheng Miao were in the stalls. When they heard the discussion outside, they finally understood why so many people were staring at Gu Mang with such strange expressions during lunchtime.

“I heard that the students from the law school went to the military instructor and that the instructor believes that Gu Mang is innocent. He blatantly defended her. I guess it is the school’s order.”

“Damn! Didn’t she get a perfect score on the national joint exam? And the school is treating her like some kind of treasure? When we get into university, we are all here to gain knowledge and everyone’s on the same starting line. We don’t know who will be better off in the future.”

“But the drugs won’t be of any use for the competition in the afternoon. She will probably be last. Her shooting performance...”

Just then, a stall door opened.

The two girls who were talking saw the face of the person who came out and their voices stopped. They looked a little embarrassed. They had just been talking behind someone’s back and they got caught red handed.

Gu Mang looked indifferent. She went down the steps and walked towards the sink without even looking at the two girls. When they saw Gu Mang walking over, they took a few steps back subconsciously. There was fear in their eyes.

Gu Mang washed her hands and went out to wait for Tang Xiaoxiao and Zheng Miao. She did not say a single word.

The two girls sighed in relief. They all heard that Gu Mang was good at fighting, so they did not dare to mess with Gu Mang. Tang Xiaoxiao and Zheng Miao came out soon after. When they passed by the two girls, they stared at the two coldly.

Zheng Miao’s voice was cold. “Don’t make false accusations without any actual evidence.”

“It’s not us, everyone’s saying it,” said one of the girls.

The other added, “What’s the point of getting mad at us? If you have what it takes, be first place in the two activities in the afternoon as well.”

“Y-You!” Tang Xiaoxiao glared at them.

The girl scoffed and entered the stal, shutting the door behind her.


It was rather quiet. The walk back to the dormitory was rather quiet.

Tang Xiaoxiao glanced at Gu Mang several times. After a while, she asked hesitantly, “Gu Mang, are you alright?”

Zheng Miao looked at Gu Mang too.

Gu Mang glanced at them and smiled rather nonchalantly. “All is good, thank you.”

“You’re still smiling? Didn’t you hear what they said about you?” Tang Xiaoxiao felt angry when she recalled what she had just heard. “They were so outrageous!”

Zheng Miao was furious too. “Just because you performed well they think you used performance enhancing drugs? They’re nuts! Idiots!”

Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of an important question, then she looked at them. “But the competition in the afternoon...”

Gu Mang’s shooting skills were abysmal. She was so bad that even personal coaching from the military instructor wouldn’t help.

Gu Mang laughed and answered lazily, “Don’t worry, I will carry you.”

When she spoke, she looked obnoxiously confident.

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