Ji Qingqing stood by the opened door of the study. She had been paying close attention to the movement inside, lest there be a sudden fight between the two.

Lu Lixing’s hand was still in bad shape as he had just returned from the hospital. Worse, his physical condition has not yet fully recovered.

Ji Qingqing thought, If they really fought he might lose to Lu Liting.

But even if they didn’t really get into a fight, with Lu Liting’s poisonous mouth, she estimated Lu Lixing would still get choked up with anger.

Originally, Lu Lixing was already in poor health. What should I do if he gets sick again?

Furthermore, Lu Liting probably got that wounded face from a fight he had with someone outside.

She just could not understand. Despite being brothers, how did Lu Lixing and Lu Liting have such opposing personalities?

Especially Lu Liting, where did he inherit that kind of impulsive and irritable attitude from?

Buzz…buzz…. It was the phone.

Ji Qingqing glanced at the screen and saw that Qin Yue was calling her.

At first, Ji Qingqing thought Qin Yue was calling her for the TV series Lin Zhen brought up before, but she didn’t expect it to be about something else.

“Qingqing, have you read the rumors about you posted on the Internet?”

“Rumors?” Ji Qingqing was flabbergasted. These two days I have been busy taking care of Lu Lixing. How can I have spare time to surf the Internet?

Qin Yue briefly described the incident on the Internet. After listening to it, Ji Qingqing hung up the phone and opened Weibo.

Unsurprisingly, the matter is up on hot search.

It all started from the show “Let’s date”.

During the live broadcast, Shen Weiwei and Gu Shaoyu went out shopping and accidentally met Lu Liting.

Lu Liting insisted that Shen Weiwei give up the show and instead try to persist on her own endeavors. In the end, Shen Weiwei resolutely chose to break up with him.

Although this segment was quickly cut off by the cameraman, Lu Liting’s face still briefly appeared in front of the live camera.

The awkward appearances of Shen Weiwei and Gu Shaoyu were quickly noticed by the audience. This sparked a heated discussion in the comments section.

Some netizens, with their keen eyesight, also recognized that Lu Liting was Shen Weiwei’s boyfriend and searched for any photos of them online.

Sure enough, after comparing the photos, it became undoubtedly obvious that the two were a couple.

In fact, if it stopped there, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal.

But the problem was, Shen Weiwei had a boyfriend, yet she went on a show pretending to be a couple with other men. A lot of fans were conflicted about this development, but depending on how people view this matter, there were a lot of different reactions. Interpreting it in a positive light, Shen Weiwei might have chosen to abandon her love for her career. But if you actually look upon it in a different perspective, it was disappointing that she did such a thing just to climb up the ladder*.

*T/N: climb up the ladder- to become successful or powerful

Moreover, a marketing account from the program “Let’s Fall in Love ” accidentally discovered this scene and saw the discussion in the comments section. This marketing account also happened to be Ji Qingqing’s black powder*.

*T/N: anti-fan

He had collected lots of information on Ji Qingqing’s early years. This included the fact that Lu Liting was Ji Qingqing’s first boyfriend.

When the marketing account saw the news about Lu Liting in the comments area, he sensed that this was a big opportunity. He stayed up all night and wrote a long microblog on Weibo, speculating in detail the relationship between Ji Qingqing and Shen Weiwei as well as the relationship between Lu Lixing and Lu Liting.

The marketing account carefully polished the manuscript, vividly describing the feud between the four people, which convinced a lot of people that something really happened between them.

Most of the marketing accounts are company-operated. Realizing that the marketing account wrote such breaking news, it was quickly reposted by six or seven marketing accounts in half an hour. The popularity gradually increased and other accounts also followed suit in reposting it.

As a result, it quickly spread out to various channels and became viral overnight.

Following the conspiracy theories and reckless speculations, rumors began to evolve. One version particularly stood out:

Qingqing was Lu Liting’s first love. A few years after their break up, Lu Liting and Shen Weiwei became a couple. However, despite the fact that Ji Qingqing and Lu Lixing became boyfriend and girlfriend, she never forgot Lu Liting. The old relationship between the two rekindled after moving to Lu’s family, opposite Lu Liting day and night, and Lu Liting also dumped Shen Weiwei as a result of their rekindled romance.

Many netizens sighed as they heard this and thought, “Alas, how tragic it is!”

Lu Lixing suddenly became a miserable man in the eyes of the netizens. Netizens lamented on how his wife cheated on him with his younger brother while he remained totally clueless about it.

A lot of water armies* sprung, condemning Ji Qingqing for interfering with the feelings between Lu Liting and Shen Weiwei. With the facts twisted in every which way, Shen Weiwei became the greatest victim instead.

*T/N: water armies – group of internet users paid to post comments, similar to ghostwriters.

Feuds between the wealthy had always piqued the public’s interest, but none of the parties spoke publicly to clear up the matter.

Ji Qingqing was busy taking care of Lu Lixing in the hospital at that time.

Actually, I do remember hearing Qin Yue mentioning this, but I didn’t bother to find out more back then.

Lu Lixing on the other hand was hospitalized at that time, so he naturally didn’t have spare time to pay attention to this matter either.

Lu Liting was not aware as he also shut himself in the hospital during that period, immersing himself in self-pity.

Only Shen Weiwei, with the help of Gu Shaoyu’s resources, appeared at a famous domestic fashion show a day after the news broke.

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