Title: My Wife is My Life!

Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 81 - Imminent death warning: within the next two hours, please go pick up your wife, Ji Qingqing, from work and bring 99 roses with you. (2)

Lu Lixing paused his signing of documents and raised his head to check the time. It was 5:30 PM.

Half-closing his eyes, he tiredly rubbed the spot between his eyebrows.

Perhaps, it was his misperception, but his physical condition seemed worse after his car accident. He wasn't able to bear the burden of his work as well as before either.

He used to work through the night without problems, but now he felt tired after working a little too long.

After taking a short rest, Lu Lixing called Ji Qingqing so he could ask her for her location.

When the call was answered, he didn't immediately hear Ji Qingqing's voice. Instead, he heard the sound of walking. After a brief wait, he heard Ji Qingqing saying in a lowered voice, "I'm at Tianyu Entertainment. Do you need something?"

"When are you going home?"

Ji Qingqing's voice sounded hesitant. "I'm not sure. Maybe a bit later?"

"Wait for me then. I'll pick you up from Tianyu Entertainment in the evening."

He seemed to hear some sort of commotion on the other end of the phone.

Ji Qingqing hastily went through the motions by saying, "Okay, sure. I'm hanging up if there's nothing else."

Lu Lixing looked at the ended call on his phone, then he called an internal number at the company. "Chen Jing, order 99 roses for me. Have them sent to my office before the end of the day."

As Lu Lixing’s personal assistant, Chen Jing handled all sorts of daily life matters for her boss, from big things to small things. She was very surprised when she heard Lu Lixing's request.

She had been Lu Lixing's assistant for several years. During these years, Lu Lixing had never been involved in any s*x scandals, and no woman had ever appeared by his side.

And now he was asking for 99 roses?

Who was the woman that he was giving these roses to?

Demonstrating that she was a capable and efficient assistant, Chen Jing curbed her curiosity and excitement.

Okay, CEO Lu."

Chen Jing hung up the phone and went downstairs to a florist to order roses.

Twenty minutes later, she came back upstairs with 99 roses and entered Lu Lixing's office.

"CEO Lu, these are the roses you asked for."

"En, leave it here." Lu Lixing didn't look up.

Chen Jing saw that he had no further orders, so she left the office.

99 roses were simply too... conspicuous. Right after she entered the shared assistants office, someone came over to gossiply ask, "Chen Jing, what's up with those roses?"

"CEO Lu wanted them."

"CEO Lu?"

"Hey, come over here quickly! CEO Lu is leaving work!"

Everyone looked at the office's transparent window.

Lu Lixing was walking out while expressionlessly carrying the 99 roses.

"CEO Lu has a girlfriend?"

"I don't know."

"OMG! I'm sure he's dating someone. I wonder who's the lucky woman that captured CEO Lu's heart!"

"No wonder CEO Lu no longer works overtime after coming back to work. It's because he was a girlfriend! We just don't know who she is."

“CEO Lu is giving flowers in such a showy way. I'm sure he won't be able to hide the identity of his girlfriend for long. Just wait guys. It'll be obvious who his girlfriend is in a few days!"

And so, under the eyes of the company's employees, Lu Lixing left the company while carrying 99 roses. He was a sight to see and received many shocked gazes.

In an instant, the company was abuzz with the gossip that CEO Lu was bringing 99 roses to his girlfriend. Practically everyone in the building found out about this.

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