My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 413 The Warning Lines (Part One)

The armoured vehicle dashed towards the city. The piercing siren penetrated the cold night, petrifying the creatures of the vast wilderness. Daisy turned a deaf ear to her surroundings. Her heart beat fast as she was greatly concerned about the man lying on her chest. He was all she cared for now.

"Huh..." He slightly coughed in her arms. His sound was so weak, yet it still made her heart skip a beat. She was delighted to see his movement. It meant he was still alive. However, what happened the next second made her heart freeze. Daisy felt as if she couldn't breathe anymore.

"Mrs. Mu, it's getting worse. Mr. Mu is coughing up blood now. His nose is also full of blood." As he was facing Edward, Luke noticed what was going on straightaway.

"Hawkeye, floor it. Hurry up!" The distance seemed endless. Daisy's heart was heavy with heartache. She felt hopeless as the destination seemed impossible to reach. She hated to admit that she was weak and helpless. At this moment, a horrible desperation seized her. She had never been this petrified before, even when she was chased away by the Ouyang family.

"Yes, Colonel." Despite the vehicle already reaching top speed, Hawkeye still obeyed her command. He knew right now, the Colonel's attention was not on their speed at all, but on the heavily wounded handsome man in her arms.

"Honey, please don't scare me like this. You haven't finished the things you promised me yet. You can't leave me alone like this..." Daisy's hands trembled uncontrollably. She had never been this desperate. Even when she was walking between life and death, she was not this scared. She couldn't possibly figure out how to carry on with her own life if she ever lost him.

"I am so sorry! So sorry! So sorry! I... shouldn't have acted impulsively. I shouldn't... have stayed there and tried to teach Hawk a lesson. Otherwise, we could have retreated earlier and you wouldn't get hurt rescuing me."

Although she promised him that she would never say "sorry" to his face, she couldn't help apologizing to him right now. She only hoped that by saying sorry to him, things would go back to normal, to a time when he was still safe and sound. The guilt and remorse nearly broke her heart, and tears filled her eyes. She wanted nothing more than his companionship for a lifetime. As long as he could make it, she would rather him get annoyed by her mumbling "sorry" to his face, than see him lying motionless in her arms.

As if he heard her words, Edward's eyebrows slightly furrowed. His palm in her hands also moved a little. It seemed that he was really bothered by her apology. Even if he was heavily wounded, he still car

he couldn't make an educated guess and foresee the outcome of the surgery. Finally, with the stretcher coming to his way, Tom breathed a sigh of relief and earnestly guided them into the waiting room.

"Daisy, relax please. He will make it." Tom quickly checked Edward's wound while comforting Daisy so she could calm down.

"Tom, please, please save Edward's life for me." At the sight of Tom, Daisy felt much better. She finally saw a glimpse of hope in his gaze. Edward once told her that Tom's medical skills were extraordinary.

"Trust me. I won't let you down. I will save his life and nothing can take him away from you." Tom made a swift yet thorough check on Edward. He was heavily wounded, worse than he had expected. However, he was confident he could use his surgical skills to bring him back to health. Tom was determined to give Daisy a hale and hearty Edward through his skills.

"Hurry up. Get him onto the table. Set up an IV line ASAP. Start transferring blood to the patient and bring his oxygen levels up. Prepare Coramine 0.375g and Robeline 3mg to drip."

Tom rapidly spoke to his assistants, his voice was calm and authoritative. Then he nodded to Daisy and walked straight into the surgery room. The door slowly closed in front of Daisy, her heart seized.

"Doctor Qin, the patient has a low heart rate and his blood pressure is plunging." The assistant kept a close eye on the situation and updated Tom.

"Insert 1mg epinephrine through IV line and use Dopamine to increase the pressure." Tom's eyebrows furrowed more deeply. It was quite normal to come across abnormalities during a surgery. However, as a trained professional, he knew how to remain calm. In the face of danger, the calmer he was, the better solution he could come up with.

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