Pa da——

Ji Qingqing’s script dropped out of her hands and fell next to her feet.

Upon seeing Lu Lixing who was at the door, Ji Qingqing’s face blushed beet red, a sudden hot flush spread from her neck to her ears.

What did she just say?

In her mind, she recalled the script’s lines.

How strange, she had undoubtedly memorized those lines, but now she could not seem to recall a single word.

“But even so, I still love you Lu Lixing!”

“Even though you are ungrateful and cruel and shameless…”

“LU LIXING! Do you even have a conscience?”

Those lines echoed around her just like 3D audio effects. Her heart went numb for a moment. She badly wished that there was a hole in the ground for her to bury herself in.

She had previously checked, the hotel’s soundproofing was fine. So why did Lu Lixing have to coincidentally come at this time? Didn’t he usually work till 11 or 12? Wasn’t it too early?

If she explained to him that she was just practicing, would he believe her?

Like hell he would!

The script didn’t even have the three words ‘Lu Lixing’!

If Lu Lixing was slow-witted she could probably get away with a vague answer. But is he though?

The words she had just said was, “I love you Lu Lixing!”

Furthermore, ‘I love you’ was said directly towards him!

Ji Qingqing felt that heaven was playing pranks on her, making her look like a fool in front of Lu Lixing time and time again.

She lowered her head and sulked soundlessly. Bending down, she picked up the script that was lying at the side of her feet and used it to cover her face. At that moment, she didn’t dare to face Lu Lixing, who was standing just outside the door. She had a strong urge to jump off the 25th floor to escape and cool down for a second.

While Ji Qingqing contemplated the French window, Lu Lixing also stood there not knowing what to feel.

Five minutes ago, he had finished going through the documents from the vice president and went into the room to look for her.

When he opened the door, he heard Ji Qingqing reciting something passionately. Not wanting to bother her, he stood outside the door and listened attentively for a while.

But he didn’t expect that the last sentence was intended for him.

Lu Lixing leaned against the door and raised his eyebrows. His lips lifted as he spotted Ji Qingqing’s bright red ears and the script which she used to cover her face, in hopes of deceiving herself.

What a delightful mood.

——“The system has detected that your wife, Ji Qingqing, has expressed her love for you. Within five minutes, please respond with the four words ‘I also love you’. If you successfully respond, your life points will increase by 1 point. Not responding will result in the deduction of 1 point.”

Lu Lixing: “…”

——“Saying ‘I also love you’ along with the words ‘baby’ would be most fitting, too~”

Lu Lixing’s momentary happiness evaporated. After joy comes ‘sorrow’. His brows knitted as he gazed at Ji Qinqing with a veiled look in his eyes.

“Uh… I forgot that I left something at Wen Rou’s. I’ll head off first… to look for her.” Ji Qingqing panicked and fumbled with her words.


It’s too awkward!

Right now, she really didn’t want to face him. Resigning herself to her fate, she instinctively decided to avoid the situation for now. Placing the script down, she turned to leave.


As Ji Qingqing passed by him, Lu Lixing reached out his hand to stop her.

“What… What is it? I’m finding Wen Rou for something urgent. If you have something to say, you can hold off till later.” She had no intention of returning back today.

Lu Lixing gave her a deep look. In order to prevent her from running out of the room, he directly backed her into a corner and pressed both hands against the wall, enclosing her before his chest.

The two people stared at each other with their eyes wide open.

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