My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 711: Reinforcements

This monster can actually influence the laws of heaven and earth on its own! 

Qin Feng immediately came to a realization.

Without the help of his cultivation, he could no longer float in the air, and his body began to fall.

In the nick of time, a golden light enveloped and stabilized Qin Feng, allowing him to land safely.

Looking over, he saw that it was the City God!

The elder glanced at the ruined shrine, where the incarnation of the Night Wandering Ghost had already been completely destroyed.

“If you commit yourself to the enemy, you can’t blame others for ending up like this.”  the City God said indifferently, although a hint of melancholy crossed his face.

For Night Wandering Ghost was not the only foolish god or demon.

How many gods and demons who had been cowering in fear for so long could still uphold the will of the Heavenly Emperor and continue to fight against such a terrifying enemy?

The collapse of the Immortal Realm was merely the result of internal disintegration…

“Senior, what exactly is that thing?” Qin Feng asked tremblingly.

The City God did not answer, but instead looked at the monster with a deeply solemn expression.

The course of events had finally taken the direction he least wanted to see.

“Now that the Night Wandering Ghost is dead and the illusory realm of Suiyang City has vanished, you must flee quickly. You can no longer interfere in this battle,” the city god said solemnly.

Qin Feng was all too aware of this. In their current state, they were no different from ordinary humans and trying to fight such a monster would be the height of folly and delusion.

Even if their cultivation level remained the same, this monster was not something they could hope to fight.

“And what about you, Senior?” Qin Feng asked.

“If no one stops it, this world will be plunged into disaster, so I have to stay here. “

“After you leave Suiyang City, seek reinforcements as soon as possible. Remember, those who have not mastered the Dao will be useless even if they come here. ”

“Only those who have mastered the Dao Principles will be able to maintain some fighting power in its strange realm,”

Qin Feng was shocked when he heard this, no wonder the City God was not affected, it turns out that the key to the problem lies in the Dao! 

Although the remnants of the Yin-Yang Dao Principles from the Candle Dragon still remained within him, Qin Feng had not truly mastered them, which was why his cultivation had been erased by the monster’s domain.

However, there are very few people in this world who have mastered the Dao. They are basically concentrated among those who have stepped into the transcendence realm. How easy is it to find them? 

As far as Qin Feng knew, the only one in the Southern Domain who currently possessed the Dao Principles might be the Southern Domain Commander, Lord Nan Tianlong.

Just as they were talking, the monster seemed to sense something. All of the countless eyes that covered its massive body, including the floating giant head, turned and stared at Qin Feng.

A piercing, mournful scream rang out: “Ah! Primordial Qi!”

As soon as the roar faded, countless bone limbs rushed towards Qin Feng with terrifying force, as if they could easily tear through space itself.

Fortunately, the City God quickly stepped in and erected a golden light barrier over their heads.


Boom! Boom!

The relentless collisions thundered, causing the heavens and the earth to tremble.

The City God groaned, his face turned pale, and even the statue in the City God’s Temple had a crack between his eyebrows! 

The monster’s strength was comparable to that of the Transcendence Realm, but the City God’s incarnation in this world was subjected to many restrictions. 

If it weren’t for the fact that the Dao Principles he brought to this world was the Golden Light Spell, which was famous for its unwavering defensive capabilities, he would probably have been reduced to powder in a single exchange!

“Senior, you…” Qin Feng said anxiously as he saw the crack on the elder’s forehead.

“What are you dawdling around for? Hurry up and leave!” the City god shouted.

Qin Feng naturally couldn’t abandon the City God. He tried to contact Senior Xuan Yi in the Divine Sea, but within the monster’s bizarre domain, he couldn’t activate his Divine Sense at all. Even his Divine Sea seemed to be sealed!

Without his cultivation to support him, and without the help of Senior Xuan Yi, staying here would only make him a burden.

With a last glance at the City God who was struggling to hold on, Qin Feng gritted his teeth and ran towards the exit of Suiyang City. 

Now, his only hope for a chance of survival was to quickly flee the monster’s domain and find Lord Nan Tianlong!

But how could the monster allow him to leave so easily?

The massive body of stacked corpses began to move, and a thick, murky green mist spewed from its countless mouths, accompanied by a sizzling, corrosive sound.

The void itself began to twist and distort, as if scorched by raging flames.

And in a matter of moments, this poisonous mist had enveloped Qin Feng and the others.

There was simply no way out of this situation!

At this moment, the City God’s Golden Light Spell was also being eroded by the poisonous mist.

Its surface cracked like parched earth, flaking off bit by bit and turning into dust in the wind.

Qin Feng was forced back to the City God by the poisonous mist. He looked anxious when he saw him: “Senior, is there nothing we can do to deal with such a monster?” 

The City God replied with great difficulty, “This bizarre being transcends the Three Realms and does not belong to the Five Elements.”

“To this day, no one knows the true origin of these beings.”

“They seem to be immortal and indestructible-even if their physical bodies and divine spirits are consumed by the Flame Emperor’s heavenly flames or shattered by the Heavenly Emperor’s supreme power, they can still be reborn.”

“In the end, we can only rely on the Kunlun in the Heavenly Emperor’s grasp to seal these bizarre entities away.”

Qin Feng’s brow furrowed upon hearing this. Powerful, with bizarre abilities, and immortal, how could they defeat such an enemy?

No wonder the Netherworld Realm and the Immortal Realm had fallen into disaster under the onslaught of this monster.

“I descended to this world to find a way to destroy these bizarre existences, because even though there were barriers between the three realms in the past, there were still some methods of communication between them.”

“It is said that in the depths of the Netherworld Realm, at the end of the Yellow Springs, there is a type of flower that can drag even the immortal and indestructible into the chaotic vortex of the void, where the spatial turbulence can annihilate all things.”

“I had intended to enter the spirit realm through a rift, but unfortunately, my incarnation was bound here and I cannot leave freely,” 

Before he could finish speaking, the earth and sky shook again.

The monster launched another attack on Qin Feng and the City God, with its countless bone limbs crashing down.

This time, the City God’s golden light incantation finally failed to withstand the onslaught and shattered in an instant.

At that moment, his body also began to blur and fade.

As he looked up, Qin Feng could see the countless bone limbs blotting out the sky, and he could even make out the intricate patterns on the bones. The foul stench and murderous aura were overwhelming.

“Qin Feng!” Yaa’an and the others shouted in the distance, their faces contorted in fear.

At that moment, the seal of the Immortal Realm Rift in the sky suddenly returned to its original state.

A stream of Clear Qi shot in from the direction of the Imperial City, piercing the vertical pupil at the top of the monster’s massive head!

Black blood gushed out, accompanied by an agonizing chorus of shrieks and ear-piercing screams.

Two figures swooped down from the horizon and landed in the sky to the north and south of Suiyang City. Qin Feng and Yaa’an were stunned to see that they were Senior Brothers Shen Li and Sun Qi!

Surrounded by Clear Qi, they opened their palms and guided the Righteous Qi to summon four jade-like objects – the guardians of the four directions, the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermillion Bird, and the Black Tortoise.

Back in the Imperial City, the National Teacher on the Heavenly Tower waved his sleeve, and the four objects connected with beams of white light, forming a grand formation.

The formation radiated dazzling white light, and in a matter of moments, it had cleared the toxic fog from the city.

To Qin Feng’s surprise, his cultivation had been fully restored!


The Chi Qi and Bai Su in his Divine Sea instantly manifested, their eyes filled with fear and anger as they gazed at the monstrous entity, as if they had encountered their natural nemesis.

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