Chapter 1011: Mentality Broke Again

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Fang let out a sigh and had a frustrated expression. “Rich lady, we messed things up again.”

Lin Shuang cocked her eyebrow and said, “Of course, isn’t that what you guys are here for?”

Qin Fang choked.

The way she said it…

As if we are always going around causing trouble…

Lin Shuang pointed her chin at the room door. “Is Lu Chengzhou having a chat with Lan Sha inside?”

The entire third floor must be controlled by Lu Chengzhou’s men. Otherwise, she and Yun Ling would not have been able to come up.

He Yidu nodded. “So is Sister Mang.”

“Little Sister Gu?” Lin Shuang was a little surprised. “Didn’t you say that she had something on? Why is she here?”

Her question seemed to have hit them right where it hurts. They felt rather troubled.

After a few seconds, He Yidu finally spoke. “Do you know that Mr. Lan is Sister Mang’s godfather?”

When Lin Shuang and Yun Ling heard this, their expressions were equally shocked. They said in unison, “Godfather?!”

He Yidu looked at Lin Shuang’s face. “Yeah.”

Lin Shuang and Yun Ling kind of understood what He Yidu meant when he said that things were hard to explain now.


Lu Chengzhou almost sparked a bloodbath in his future godfather-in-law’s old nest!?

Gu Mang is a work of art and she’s really impressive.?

Lu Chengzhou is even more impressive, he offended the wrong person!?

Once again, they broke down mentally.

Lin Shuang stared at He Yidu and asked curiously, “You and Qin Fang have not been beaten up by her?”

It wasn’t hard to guess what had happened tonight. When the Sleeping Jade was bid on successfully by Lan Sha, it was already obvious. Since Lan Sha was the one who invited Gu Mang here, the Sleeping Jade must be for her.

And things ended up awkward because these three people didn’t know that Gu Mang was here as well, and they came here to wreck things.

It was unlike Gu Mang to not beat them up.

When He Yidu heard her question, he stuck one hand in his pocket and pushed his glasses up. Then, he said in what seemed to be in a joking manner, “Do you want to see a fight that badly?”

Lin Shuang frowned and looked down slightly. She kicked the floor a few times in her heels and said in a tone as if she felt that it was a waste. “Sigh, kind of. You guys didn’t fight anyway.”

She looked at He Yidu, then at Qin Fang. Although she had never seen the two of them fight, their combat skills should be pretty good.

He Yidu stared at her.

Qin Fang pouted. “That’s not kind of you, Rich lady.”


Gu Mang took a piece of paper and drew the map left behind by Gu Zhen and Bai Xu.

She never forgets what she sees and she was good at drawing. It was no different from the original version.

Lu Chengzhou poured a cup of water for Gu Mang.

The girl did not take it. “I’m not thirsty.”

“Just take a sip. You weren’t feeling well earlier, right?” Lu Chengzhou pushed it into her hands.

Gu Mang was slightly annoyed and she frowned. In the end, she still drank a bit before she put the cup down.

Lan Sha looked at the two of them who behaved like they had gotten used to eachothers’ actions and there was a meaningful look in his eyes.

Lu Chengzhou refilled Lan Sha’s teacup in a polite and respectful manner.

Gu Mang used the tip of the pen to tap the Biomedical Core Office on the map. “It’s here.”

Lan Sha and Lu Chengzhou looked at the map.

“And this spot too.” Gu Mang tapped on another place with an X mark.

“Gu Mang and I want more than just the drug prescription. We also want Jijing Island and Base 102.” Lu Chengzhou narrowed his dark eyes slightly.

Lan Sha looked up and smiled. It seemed rather meaningful. “You’re pretty ambitious.”

Lu Chengzhou’s expression didn’t really change. “Since we are here to settle the accounts, we should take care of everything in one go. This includes Gu Mang’s parents’ tragic deaths.”

Gu Mang was stunned. She looked at Lu Chengzhou as she did not expect him to think of these things.

Since she was young, she knew that she was different from the others. She was used to being alone and she did not have many friends.

When she was 12, she thought that she might not be able to save Gu Si and that she might die in Base 102.

When she was 15, she was captured by Red Flame. She had once considered if she should just die in Red Flame so that she wouldn’t have to think about anything else.

She was just an ordinary person who could not even defeat Red Flame. She did not have the great capabilities to go head on with Jijing Island.

In fact, she had even considered exchanging her life for Gu Si’s.

Afterwards, the Killer Alliance went through life and death. Once, she managed to help kill a batch of people from Red Flame and she was in a rather good mood. It was when she discovered the feeling of being alive.

She dealt with everything on her own and she was used to it.

Such a habit could not be changed.

But there were many times when Lu Chengzhou knew everything without her having to say anything.

At a time when she felt like she might die any day, she met him.

Lan Sha was rather surprised that Lu Chengzhou would mention Gu Zhen and Bai Xu. He looked at him with his hazel eyes.

After a while, Lan Sha smirked slightly and his gaze was no longer as cold as before.

He picked up his teacup and looked at Gu Mang. “Let Gu Si and Lu Chengzhou go. You should stay at your small villa and rest well.”

There were many children at Base 102 who were sent in for training at the age of eight.

It wasn’t tough to bring Gu Si in.

Gu Mang raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words. She unknowingly revealed a sense of rebelliousness as if she wouldn’t obey.

After Lan Sha understood, he scanned her up and down. “How are you going to go in this state? Aren’t you afraid that something will go wrong?”

Back then, Bai Xu only agreed to leave Jijing Island because of her pregnancy.

“Ah,” Gu Mang answered, “It’s okay, I’m a doctor myself. I know my limits.”

Gu Si was slightly worse at combat. He couldn’t help and it was likely that he’d be a burden.

Gu Si, who was far away in the villa, suddenly sneezed. It was a critical timing and he was having a team fight.

Lan Sha looked at Lu Chengzhou. “Do you agree with that?”

The man smiled. “I’m with her.”

Lan Sha nodded. “I heard that the people from the Head Elder’s side have already opened up a channel through the Shadow League and both parties are probably in collaboration now. The Shadow League is hard to deal with and until now, I have had no information about Arctic Fox at all.”

They had a little bit of information about the other members of the Shadow League who could be named.

Arctic Fox was the only one whom they could not find out anything about.

But there were some vague hints in some documents.

For example, an anonymous engineer in the network security department of Xingmu International Corporation, one of the top three financial giants.

And there were also traces of Arctic Fox in the account security firewall of several major banks.

This big boss from Shadow League was rather mysterious but it also felt like he was everywhere in the computing world.

“Back then, the Head Elder used the Killer Alliance’s forces and the chaos calmed down in a month. Shadow League is harder to deal with than the Killer Alliance.” Lan Sha said, “Have you guys thought about how to deal with this?”

Gu Mang stared at him.

Lu Chengzhou glanced at Gu Mang and the corner of his lips curled up. “Don’t worry, Shadow League is with us.”

Lan Sha was stunned. It seemed like he could not get it right away. “…What do you mean?”

Lu Chengzhou’s Red Flame has worked with Shadow League before, but that only happened occasionally. There was no way that Shadow League would refuse money sent to their doorstep.

Was there anyone who couldn’t tell that Red Flame and the Shadow League were arch enemies?

It was expected that Shadow League would collaborate with the Head Elder to step on Red Flame.

Gu Mang answered mildly, “Godfather, Shadow League belongs to me.”

There was a kind of buzzing in the brain that sounded very real, and that was what Lan Sha was feeling right now.

But although his heart was palpitating wildly, there weren’t many changes in his facial expression. He tightened his grip around the teacup.

He thought that when he hacked into Jijing Island’s Security Bureau when he was 14, it was already a matter worth taking up a few pages in the history of computing.

But his goddaughter occupied half of the book!!

If the Gu family and those old people at the Elders’ Association knew about this, they’d surely be full of regret.

“Oh, so it belongs to you.” Lan Sha looked calm and he didn’t know what to say. “That’s good. Then I no longer have to worry.”

The three of them discussed some matters about Base 102 and eventually agreed that the time would be four nights from now.

That was two days before the takeover ceremony for Gu Mang. Base 102 would be busy finalizing their plans for the takeover ceremony and everything would be a mess.

There were also several delivery orders from the Dark Web to be shipped to Base 102 on that night.

Lin Shuang, He Yidu and the others did not wait for long before they heard the sound of the door behind them open.

Lu Chengzhou, Gu Mang and Lan Sha walked out.

When Gu Mang saw Lin Shuang and Yun Ling, she didn’t find it surprising. They even greeted each other.

It was getting late, so the group of people did not stay around.

Before Lu Chengzhou left, he bowed sincerely to Lan Sha. “Thank you.”

Gu Mang gained another family member.

Lan Sha watched as they left and his gaze was fixed for over ten seconds before he turned around to leave.

Lan Sen followed behind him. “Sir, the Jijing Island will return to its calm state very soon, right?”

Lan Sha did not answer him. He walked to the table and opened up the gift that Lu Chengzhou had sent to take a look.

All of the items were very expensive.

Lan Sen had been working for Lan Sha for many years, so he knew what things were like. He stared at the ancient paintings and the Four Treasures of the Study.

Lan Sha put down the box and sat on the soda. “I am a godfather whom Gu Mang has never met for over ten years and yet because of who I am, he prepared such generous gifts.”

When Lan Sen recalled what had happened earlier, he said, “What happened today was a misunderstanding. Mr. Lu respects you a lot.”

“Yeah.” Lan Sha smiled.

He understood. How much Lu Chengzhou respected him meant how much he loved Gu Mang.

If Gu Zhen and Bai Xu saw this, they’d probably be at peace.

He had heard from Gu Zhen that Gu Mang had engaged in trades on the black market to earn money.

When she was in her teens, she had already endured all sorts of minor and major injuries. Even when her bone was fractured, she did not make a sound.

Gu Mang had experienced too much hardship all these years.. There was at last someone who was willing to protect her.

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