Pregnancy (Part 3)

Ji Qingqing wasn’t too busy yet. She only shot four scenes a day, which was still in her acceptable range. More than a month pregnant, she wasn’t able to feel her pregnancy yet.

She was able to move freely and was no different from ordinary people. It was only at lunchtime when she would go to the nanny’s car to eat light meals prepared by Aunt Pei which wouldn’t make her feel nauseous.

It was around four o’clock in the afternoon when Ji Qingqing got a call from Lu Lixing saying that he would go pick her up.

The film set wasn’t far from the city center, so the crew didn’t have to arrange a hotel for everyone to stay in. In order to avoid unnecessary rushes, Lu Lixing bought a flat nearby. After Ji Qingqing finished work, she could quickly go there to rest since it was only a few minutes away.

Lu Lixing arrived at around five o’clock. Ji Qingqing had already finished work in advance. Therefore, Ji Qingqing currently sat at the side reading the script and waiting for him. She was feeling a little bit drowsy at the moment.

She couldn’t be blamed. After all, she became more lethargic due to her pregnancy. After a hectic day, she became even more sleepy. The script in her hand covered her face and she was unconscious, leaning on a chair about to fall asleep.

When Lu Lixing arrived, he saw that Director Ren was getting ready to wake her up.

He whispered softly to the director, and after saying hello to him, he took away the script covering Ji Qingqing ‘s face, put one hand on her back, and put the other around the bend of her knees. His arm tightened and he silently hugged Ji Qingqing.

Ji Qingqing was still unconscious, leaning her head on Lu Lixing’s shoulder, breathing deeply.

He didn’t get into his Bentley but got into Ji Qingqing ‘s spacious nanny car and hugged Ji Qingqing the whole time to make her sleep better. Once they got home and even when she was put to bed, Ji Qingqing still didn’t wake up, not even once.

Night fell. Ji Qingqing scrunched her eyebrows uncomfortably and woke up in a daze. The whole room was very dark and the gaps in the curtains cast a ray of light.

Where am I?

Her memory was fragmented. She only remembered that she was reading the script on the set.


A bedside lamp was turned on. Ji Qingqing closed her eyes, and when she opened it again, Lu Lixing had already reached the bedside.

He stretched out his hand and stroked her forehead. “Is there anything uncomfortable?”

Ji Qingqing sat up slowly and stretched out comfortably. “Nothing, did you send me back?”

“Seeing that you were so tired on the set, I carried you back. Are you still sleepy?” Lu Lixing approached her. Then a faint fragrance invaded her nose.

Ji Qingqing felt his approach, leaned back, and stayed away from him.

Can’t blame me, he’s too dangerous at night.

Ji Qingqing was a little scared when she thought of Lu Lixing’s absurd behavior before he didn’t know she was pregnant.

Fortunately, the child in her belly was strong and fine. Otherwise, Lu Lixing wouldn’t be able to escape!

“I’m not sleepy, just a little hungry.” She clutched her belly and pushed him away.

“Do you have anything to eat?”

Since Ji Qingqing became pregnant, he had been abstinent for half a month.

Strange enough, Lu Lixing didn’t feel anything before he touched her. But since they went to bed, Ji Qingqing quickly aroused him especially when she was close to him.

Thinking of the next eight months, Lu Lixing let out a sigh.

His throat moved slightly and he said mutely, “Yes. Get up, it’s all ready for you.”

When Lu Lixing got up, Ji Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Lixing was amused. “Worried too much?”

Ji Qingqing got up and half untied her clothes. The silk slid through her shoulders, enticing him. She playfully raised her eyebrows when she heard his words. “Are you sure you can hold it in?”

Lu Lixing looked at the smile in the corner of her eyes and whispered, “If you do this again, I’m not really sure if I can control it.”

His breathing quickly became hot and rapid.


Ji Qingqing quickly put on her clothes properly, not daring to provoke the man in front of her who had been abstinent for half a month.

The dining table was full of light meals specially made for Ji Qingqing. Although there wasn’t much oily food, every dish was carefully prepared by the chef, which whetted Ji Qingqing’s appetite.

Ji Qingqing took a sip of the fresh vegetable soup, which immediately opened up her appetite.

Lu Lixing sat down, rolled up his sleeves, and had a meal with Ji Qingqing.

“Husband, I want to eat something sour recently. Do you think I am pregnant with a son?”

There was this saying that women who loved to eat spicy things had a daughter while those that craved sour things had a son.

Lu Lixing said, “Want to eat sour? I’ll have someone bring some sour fruit later. What else do you want to eat?”

“You aren’t even curious whether it is a boy or a girl?”

Lu Lixing asked rhetorically, “Why should I be curious about this?”

He had a calm attitude. He seemed to tell her that whether it was a boy or a girl, anything was fine.

“Then do you want a boy or a girl?”

“They’re all fine.”

Ji Qingqing gritted her teeth. Looking at Lu Lixing like this, she suddenly didn’t want to have a son. If her son had the same temperament as his father, he would make her vomit to death due to frustration.

But still, it wasn’t bad to have a son. President Lu Lixing was like this and his son wouldn’t be inferior. He would definitely be a handsome little guy.

Lu Lixing was slightly startled. He suddenly didn’t understand what he said wrong.

Sure enough, pregnant women were emotionally unstable. Fortunately, he did his homework in advance and was able to follow her track of thought.

So he changed his words. “If you like boys, you can give birth to boys, and if you like girls, you can give birth to girls.”


I don’t want to talk to him anymore.

In this way, Ji Qingqing’s life on the set began.

Every day, they drove to the crew within five minutes after getting up. Occasionally, Lu Lixing will come to accompany her to lunch at noon and pick her up to go back to the apartment in the evening.

Director Ren understood that she was pregnant, so he didn’t delay. They wouldn’t have to end filming late into the evening.

Two months later, Ji Qingqing’s stomach finally changed. She could no longer wear clothes that hugged her figure. She mainly wore loose clothes and covered the traces of her stomach in front of the camera.

Four months later, the crew successfully finished filming. Ji Qingqing’s stomach had become so big that her clothes could no longer hide it, so she went to return home to ensure the safety of her pregnancy.


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