My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 145: The Ruthlessness that Sent Shivers Down Their Spines

Chapter 145: The Ruthlessness that Sent Shivers Down Their Spines

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“I heard that you borrowed money for the girl’s treatment.” The old master rubbed the teacup with his fingers. “The Meng family said you borrowed quite a huge sum. You entered the entertainment industry to do choreography when you were 14-year-old for her sake, right?”

Gu Mang remained silent.

The old master sounded lovable. “Gu Mang, it’s nice to be compassionate but you’re biting off more than you can chew. That girl is, after all, an outsider. We’re your family. You have so many connections and you shouldn’t have used them on matters like that.”

Gu Mang stared at the old man the whole time and after hearing his words the corners of her lips twitched. “Grandpa, we all have a part to play in Jinyang’s current predicament.”

Everyone turned to look at each other in shock. What did this have to do with them?

Gu Mang crossed her legs and got comfortable. Her eyes were cold and untamed. “When I was five-years old Uncle did not live as comfortably as now and Lei Cong’s birthday was celebrated in my house. It was pouring heavily that afternoon and everyone was celebrating and taking family photos. Nobody picked me up. Jinyang came to give me an umbrella and met that piece of sh*t on the way.”

Meng Jinyang’s family was not well to do so Meng Jinyang did not attend kindergarten. Her family thought that she would just attend preschool for a year at six years old and head straight to primary school when she was seven years old.

Gu Mang would pass by Meng Jinyang’s house on her way to kindergarten.

Meng Jinyang would stand on her doorstep every morning to watch her go to school.

It was raining that day and she knew that Gu Mang did not bring her umbrella so she went to fetch one for her.

The old master’s eyes froze and it seemed like he did not know the story behind it.

Breaking into a smile that was not quite a smile, Gu Mang’s slanted eyes appeared wicked.

Everyone present feared Gu Mang’s expression. It carried an unspeakable sense of evil as though she would punch them at any moment.

They would never forget Gu Mang’s expression while she smashed the middle-aged man’s head repeatedly with a brick. The ruthlessness sent shivers down their spines.

Although Gu Mang appeared cold when she entered earlier, she had not been that terrifying.

The atmosphere changed all of a sudden. The living room experienced moments of stillness.

The old master broke the silence. “Grandpa knows that you value friendship and that you did the right thing. However, you shouldn’t hide a huge matter like this from the family.”

She scanned everyone in the living room and laughed. “All of you know now.”

“I’m not referring to this.” The old master looked at her.

Gu Mang raised her eyebrow and responded nonchalantly, “Go ahead.”

The old man tapped his finger on his dragon’s head walking cane. “Since you know Jiang Shenyuan, why didn’t you help when your Fourth Auntie was dealing with a lawsuit?”

Gu Si frowned. Indeed, they were here to take his sister down a notch.

Feeling wildly infuriated, he pursed his lips and remained silent.

“That’s right, Gu Mang. Someone fell at your Fourth Uncle’s work site and they sued him for a million yuan in compensation!” Recalling this matter, Lei Ping found it unfair. “He fell on his own so why should we be responsible? If you had helped us we wouldn’t have lost the lawsuit and had to pay a million yuan.”

Gu Mang insipidly cocked her head to the side and sat on the sofa sloppily as she looked at them. “Fourth Auntie, do you think you make the law or do you think that you’re on close terms with the judge?”

Unable to comprehend her, Lei Ping responded, “What are you talking about? Why would I know the judge?”

“You didn’t eliminate the safety risks and nobody checked the screws on the barriers. That was your responsibility and the judge isn’t a fool.” Gu Mang smiled and took two tangerines. Throwing one to Gu Si, she began to peel it leisurely and said with indifference, “Jiang Shenyuan is Meng Jinyang’s friend. We’re not close.”

Lei Ping was silenced by her words.

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